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Ref ID: 21504
Ref Type: Book (Edited)
Editors: Upham, Steadman
Title: The evolution of political systems: sociopolitics in small-scale sedentary societies
Date: 1990
Source: School of American Research Advanced Seminar Series
Place of Publication: New York
Publisher: University of Cambridge Press
Notes: Description: Throughout the world, the development of agriculture produced dramatic changes in human cultural systems. As people settled down in one locality, populations grew rapidly, patterns of subsistence were transformed, technology became more advanced, and the nature of social and political relations changed. People no longer interacted exclusively with kin, as they had in the past when organized in bands, and new forms of political relationships among groups were established. The emergence of these political systems was the first step in the evolution of the state.
Date Created: 10/24/2007
Editors: Schwartz, Douglas W.
Page End: 310