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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1849 Burns, R. The Kayans of north-west Borneo Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia [Burns, 1849 #28539]
Journal Article 1882 Wake, C. Staniland Notes on the origin of the Malagasy Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland [Wake, 1882 #28530]
Book 1883 Ma, Tuan-lin Ethnographie des peuples étrangers à la Chine [Ma, 1883 #20134]
Book 1894 Ratzel, Friedrich Völkerkunde [Ratzel, 1894 #20217]
Book 1896 Carey, Bertram S. The Chin Hills: a history of the people, our dealings with them, their customs and manners, and a gazetteer of their country [Carey, 1896 #20712]
Journal Article 1901 Lavallée, M. A. Notes éthnographiques sur diverses tribus du sud-est de l'Indo-Chine Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Lavallée, 1901 #27554]
Book 1903 Blair, Emma Helen The Philippine islands, 1493-1803: explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the Catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing the political, econom [Blair, 1903 #20743]
Book 1905 Jenks, Albert E. Bontoc Igorot [Jenks, 1905 #21146]
Book 1906 Skeat, Walter William Pagan races of the Malay Peninsula [Skeat, 1906 #20819]
Book in a Series 1907 van der Sande, G. A. J. Ethnography and anthropology [van 1907 #21691]
Journal Article 1907 Bonifacy, A. De certaines croyances relatives à la grossesse chez les divers groupes ethniques du Tonkin Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Bonifacy, 1907 #27417]
Book 1912 Hose, Charles The pagan tribes of Borneo [Hose, 1912 #21052]
Book (Edited) 1921 Dames, Mansel Longworth The book of Duarte Barbosa: an account of the countries bordering on the Indian Ocean and their inhabitants [Dames, 1921 #21526]
Journal Article 1921 Ethnographie indochinoise Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [ 1921 #27209]
Book 1927 Evans, Ivor H. N. Papers on the ethnology and archaeology of the Malay Peninsula [Evans, 1927 #21259]
Book in a Series 1930 Aitken, Robert T. Ethnology of Tubuai Bayard Dominick Expedition (1920-1921) [Aitken, 1930 #21916]
Book 1934 Andersson, J. G. Children of the yellow earth [Andersson, 1934 #20774]
Book in a Series 1936 Gourou, Pierre Les paysans du Delta tonkinois [Gourou, 1936 #21902]
Journal Article 1936 Colani, Madeleine Essai d'ethnographie. Comparaisons nouvelles et observations Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Colani, 1936 #27907]
Journal Article 1938 Colani, Madeleine Ethnographie comparée Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Colani, 1938 #27906]
Journal Article 1938 Barthelemy, Roger E. Primitive tin metallurgy in Laos Mining and Metallurgy [Barthelemy, 1938 #35550]
Journal Article 1939 Saurin, Edmond Observations anthropologiques et ethnographiques dans quelques villages katangs, Province de Saravane Laos Travaux de l'Institut anatomique de l'École supérieur de médecine de l'Indochine, Section anthropologique [Saurin, 1939 #30306]
Book in a Series (Edited) 1942 Bateson, Gregory Balinese character: a photographic analysis [Bateson, 1942 #22100]
Book 1944 Lasker, Bruno Peoples of South-east Asia [Lasker, 1944 #20906]
Journal Article 1944 Capell, Arthur People and languages of Timor Part I Oceania [Capell, 1944 #29911]
Journal Article 1945 Capell, Arthur People and languages of Timor Part II Oceania [Capell, 1945 #29910]
Book 1949 Belo, Jane Bali: Rangda and Barong [Belo, 1949 #21099]
Book 1950 Embree, John F. Bibliography of the peoples and cultures of mainland Southeast Asia [Embree, 1950 #20938]
Book 1951 Zhou, Daguan Mémoires sur les coutumes du Cambodge de Tcheou Ta-kouan. [Zhou, 1951 #20255]
Book in a Series 1951 Izikowitz, Karl Gustav Lamet: hill peasants in French Indochina [Izikowitz, 1951 #21976]