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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2014 Acabado, Stephen Defining Ifugao social organization: "house," field, and self-organizing principles in the northern Philippines Asian Perspectives (2013) [Acabado, 2014 #28037]
Book 1988 Adams, Richard Newbold The eighth day: social evolution as the self-organization of energy [Adams, 1988 #21232]
Journal Article 1997 Allen, Jane Inland Angkor, coastal Kedah: landscapes, subsistence systems, and state development in early southeast Asia Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Allen, 1997 #34404]
Book Section in a Series 1996 Anthony, David W. V. G. Childe's world system and the daggers of the early bronze age Craft specialization and social evolution: in memory of V. Gordon Childe [Anthony, 1996 #25814]
Book Section 1988 Aram A. Yengoyan Hierarchy and the social order: Mandaya ethnic relations in Southeast Mindanao, Philippines Ethnic diversity and the control of natural resources in Southeast Asia [Aram 1988 #22570]
Journal Article 1991 Arifin, Karina Social aspects of pottery manufacture in Boera, Papua New Guinea Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Arifin, 1991 #35589]
Book Section 1983 Aung-Thwin, Michael Divinity, spirit, and human: conceptions of classical Burmese kingship Centers, symbols, and hierarchies: essays on the classical states of Southeast Asia [Aung-Thwin, 1983 #22536]
Book Section 1988 Babadzan, Alain <i>Kastom</i> and nation-building in the South Pacific Ethnicities and nations: processes of interethnic relations in Latin America, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific [Babadzan, 1988 #22566]
Book in a Series (Edited) 1999 Bacus, Elisabeth A. Complex Polities in the Ancient Tropical World [Bacus, 1999 #22018]
Journal Article 2009 Baird, Ian G. Spatial (re)organization and places of the Brao in southern Laos and northeastern Cambodia Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography [Baird, 2009 #28648]
Journal Article 1991 Bannanurag, Rachanie Khok Phanom Di: mortuary data and social information Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Bannanurag, 1991 #35588]
Thesis-PhD 1989 Bannanurag, Rachanie Khok Phanom Di and its socio-cultural implications [Bannanurag, 1989 #36639]
Book in a Series (Edited) 1966 Banton, Michael The social anthropology of complex societies [Banton, 1966 #22073]
Book 1994 Barber, Elizabeth Wayland Women's work: the first 20,000 years: women, cloth, and society in early times [Barber, 1994 #20655]
Book (Edited) 1992 Barker, Alex W. Lords of the Southeast: Social Inequality and the Native Elites of Southeastern North America Archeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association [Barker, 1992 #21321]
Book Section in a Series 1992 Barker, Alex W. Powhatan's Pursestrings: On the Meaning of Surplus in a Seventeenth Century Algonkian Chiefdom Lords of the Southeast: Social Inequality and the Native Elites of Southeastern North America [Barker, 1992 #25255]
Book Section in a Series 1992 Barker, Alex W. Introduction: Social Inequality and the Native Elites of Southeastern North America Lords of the Southeast: Social Inequality and the Native Elites of Southeastern North America [Barker, 1992 #25259]
Journal Article 1983 Barnard, Alan Contemporary hunter-gatherers: current theoretical issues in ecology and social organization Annual Review of Anthropology [Barnard, 1983 #30164]
Book 1984 Barrett Jones, Antoinette M. Early tenth century Java from the inscriptions: a study of economic, social and administrative conditions in the first quarter of the century [Barrett 1984 #21105]
Book Section in a Series 1984 Bayard, Donn T. Rank and wealth at Non Nok Tha: the mortuary evidence Southeast Asian Archaeology at the XV Pacific Science Congress: The Origins of Agriculture, Metallurgy, and the State in Mainland Southeast Asia [Bayard, 1984 #26243]
Thesis 1971 Bayard, Donn Thomas A course toward what? Evolution, development and change at Non Nok Tha, Northeastern Thailand Anthropology [Bayard, 1971 #36275]
Book (Edited) 2010 Bellina, Bérénice 50 years of archaeology in Southeast Asia: essays in honour of Ian Glover [Bellina, 2010 #21444]
Book Section in a Series 2017 Bellina, Bérénice Conclusion Khao Sam Kaeo: An Early Port-City between the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea [Bellina, 2017 #25348]
Book Section in a Series 2017 Bellina, Bérénice Was Khao Sam Kaeo a cosmopolitan city and an incipient city-state? Khao Sam Kaeo: An Early Port-City between the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea [Bellina, 2017 #25349]
Book Section in a Series 2017 Bellina, Bérénice The beginning of the urban narrative in South and Southeast Asia Khao Sam Kaeo: An Early Port-City between the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea [Bellina, 2017 #25350]
Book Section in a Series 2017 Bellina, Bérénice Maritime silk roads stone ornament industries Khao Sam Kaeo: An Early Port-City between the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea [Bellina, 2017 #25356]
Journal Article 1988 Bellwood, Peter S. Affluence and ranking, Southeast Asian style Quarterly Review of Archaeology [Bellwood, 1988 #35701]
Book Section in a Series 1966 Benedict, Burton Sociological characteristics of small territories and their implications for economic development The social anthropology of complex societies [Benedict, 1966 #25826]
Book Section 2011 Benjamin, Geoffrey Egalitarianism and ranking in the Malay world Anarchic solidarity: autonomy, equality, and fellowship in Southeast Asia [Benjamin, 2011 #22600]
Book Section 2001 Benjamin, Geoffrey Process and structure in Temiar social organisation Minority cultures of peninsular Malaysia: survivals of indigenous heritage [Benjamin, 2001 #23966]