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Ref ID: 21615
Ref Type: Book (Edited)
Editors: van Bakel, Martin A.
Hagesteijn, Renée R.
van de Velde, Pieter
Title: Private politics: a multi-disciplinary approach to `Big-Man' systems
Date: 1986
Place of Publication: Leiden
Publisher: E.J. Brill
Abstract: In the introduction by the editors: p.1. `Big-Man' denotes a type of political leadership "characterized by authority derived from personal efforst and abilities through the allocation and reallocation of private resources... The emphasis is on the private character of the goals associated with this type of leadership." bo shows that this type of leadership in not mutually exclusive with other types of pol. sys. p.5 "After the fission of the `Big-Man' concept, chief came to denote a leading position with an ascribed (primarily inherited) character, in contrast with the `Big-Man' with an achieved status. A chief's position is based on his/her position in a kin system, by definition hereditary. Elder, or elderman, points to age as a distinctive trait as well as experience and a derived status.... Personal abilities and thrivings are usually not considered a prerequisite for eldermen."
Date Created: 3/13/2001