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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
BAR Book 2008 King, Christopher A. Stable isotopic analysis of carbon and nitrogen as an indicator of paleodietary change among pre-state metal age societies in northeast Thailand [King, 2008 #19630]
Book 1979 Wing, E. S. Paleonutrition: method and theory in prehistoric foodways [Wing, 1979 #21115]
Book 1989 Fogel, M. L. Nitrogen isotope tracers of human lactation in modern and archaeological populations [Fogel, 1989 #21136]
Book in a Series (Edited) 1993 Peterkin, Gail Larsen Hunting and Animal Exploitation in the Later Palaeolithic and Mesolithic of Eurasia [Peterkin, 1993 #22021]
Book in a Series (Edited) 2000 Ambrose, Stanley H. Biogeochemical approaches to paleodietary analysis [Ambrose, 2000 #22098]
Book Section 2018 Frère, Stephane Doi Pha Kan (Thailand), Ban Tha Si (Thailand) and Laang Spean (Cambodia) animal bone assemblages: a new perception of meat supply strategies for early Holocene mainland Southeast Asia Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2016 [Frère, 2018 #22253]
Book Section 1994 Koch, P. L. Tracing the diets of fossil animals using stable isotopes Stable isotopes in ecology and environmental science [Koch, 1994 #24453]
Book Section 1994 Ezzo, Joseph A. Paleonutrition at Grasshopper Pueblo, Arizona Paleonutrition: the diet and health of prehistoric Americans Paleonutrition: the diet and health of prehistoric Americans [Ezzo, 1994 #24597]
Book Section 1987 Ambrose, Stanley H. Chemical and isotopic techniques of diet reconstruction in eastern North America Emergent horticultural economies of the eastern woodlands [Ambrose, 1987 #24600]
Book Section 1994 Bourque, Bruce J. Dietary reconstruction from human bone for five coastal New England populations Paleonutrition: the diet and health of prehistoric Americans [Bourque, 1994 #24601]
Book Section 1994 Goodman, Alan H. Cartesian reductionism and vulgar adaptationsm: issues in the interpretation of nutritional status in prehistory Paleonutrition: the diet and health of prehistoric Americans Paleonutrition: the diet and health of prehistoric Americans [Goodman, 1994 #24603]
Book Section 1994 Reed, D. M. Ancient Maya diet at Copán, Honduras, as detemrined through the analysis of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes Paleonutrition: the diet and health of prehistoric Americans [Reed, 1994 #24604]
Book Section 1991 Hastorf, Christine A. Gender, space, and food in prehistory Engendering archaeology: women and prehistory [Hastorf, 1991 #24608]
Book Section 1988 Hastorf, Christine A. The use of paleoethnobotanical data in prehistoric studies of crop production, processing, and consumption Current paleoethnobotany: analytical methods and cultural interpretations of archaeological plant remains [Hastorf, 1988 #24609]
Book Section 1992 Chisholm, Brian S. Carbon isotopic determination of paleodiet in Japan: marine versus terrestrial sources Pacific Northeast Asia in prehistory: hunter-fisher-gatherers, farmers, and sociopolitical elites [Chisholm, 1992 #24631]
Book Section 1989 Chisholm, Brian S. Variation in diet reconstruction based on stable carbon isotopic evidence The Chemistry of Prehistoric Human Bone [Chisholm, 1989 #24632]
Book Section 1993 Ambrose, Stanley H. Experimental evidence for the relationship of the carbon isotope ratios of whole diet and dietary protein to those of bone collagen and carbonate Prehistoric human bone: archaeology at the molecular level [Ambrose, 1993 #24643]
Book Section 1993 Ambrose, Stanley H. Isotopic analysis of paleodiets: methodological and interpretive considerations Investigations of ancient human tissue: chemical analyses in anthropology [Ambrose, 1993 #24644]
Book Section 1985 Gilbert, Robert I. Stress, paleonutrition, and trace elements The analysis of prehistoric diets [Gilbert, 1985 #24652]
Book Section 1980 Yesner, David R. Nutrition and cultural evolution: patterns in prehistory Nutritional anthropology: contemporary approaches to diet and culture [Yesner, 1980 #24700]
Book Section 1985 Martin, Debra L. Skeletal pathologies as indicators of quality and quantity of diet The analysis of prehistoric diets [Martin, 1985 #24713]
Book Section 1997 Lukacs, John R. New frontiers in dental anthropology: creative approaches to diet and stress in prehistory Biological anthropology: the state of the science [Lukacs, 1997 #24716]
Book Section 1993 Lee-Thorp, Julia A. Isotopic evidence for diets of prehistoric farmers in South Africa Prehistoric human bone: archaeology at the molecular level [Lee-Thorp, 1993 #24717]
Book Section in a Series 1993 Neeley, Michael P. The Human Food Niche in the Levant Over the Past 150,000 Years Hunting and Animal Exploitation in the Later Palaeolithic and Mesolithic of Eurasia [Neeley, 1993 #25230]
Book Section in a Series 1993 Boyle, Katherine V. Upper Palaeolithic Procurement and Processing Strategies in Southwest France Hunting and Animal Exploitation in the Later Palaeolithic and Mesolithic of Eurasia [Boyle, 1993 #25236]
Book Section in a Series 1993 Churchill, Steven E Weapon Technology, Prey Size Selection, and Hunting Methods in Modern Hunter-Gatherers: Implications for Hunting in the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Hunting and Animal Exploitation in the Later Palaeolithic and Mesolithic of Eurasia [Churchill, 1993 #25246]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Krigbaum, John Prehistoric dietary transitions in tropical Southeast Asia : stable isotope and dental caries evidence from two sites in Malaysia Ancient health: skeletal indicators of agricultural and economic intensification [Krigbaum, 2007 #25687]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Pechenkina, Ekaterina A. Diet and health in the Neolithic of the Wei and middle Yellow River basins, northern China Ancient health: skeletal indicators of agricultural and economic intensification [Pechenkina, 2007 #25688]
Book Section in a Series 2006 King, Christopher A. Palaeodietary change among pre-state metal age societies in northeast Thailand: a study using bone stable isotopes Bioarchaeology of Southeast Asia [King, 2006 #25927]
Book Section in a Series 1975 Wallace, John A. Dietary adaptations of Australopithecus and early Homo Paleoanthropology: morphology and paleoecology [Wallace, 1975 #25991]