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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book in a Series 1975 Boulbet, Jean Paysans de la forêt [Boulbet, 1975 #21998]
Book in a Series 2011 Bouté, Vanina En miroir du pouvoir : les Phounoy du Nord-Laos, ethnogenèse et dynamiques d'intégration [Bouté, 2011 #21679]
Book in a Series 1984 Bray, Francesca Biology and biological technology: agriculture [Bray, 1984 #21764]
Book in a Series 1951 Briggs, Lawrence Palmer The ancient Khmer empire Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, New Series [Briggs, 1951 #21942]
Book in a Series 1938 Brion, Marcel La résurrection des villes mortes [Brion, 1938 #21906]
Book in a Series 1970 Brown, D. E. Brunet: the structure and history of a Bornean sultanate [Brown, 1970 #21905]
Book in a Series 1977 Brown, Roxanna M. Legend and reality: early ceramics from South-east Asia [Brown, 1977 #21738]
Book in a Series 1987 Brun, Viggo Traditional herbal medicine in northern Thailand [Brun, 1987 #21967]
Book in a Series 1986 Brunot, M. Identification and dynamics of the agricultural environments in the Northeast Thailand (Udon Thani - Sakon Nakhon) [Brunot, 1986 #21896]
Book in a Series 1982 Calavan, Michael M. Agricultural research in northeastern Thailand [Calavan, 1982 #21972]
Book in a Series 1928 Cœdès, George Collections archéologiques du Musée national de Bangkok [Cœdès, 1928 #21651]
Book in a Series Cœdès, George Inscriptions du Cambodge Collection de textes et documents sur l'Indochine [Cœdès, #21720]
Book in a Series 1948 Cœdès, George Les états Hindouisés d'Indochine et d'Indonésie [Cœdès, 1948 #21844]
Book in a Series 1969 Chang, Kwang-chih Fengpitou, Tapenkeng, and the prehistory of Taiwan [Chang, 1969 #22010]
Book in a Series 2014 Chase, Arlen F. The Resilience and Vulnerability of Ancient Landscapes: Transforming Maya Archaeology through IHOPE [Chase, 2014 #21636]
Book in a Series 1959 Cheng, Te-k'un Prehistoric China [Cheng, 1959 #21687]
Book in a Series 1992 Chernykh, E. N. Ancient metallurgy in the USSR: the early metal age [Chernykh, 1992 #21769]
Book in a Series 2011 Chie Ikeya, Refiguring women, colonialism, and modernity in Burma [Chie 2011 #21675]
Book in a Series 1985 Christie, Jan Wisseman Theatre states and oriental despotisms: early Southeast Asia in the eyes of the West [Christie, 1985 #21949]
Book in a Series 1988 Christie, Jan Wisseman Metal-working in Borneo: essays on iron- and silver-working in Sarawak [Christie, 1988 #21983]
Book in a Series 1968 Cobban, James L. The traditional use of the forests in mainland Southeast Asia [Cobban, 1968 #21966]
Book in a Series 1975 Coghlan, H. H. Notes on the prehistoric metallurgy of copper and bronze in the Old World [Coghlan, 1975 #21990]
Book in a Series 1935 Colani, Madeleine Les mégalithes du Haut-Laos (Hua Pan, Tran Ninh) [Colani, 1935 #21903]
Book in a Series 1913 Cole, Fay-Cooper The wild tribes of Davao district, Mindanao Field Museum of Natural History [Cole, 1913 #21900]
Book in a Series 1992 Condominas, Georges Disciplines croisées : hommage à Bernard Philippe Groslier [Condominas, 1992 #21699]
Book in a Series 1989 Crabtree, Pam J. Early animal domestication and its cultural context [Crabtree, 1989 #21660]
Book in a Series 1913 Craib, W. G. Contributions to the flora of Siam. 2: Monocotyledons [Craib, 1913 #21898]
Book in a Series 1912 Craib, W. G. Contributions to the flora of Siam. 1: Dicotyledons [Craib, 1912 #21899]
Book in a Series 2001 David, Nicholas Ethnoarchaeology in action [David, 2001 #21762]
Book in a Series 2009 Davis, Richard H. Global India circa 100 CE : South Asia in early world history [Davis, 2009 #21680]