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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1894 Noetling, Fritz On the occurrence of chipped flints in the Upper Miocene of Burma Records of the Geological Survey of India [Noetling, 1894 #31598]
Book in a Series 1908 Sarasin, Paul Die Steinzeit auf Ceylon [Sarasin, 1908 #21845]
Journal Article 1927 Heine-Geldern, Robert Die Steinzeit Südostasiens Sitzungsberichte der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien [Heine-Geldern, 1927 #32483]
Journal Article 1932 Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre The lithic industry of the Sinanthropus deposits in Choukoutien Bulletin of the Geological Society of China [Teilhard 1932 #35932]
Journal Article 1932 Morris, T. O. A palaeolith from upper Burma Journal of the Burma Research Society [Morris, 1932 #36021]
Journal Article 1935 Morris, T. O. The prehistoric stone implements of Burma Journal of the Burma Research Society [Morris, 1935 #36016]
Journal Article 1936 Morris, T. O. A palaeolith from Yenangyaung Journal of the Burma Research Society [Morris, 1936 #35995]
Journal Article 1936 Morris, T. O. The Konbyin Terrace of the Irrawaddy at Thayetmyo Journal of the Burma Research Society [Morris, 1936 #36002]
Journal Article 1936 Von Koenigswald, Gustav Heinrich Ralph Early Palaeolithic stone implements from Java Bulletin of the Raffles Museum [Von 1936 #36015]
Book Section 1937 Von Koenigswald, Gustav Heinrich Ralph A review of the stratigraphy of Java and its relations to early man Early Man [Von 1937 #25083]
Journal Article 1937 Morris, T. O. Prehistoric stone implements from the Konbyinmyint of the Irrawaddy and Paunglaung Rivers Journal of the Burma Research Society [Morris, 1937 #35996]
Book in a Series 1939 de Terra, Helmut Studies on the Ice Age in India and associated human cultures [de 1939 #22006]
Book Section in a Series 1943 Movius, Hallam L. Jr. The stone age of Burma Research on early man in Burma [Movius, 1943 #26341]
Book in a Series - VN 1944 Movius, Hallam L. Jr. Early man and Pleistocene stratigraphy in southern and eastern Asia [Movius, 1944 #22139]
Book in a Series 1948 Movius, Hallam L. Jr. The lower Palaeolithic cultures of southern and eastern Asia [Movius, 1948 #22003]
Book Section 1949 Movius, Hallam L. Jr. Lower Palaeolithic archaeology in southern Asia and the Far East Early man in the Far East: a symposium of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists and the American Anthropological Association, December 28, 1946 [Movius, 1949 #25087]
Book in a Series 1950 Zeuner, Frederick E. Stone Age and Pleistocene chronology in Gujarat [Zeuner, 1950 #21848]
Journal Article 1950 Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre Le Paleolithique du Siam L'Anthropologie [Teilhard 1950 #35385]
Journal Article 1953 Tweedie, M. W. F. The stone age in Malaya Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society [Tweedie, 1953 #35929]
Book Section 1955 Almeida, A. Preliminary notice of a Paleolithic station in the eastern Malaysian archipelago (Portuguese Timor) Abstracts of papers, Eighth Pacific Science Congress [Almeida, 1955 #23575]
Journal Article 1955 Movius, Hallam L. Jr. Palaeolithic archaeology in southern and eastern Asia, exclusive of India Cahiers d'Histoire Mondiale [Movius, 1955 #35998]
Journal Article 1956 Sieveking, Ann Studies in the Quaternary of the Malay Peninsula. II. The Palaeolithic industry of Kota Tampan, Perak Federation Museums Journal, New Series [Sieveking, 1956 #35502]
Book in a Series 1957 van Heekeren, Hendrik Robert The stone age of Indonesia [van 1957 #22004]
Journal Article 1958 Chin, You-din The stone age in Thailand Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India [Chin, 1958 #34021]
Journal Article 1958 Harrisson, Tom Carbon-14 dated palaeolithics from Borneo Nature [Harrisson, 1958 #35515]
Journal Article 1960 Solheim, Wilhelm G. The present status of the 'Palaeolithic' in Borneo Asian Perspectives (1958) [Solheim, 1960 #30280]
Journal Article 1960 Chia, Lan-po On the age of the chipped stone artifacts in Kwangsi caves Vertebrata Palasiatica [Chia, 1960 #31336]
Journal Article 1960 Chang, Kwang-chih New light on early man in China Asian Perspectives (1958) [Chang, 1960 #31938]
Journal Article 1961 Wen-chung, Pei Discovery of palaeolithes in Yunnan Vertebrata Palasiatica [Wen-chung, 1961 #31190]
Journal Article 1961 Okladnikov, A. P. Palaeolithic sites in Trans-Baikal, translated by Chester S. Chard Asian Perspectives (1960) [Okladnikov, 1961 #33578]