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Ref ID: 22322
Ref Type: Book Section
Authors: Niziolek, Lisa C.
Respess, Amanda
Title: Globalization in Southeast Asia's early age of commerce: evidence from the thirteenth century CE Java Sea shipwreck
Date: 2017
Source: The Routledge Handbook of Archaeology and Globalization
Place of Publication: London UK
New York, USA
Publisher: Routledge
Abstract: Over the past several years, globalization has become one of the central concerns of anthropology, and, recently, scholars have debated its origin and social implications (e.g. Al-Rodhan and Stoudman 2006
Chase-Dunn 2000
Frank 1998
Hall et al. 2011). Some contend that it is a process associated with modern times, others that the first long-lived networks involving regular, trans-regional trade emerged between East Asia and the Mediterranean around 1000 ce, and yet others argue that there is evidence of globalization millennia ago (Frank and Gills 1992
O’Rourke and Williamson 2002
Stearns 2010
Wallerstein 2000
Feinman this volume
cf. Robertson this volume). It has become increasingly evident, based on a growing corpus of data, that long-distance economic and social interactions were very important in the ancient world in many different regions. For example, these significant extra-regional linkages are used by a number of scholars (e.g. Blanton and Fargher 2012
Hodos 2010) to investigate trends associated with globalization and how these trends are manifested in different societies at different times (e.g. Iron Age Sicily, prehispanic Mesoamerica, and the Huari of the Andean Wari civilization). According to Jennings (2011, this volume), two general features of globalization include an upsurge in long-distance connections and the emergence of a global culture. During the late first and early second millennium ce, Southeast and East Asia appear to have undergone these two major transformations.
Date Created: 9/26/2017
Editors: Hodos, Tamar
Page Start: 789
Page End: 807