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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section 2018 Heng, Piphal Pre-Angkorian cities: Ishanapura and Mahendraparvata Angkor: exploring Cambodia's sacred city [Heng, 2018 #37184]
Book Section 2018 Aung-Thwin, Michael Keynote: The myth of "splendid isolation" Bagan and the World: Early Myanmar and Its Global Connections [Aung-Thwin, 2018 #22279]
Book 2016 Churchman, Catherine The people between the rivers: the rise and fall of a bronze drum culture, 200-750 CE [Churchman, 2016 #19743]
Journal Article 2017 R, Arjun Archaeological Investigations at the Brahmagiri rock shelter: Prospecting for its context in South India late prehistory and early history Archaeological Research in Asia [R, 2017 #27039]
Journal Article 2016 Higham, Charles F. W. At the dawn of history: from the iron age aggrandisers to Zhenla kings Journal of Southeast Asian Studies [Higham, 2016 #27594]
Journal Article 2016 Evans, Caitlin Sites, survey, and ceramics: settlement patterns of the first to ninth centuries CE in the Upper Mun River Valley, northeast Thailand Journal of Southeast Asian Studies [Evans, 2016 #27593]
Journal Article 2016 O'Reilly, Dougald Phum lovea: a moated precursor to the <i>pura</i> of Cambodia? Sociopolitical transformation from iron age settlements to early state society Journal of Southeast Asian Studies [O'Reilly, 2016 #27592]
Journal Article 2011 Pryce, Thomas Oliver An 8th-9th century AD iron smelting workshop near Saphim village, NW Lao PDR Historical Metallurgy [Pryce, 2011 #28279]
Book Section 2012 Kessler, Oliver The Taprobanian Revolution and the paradigm shift away from the Ptolemaic model of Asia — archaeology and history of ancient seafaring in the Indian ocean Connecting empires and states: selected papers from the 13th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Kessler, 2012 #22812]
Book Section 2012 Krech, Uwe Cultural and ethnic diversity in the Burma area, first millennium CE: a new look at the early urban settlements Connecting empires and states: selected papers from the 13th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Krech, 2012 #22811]
Book Section 2012 Yian, Goh Geok A look at settlement patterns of 5th-16th-century sites in Myanmar Connecting empires and states: selected papers from the 13th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Yian, 2012 #22810]
Journal Article 2009 Pautreau, Jean-Pierre Birmanie, premières cultures historiques du haut pays Archéologia: Préhistoire et Archéologie [Pautreau, 2009 #28778]
Journal Article 1995 Morrison, Kathleen D. Trade, urbanism, and agricultural expansion: Buddhist monastic institutions and the state in the early historic Western Deccan World Archaeology [Morrison, 1995 #29197]
Book in a Series 1990 Mitchiner, Michael Early South-East Asian currency systems [Mitchiner, 1990 #21714]
Book Section 1998 Srisuchat, Amara A proposed outline of the chronology of early history in Thailand: dating and re-analysis of data from recently excavated sites in Thailand Southeast Asian Archaeology 1996: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists, Leiden, 2-6 September 1996 [Srisuchat, 1998 #23520]
Journal Article 1981 Lal, B. B. Sringaverapura: a key site for the protohistory and early history of the Central Ganga Valley Puratattva [Lal, 1981 #29408]
Book 1983 Krishnasastry, V. V. Proto and Early Historical cultures of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad [Krishnasastry, 1983 #20458]
Journal Article 1997 Gogte, V. D. The Chandraketugarh-Tamluk region of Bengal: source of the Early Historic rouletted ware from India and Southeast Asia Man and Environment [Gogte, 1997 #29646]
Book Section 2006 Lertcharnrit, Thanik The moated site of Promtin Tai and the transition from late prehistory to early history in central Thailand Uncovering Southeast Asia's past: selected papers from the 10th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Lertcharnrit, 2006 #24048]
Book Section 2004 Miksic, John N. The classical cultures of Indonesia Southeast Asia: from prehistory to history [Miksic, 2004 #24274]
Journal Article 1998 Stark, Miriam T. The transition to history in the Mekong Delta: a view from Cambodia International Journal of Historical Archaeology [Stark, 1998 #31260]
Journal Article 1998 Stark, Miriam T. The transition to history in Southeast Asia: an introduction International Journal of Historical Archaeology [Stark, 1998 #31259]
Journal Article 1964 Cœdès, George Some problems in the ancient history of the Hinduized states of South-East Asia Journal of Southeast Asian History [Cœdès, 1964 #32319]
Journal Article 1989 Miksic, John N. Archaeological studies of style, information transfer, and the transition from classical to Islamic periods in Indonesia Journal of Southeast Asian History [Miksic, 1989 #32292]
Journal Article 1999 Dowling, Nancy H. A new date for the Phnom Da images and its implications for early Cambodia Asian Perspectives (1999) [Dowling, 1999 #32762]
Journal Article 1999 Stark, Miriam T. Results of the 1995-1996 archaeological field investigations at Angkor Borei, Cambodia Asian Perspectives (1999) [Stark, 1999 #32756]
Journal Article 2002 Gutman, Pamela The Martaban trade: an examination of the literature from the seventh century until the eighteenth century Asian Perspectives (2001) [Gutman, 2002 #32720]
Journal Article 2002 Griffin, P. Bion Review of "Society, economics, and politics in Pre-Angkor Cambodia: The 7th-8th centuries" by Michael Vickery Asian Perspectives (2001) [Griffin, 2002 #32719]
Journal Article 2002 Selvakumar, V. Hunter-gatherer adaptations in Madurai region, Tamil Nadu, India: from c. 10,000 B.P. to c. A.D. 500 Asian Perspectives (2002) [Selvakumar, 2002 #32712]
Journal Article 1948 Briggs, Lawrence Palmer The Hinduized states of Southeast Asia: a review Far Eastern Quarterly [Briggs, 1948 #34053]