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Ref ID: 19953
Ref Type: Book
Authors: Strachan, Paul
Title: Imperial pagan: art and architecture of Burma
Date: 1989
Place of Publication: Honolulu, Hawai'i
Publisher: University of Hawai'i Press
Notes: Description: The first imperial capital of Burma, Pagan was by the start of the 12th century AD a world centre of the Theravada Buddhist life. Successive kings and their subjects chose to glorify their faith through the lavish and ambitious construction of monuments. <i>Pagan</i> has been conceived as a field guide to Burma's foremost historical site
the book has also been designed to be of value to the art historian, connoisseur and those interested in general Buddhist culture. Fully illustrated in colour and black and white, <i>Pagan</i> is a magnificent book that does justice to the rich and varied traditions of painting and sculpture found within the dynamic Buddhist monuments of Pagan.
Date Created: 5/4/2015
Page End: 206