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Ref ID: 22266
Ref Type: Book Section
Authors: Khunsong, Saritpong
Title: Infant burial of the pre-Dvaravati period: new data from the 2015 excavation at U-Thong, central Thailand
Date: 2018
Source: Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2016
Place of Publication: Bangkok
Publisher: SEAMEO SPAFA Regional Centre for Archaeology and Fine Arts
Abstract: U-Thong in Suphan Buri Province is one of the major cities that prospered in the Dvaravati period (circa 6th-11th century CE). However, the noteworthy studies of Chin Yoodi, Jean Boisselier and Phasook Indrawoothalso suggested that U-Thong was a key site in the “proto-historic” or “pre-Dvaravati” period and played a significant role in trade networks contemporary with Oc Eo, a major port of Fu Nan in southern Vietnam. Additionally, the recent study of “dating Dvaravati” or “re-thinking Dvaravati” by Andrew Barram and Ian Glover based on some absolute (re-calibrated) dates from the excavation at Ban Tha Muang demonstrated that U-Thong was occupied since the 1st century CE, and suggested the term “early or proto-Dvaravati” for this period. This article presents the result of the archaeological excavation in 2015 conducted by the Department of Archaeology at Ban Noen Phlab Phla. The main objectives of this study were to explain the sequence of Dvaravati cultural layer within the U-Thong moated site. Many evidences were unearthed such as household (domestic) activities and brick monuments from the Dvaravati period that were never found before. The most important data, from the excavation in the lowest cultural layer, is the discovery of an infant skeleton which can be dated by AMS Radiocarbon dating to the second half of the 3rd century CE. This new data is significant evidence to the study of ritual and the socio-cultural development in the “pre-Dvaravati” period at U-Thong and other Dvaravati sites as well.
Identifier: 978-616-7961-16-3
Date Created: 4/3/2018
Editors: Tan, Noel Hidalgo
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