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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1936 Fromaget, J. Sur la stratigraphie des formations récentes de la chaîne annamitique septentrionnale et sur l'existence de l'homme dans le Quaternaire inférieur de cette partie de l'Indochine Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences [Fromaget, 1936 #29683]
Journal Article 1938 Arambourg, Camille Le gisement quaternaire de Tam Hang: sa stratigraphie et ses faunes Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences [Arambourg, 1938 #31960]
Book Section 1940 Fromaget, Jacques La stratigraphie des dépôts préhistoriques de Tam-Hang (chaîne Annamitique septentrionale) et ses difficultés Proceedings of the Third Congress of Prehistorians of the Far East, Singapore, 24th January-30th January, 1938 [Fromaget, 1940 #24310]
Journal Article 1960 Wellman, H. W. The stratigraphy of human occupation layers in North Island coastal sections, New Zealand Asian Perspectives (1959) [Wellman, 1960 #33621]
Journal Article 1965 Matthews, J. M. Stratigraphic disturbance: the human element Antiquity [Matthews, 1965 #29289]
Journal Article 1968 Carbonnel, Jean-Pierre. Guth, Christian Le gisement pléistocène inférieur du Phnom Loang (Cambodge), stratigraphie, et faune Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Série D [Carbonnel, 1968 #27886]
Journal Article 1970 Morgunov, Y. G. Basic features of tectonics of North Viet Nam International Geology Review [Morgunov, 1970 #28400]
Journal Article 1971 Ridd, M. F. South-East Asia as a part of Gondwanaland Nature [Ridd, 1971 #28397]
Book 1972 Carbonnel, J. P. Le quaternaire cambodgien: structure et stratigraphie [Carbonnel, 1972 #20713]
Journal Article 1974 Mohr, Albert Cultural sequence in Western Kyshu Asian Perspectives (1973) [Mohr, 1974 #33244]
Book Section 1978 Chonglakmanee, C. Stratigraphy of the Huai Hin Lat Formation (upper Triassic) in northeast Thailand Proceedings of the Third Regional Conference on Geology and Mineral Resources of Southeast Asia [Chonglakmanee, 1978 #23039]
Book Section 1978 Sawarkar, A. R. Re-appraisal of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic boundary problem in world stratigraphy, with special reference to its solution in Pondicherry south Arcot area of the Cauvery Basin, India Proceedings of the Third Regional Conference on Geology and Mineral Resources of Southeast Asia [Sawarkar, 1978 #23099]
Book Section 1978 Sappal, K. K. Triassic acritarchs from western Australia and their stratigraphic significance Proceedings of the Third Regional Conference on Geology and Mineral Resources of Southeast Asia [Sappal, 1978 #23100]
Book Section 1978 McGowran, B. The Tertiary of Australia: stratigraphic sequences and episodic geohistory Proceedings of the Third Regional Conference on Geology and Mineral Resources of Southeast Asia [McGowran, 1978 #23103]
Journal Article 1981 Flenley, J.R. Stratigraphic evidence of environmental change on Easter Island Asian Perspectives (1979) [Flenley, 1981 #33109]
Thesis 1981 Bunopas, S. Paleogeographic history of western Thailand and adjacent parts of South-East Asia : a plate tectonics interpretation Geology [Bunopas, 1981 #36344]
Journal Article 1983 Stauffer, P. H. Unraveling the mosaic of Paleozoic crustal blocks in Southeast Asia Geologische Rundschau [Stauffer, 1983 #28392]
Journal Article 1983 Dumarçay, J. La stratigraphie de la tranchée est du Barobudur Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Dumarçay, 1983 #32051]
Book 1984 Şengör, A. M. Celâl The Cimmeride Orogenic System and Tectonics of Eurasia Geological Society of America Special Paper [Şengör, 1984 #20048]
Journal Article 1984 Şengör, A. M. Celâl The Cimmerides of eastern Asia Mémoires de la Société Géologique de France, Nouvelle Serie [Şengör, 1984 #28395]
Journal Article 1984 Metcalfe, I. Stratigraphy, paleontology and paleogeography of the Carboniferous of Southeast Asia Mémoires de la Société Géologique de France [Metcalfe, 1984 #28408]
Journal Article 1984 Helmcke, D. The orogenic evolution (Permian-Triassic) of central Thailand Mémoires de la Société Géologique de France, Nouvelle Serie [Helmcke, 1984 #28436]
Journal Article 1984 Hahn, L. The Indosinian orogeny in Thailand and adjacent areas Mémoires de la Société Géologique de France, Nouvelle Serie [Hahn, 1984 #28437]
Book Section 1985 Hutchison, Charles S. The Palaeo-Tethyan realm and Indosinian orogenic system of Southeast Asia Tectonic evolution of the Tethyan region [Hutchison, 1985 #22973]
Journal Article 1985 Vondra, Carl F. Plio-Pleistocene stratigraphy and paleoenvironments, Cagayan Basin, northern Luzon, Philippines Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia [Vondra, 1985 #34847]
Journal Article 1988 Metcalfe, I. Origin and assembly of South-East Asian continental terranes Geological Society, London, Special Publications [Metcalfe, 1988 #28406]
BAR Book 1989 Rendell, Helen M. Pleistocene and paleolithic investigations in the Soan Valley, Northern Pakistan [Rendell, 1989 #19629]
Book 1989 Hutchison, Charles S. Geological Evolution of South-East Asia Oxford Monographs on Geology and Geophysics [Hutchison, 1989 #20049]
Journal Article 1990 Metcalfe, I. Allochthonous terrane processes in Southeast Asia [and discussion] Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences [Metcalfe, 1990 #28405]
Journal Article 1991 Barr, S. M. Toward a late Palaeozoic- early Mesozoic tectonic model for Thailand Journal of Thai Geosciences [Barr, 1991 #28418]