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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2016 Willman, John C. Incisor ablation among the late upper paleolithic people of Tam Hang (Northern Laos): Social identity, mortuary practice, and oral health American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Willman, 2016 #37191]
Journal Article 1976 Walker, Anthony R. A Lahu Nyi (Red Lahu) prayer at childbirth: Lahu text and brief ethnographic note Journal of the Siam Society [Walker, 1976 #36819]
Book Section in a Series 2020 Noerwidi, Sofwan The cultural and biological context of the Song Keplek 5 specimen, East Java: implications for living conditions and human-environment interactions during the later Holocene EurASEAA14: papers from the Fourteenth International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists. Volume 2: material culture and heritage [Noerwidi, 2020 #36758]
Book Section in a Series 2020 Binodini Devi Potshangbam Megalithic rituals of the Maram tribe of Manipur EurASEAA14: papers from the Fourteenth International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists. Volume 1: ancient and living traditions [Binodini 2020 #36738]
Journal Article 1990 Wright, Michael Sacrifice and the underworld: death and fertility in Siamese myth and ritual Journal of the Siam Society [Wright, 1990 #36719]
Journal Article 2020 Li, Haichao Diachronic change in the Shang dynasty ritual package Archaeological Research in Asia [Li, 2020 #36667]
Journal Article 2019 Hendrickson, Mitch Forging empire: Angkorian iron smelting, community and ritual practice at Tonle Bak Antiquity [Hendrickson, 2019 #19010]
Journal Article 2019 Qian, Yang Conflict and identity: the ritual of wall construction in early China Asian Perspectives [Qian, 2019 #18969]
Book Section in a Series 1999 Lucero, Lisa J. Water Control and Maya Politics in the Southern Maya Lowlands Complex Polities in the Ancient Tropical World [Lucero, 1999 #18919]
Journal Article 2019 Iannone, Gyles Water, ritual, and prosperity at the classical capital of Bagan, Myanmar (11th to 14th centuries CE): archaeological exploration of the Tuyin-Thetso “water mountain” and the Nat Yekan sacred water tank SPAFA [Iannone, 2019 #26675]
Journal Article 2018 Carson, Mike T. Cultural spaces inside and outside caves: a study in Guam, western Micronesia Antiquity [Carson, 2018 #26732]
Journal Article 1965 Cuisinier, Jeanne Le rituel familial à Bali Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Cuisinier, 1965 #26754]
Journal Article 1958 Archaimbault, Charles Les techniques rituelles de la pêche du palŏ'm au Laos Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Archaimbault, 1958 #26878]
Journal Article 1955 Moréchand, Guy Principaux traits du chamanisme mèo blanc en Indochine Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Moréchand, 1955 #26881]
Journal Article 2008 Hendrickson, Mitch People around the houses with fire: archaeological investigations of settlement around the Jayavarman VII 'resthouse' temples UDAYA [Hendrickson, 2008 #26930]
Journal Article 1915 Bonifacy, Auguste L. M La fête tây du Hô-bô Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Bonifacy, 1915 #27255]
Journal Article 1910 Kemlin, M. J. Rites agraires des Reungao (suite) Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Kemlin, 1910 #27321]
Journal Article 1909 Kemlin, M. J. Rites agraires des Reungao Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Kemlin, 1909 #27336]
Journal Article 1907 Beauvais, J. Notes sur les coutumes des indigènes de la région de Long-Tcheou Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Beauvais, 1907 #27413]
Journal Article 2016 Bulbeck, David Mortuary caves and the dammar trade in the Towuti-Routa region, Sulawesi, in an island Southeast Asian context Asian Perspectives [Bulbeck, 2016 #27469]
Journal Article 1904 Chavannes, Edouard Les neuf neuvaines de la diminution du froid Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Chavannes, 1904 #27489]
Journal Article 1904 Leclère, Adhémard La fête des eaux à Phnom-Penh Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Leclère, 1904 #27485]
Journal Article 1902 Cadière, R. P. Coutumes populaires de la vallée du Nguôn-So'n Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Cadière, 1902 #27530]
Journal Article 1901 Leclère, Adhémard Le Cûlâ-Kantana-Mangala ou la fête de la coupe de la Houppe d'un prince royal à Phnôm-Pénh, le 16 mai 1901 Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Leclère, 1901 #27557]
Book Section 2015 Fuller, Dorian Q. Diversification and cultural construction of a crop: the case of glutionous rice and waxy cereals in the food cultures of eastern Asia The Oxford handbook of the archaeology of diet [Fuller, 2015 #22345]
Journal Article 1974 Davis, Richard Tolerance and intolerance of ambiguity in northern Thai myth and ritual Ethnology [Davis, 1974 #27877]
Journal Article 1979 Durrenberger, E. Paul Misfortune and therapy among the Lisu of northern Thailand Anthropological Quarterly [Durrenberger, 1979 #27874]
Book 1986 Traube, Elizabeth G. Cosmology and social life: ritual exchange among the Mambai of East Timor [Traube, 1986 #19877]
Book 1991 Roseman, Marina Healing sounds from the Malaysian rainforest: Teminar music and medicine Comparative Studies of Health Systems and Medical Care [Roseman, 1991 #19881]
Book (Edited) 1988 Fox, James J. To speak in pairs: essays on the ritual languages of eastern Indonesia Cambridge Studies in Oral and Literate Culture [Fox, 1988 #21357]