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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2015 Nagisa Ito, Why do they weave?: The role of marriage rites in the textile production of Lao-Tai women in Houa Phanh province Journal of Lao Studies [Nagisa 2015 #27938]
Journal Article 2000 Cullip, Peter F. Language use and attitudes of the Remun of Sarawak: initial explorations Sarawak Museum Journal [Cullip, 2000 #28529]
Journal Article 2011 Ma, Jianxiong Marriage and land property: bilateral non-lineal kinship and communal authority of the Lahu on the southwest Yunnan frontier, China South East Asia Research [Ma, 2011 #28569]
Book Section 2000 McKinnon, Susan The Tanimbarese <i>Tavu</i>: the ideology of growth and the material configurations of houses and hierarchy in an Indonesian society Beyond kinship: social and material reproduction in house societies [McKinnon, 2000 #23657]