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Ref ID: 21393
Ref Type: Book (Edited)
Editors: Kuwayama, George
Title: New perspectives on the art of ceramics in China
Date: 1992
Place of Publication: Los Angeles, California
Publisher: Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Notes: Description: Archaeological discoveries since the Cultural Revolution in China, art historical studies by scholars around the world, and technical analysis with modern instrumentation have radically advanced our knowledge of Chinese ceramics. Symposia held at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art brought together a distinguished group of savants to evaluate the significance of recent scholarly contributions and explore prospects for future research. This bountifully illustrated volume makes available in more permanent form their considered thoughts and perceptions. Contents: Yutaka Mino-Recent finds of Chinese Song and Yuan ceramics Kerr, Rose-Ming and Qing ceramics: some recent archaeological perspectives Rogers, Mary Ann-The mechanics of change: some observations on Chinese ceramics from the 11th to the 15th century Scott, Rosemary-Archaism and invention: Sources of ceramic decoration Guy, John-Southeast Asian ceramic design: a study of sources Vandiver, Pamela-Technical studies of ancient Chinese ceramics Wood, Nigel-Recent researches into the technology of Chinese ceramics
Date Created: 4/7/2015
Page End: 208
