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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book (Edited) 1995 Alexandri, Alexandra Interpreting archaeology: finding meaning in the past [Alexandri, 1995 #21440]
Journal Article 1992 Andaya, Leonard Y. Review of "Triumph of Moro diplomacy: the Maguindanao Sultanate in the seventeenth century" by Ruurdje Laarhoven Asian Perspectives (1992) [Andaya, 1992 #32928]
Journal Article 1929 Aomi-no Mabito Genkai, Le voyage de Kanshin en Orient (742-754) Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Aomi-no 1929 #27142]
Journal Article 1928 Aomi-no Mabito Genkai, Le voyage de Kanshin en Orient (742-754) Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Aomi-no 1928 #27145]
Journal Article 1928 Aomi-no Mabito Genkai, Le voyage de Kanshin en Orient (742-754) Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Aomi-no 1928 #27150]
Book Section 1996 Arunrattana, Udom Court music in Persia and Thailand during the early Ayudhaya Period Ancient trades and cultural contacts in Southeast Asia [Arunrattana, 1996 #24905]
Book 1865 Aubaret, G. Code annamite [Aubaret, 1865 #21091]
Journal Article 1962 Benda, H. The structure of South-East Asian history Journal of Southeast Asian History [Benda, 1962 #32321]
Journal Article 1996 Bishop, Paul Was medieval Sawankhalok like modern Bangkok, flooded every few years but an economic powerhouse nonetheless? Asian Perspectives (1996) [Bishop, 1996 #32823]
Book (Edited) 2000 Blundell, David Austronesian Taiwan : Linguistics, history, ethnology, and prehistory [Blundell, 2000 #21547]
Journal Article 2012 Bonatz, Dominik A highland perspective on the archaeology and settlement history of Sumatra Archipel [Bonatz, 2012 #37150]
Journal Article 1947 Briggs, Lawrence Palmer A sketch of Cambodian history Far Eastern Quarterly [Briggs, 1947 #34054]
Journal Article 1990 Bronson, Bennet Review of "Southeast Asia in the age of commerce, 1450-1680, vol. I, The lands below the winds," by Anthony Reid Ethnohistory [Bronson, 1990 #35586]
Journal Article 1974 Brunswig, Robert H., Jr. A comprehensive bibliography of the Indus civilzation and related subjects and areas Asian Perspectives (1973) [Brunswig, 1974 #33208]
Journal Article 2007 Buckley, Brendan M. Analyses of growth rings of Pinus merkusii from Lao PDR Forest Ecology and Management [Buckley, 2007 #28960]
Conference Paper 1988 Bulbeck, F. David Chinese trade ceramics in archaeological contexts from South Sulawesi, Indonesia Conference on Ancient Chinese and Southeast Asian Bronze Cultures [Bulbeck, 1988 #26524]
Journal Article 1914 Cœdès, George Une recension pālie des Annales d'Ayuthya Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Cœdès, 1914 #27270]
Journal Article 1971 Chandler, David P. An eighteenth century inscription from Angkor Wat Journal of the Siam Society [Chandler, 1971 #34242]
Book (Edited) 2005 Cheng, Pei-kai Proceedings of the International Conference on Chinese Export Ceramics and Maritime Trade, 12th-15th Centuries [Cheng, 2005 #21531]
Book in a Series 1985 Christie, Jan Wisseman Theatre states and oriental despotisms: early Southeast Asia in the eyes of the West [Christie, 1985 #21949]
Book Section 1986 Christie, Jan Wisseman Negara, Mandala, and despotic state: images of early Java Southeast Asia in the 9th to 14th centuries [Christie, 1986 #23310]
Journal Article 1992 Da-Sheng, Chen A Brunei sultan in the early 14th century: study of an Arabic gravestone Journal of Southeast Asian History [Da-Sheng, 1992 #32288]
Journal Article 2019 Davey, Jack Early Korea: Re-thinking Boundaries and Identities Asian Perspectives: The Journal of Archaeology for Asia and the Pacific [Davey, 2019 #18977]
Book Section in a Series 1992 de Casparis, J. G. Religion and popular beliefs of Southeast Asia before c. 1500 Cambridge history of Southeast Asia, volume 1: from early times to c. 1800 [de 1992 #25934]
Book 1865 de Morga, Antonio The Philippine Islands: Moluccas, Siam, Cambodia, Japan, and China [de 1865 #19773]
Book 1987 Dennis, Peter Troubled days of peace: Mountbatten and the Southeast Asia Command, 1945-1946 [Dennis, 1987 #20643]
Book Section 1997 Di Crocco, Virginia M. Precedents in southern Myanmar for the late fifteenth century glazed plaques in the Pegu area Southeast Asian Archaeology 1992: Proceedings of the 4th Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Di 1997 #24870]
Book 2002 Evans, Grant A Short History of Laos: The Land in Between Short History of Asia [Evans, 2002 #19722]
Book Section 2010 Feldberg, Wouter A civilized nation with smart traders: seventeenth century notes from a Dutch merchant in the kingdom of Lan Xang Van Wuysthoff and the Lan Xang Kingdom: a Dutch Merchant's Visit to Laos in 1641 [Feldberg, 2010 #22229]
Book (Edited) 1980 Fox, James J. Indonesia: the making of a culture [Fox, 1980 #21535]