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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1905 Cadière, L. Tableau chronologique des dynasties annamites Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Cadière, 1905 #27454]
Journal Article 1950 Childe, Vere Gordon The urban revolution Town Planning Review [Childe, 1950 #29876]
Book in a Series (Edited) 1966 Banton, Michael The social anthropology of complex societies [Banton, 1966 #22073]
Book Section in a Series 1966 Benedict, Burton Sociological characteristics of small territories and their implications for economic development The social anthropology of complex societies [Benedict, 1966 #25826]
Journal Article 1970 Yamamoto Tatsuro, Myths explaining the vicissitudes of political power in ancient Vietnam Acta Asiatica [Yamamoto 1970 #28224]
Book in a Series 1972 Renfrew, Colin The emergence of civilisation: the Cyclades and the Aegean in the third millennium B.C. [Renfrew, 1972 #21749]
Book in a Series (Edited) 1974 Moore, Charlotte B. Reconstructing complex societies: an archaeological colloquium [Moore, 1974 #22072]
Book Section in a Series 1974 Wright, G. Ernest The tell: basic unit for reconstructing complex societies of the Near East Reconstructing complex societies: an archaeological colloquium [Wright, 1974 #25823]
Book Section in a Series 1974 Willey, Gordon R. A summary of the complex societies colloquium Reconstructing complex societies: an archaeological colloquium [Willey, 1974 #25824]
Journal Article 1974 Cordy, R. H. Complex rank cultural systems in the Hawaiian Islands: suggested explanations for their origins Archaeology and Physical Anthropology in Oceania [Cordy, 1974 #29827]
Book Section 1977 Dalton, G. Aboriginal economics in stateless societies Exchange systems in prehistory [Dalton, 1977 #25177]
Journal Article 1977 Peebles, Christopher S. Some archaeological correlates of ranked societies American Antiquity [Peebles, 1977 #35841]
Journal Article 1978 Atal, Yogesh Continuity and change in a complex society: caste hierarchy in a Madhya Pradesh village Eastern Anthropologist [Atal, 1978 #34146]
Book Section 1979 Childe, Vere Gordon The urban revolution Ancient cities of the Indus [Childe, 1979 #23889]
Book 1981 Cordy, R. H. A study of prehistoric social change: the development of complex societies in the Hawaiian Islands [Cordy, 1981 #21304]
Journal Article 1981 Pearson, Richard Social complexity in Chinese coastal Neolithic sites Science [Pearson, 1981 #35720]
Book Section 1982 Johnson, Gregory A. Organizational structure and scalar stress Theory and explanation in archaeology [Johnson, 1982 #24895]
Journal Article 1982 Cordy, Ross Archaeological research on the development of complex societies in the Hawaiian Islands Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Cordy, 1982 #29176]
Journal Article 1982 Higham, Charles F. W. Site location and site hierarchy in prehistoric Thailand Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society [Higham, 1982 #35812]
BAR Section 1984 Chantaratiyakarn, Payom The research programme in the middle Chi Valley: aims and methods Prehistoric investigations in northeast Thailand [Chantaratiyakarn, 1984 #19685]
Book Section 1984 Wright, H. T. Prestate political formations On the evolution of complex societies: essays in honor of Harry Hoijer 1982 [Wright, 1984 #23873]
Book Section in a Series 1984 Welch, David J. Settlement pattern as an indicator of subsistence and political organization in the Phimai region, Thailand Southeast Asian Archaeology at the XV Pacific Science Congress: The Origins of Agriculture, Metallurgy, and the State in Mainland Southeast Asia [Welch, 1984 #26346]
Journal Article 1984 Aung-Thwin, Michael Hierarchy and order in pre-colonial Burma Journal of Southeast Asian Studies [Aung-Thwin, 1984 #34143]
Journal Article 1985 Lilley, Ian Chiefs without chiefdoms. Comments on prehistoric sociopolitical organization in western Melanesia Archaeology in Oceania [Lilley, 1985 #32374]
Journal Article 1985 Yoffee, Norman Perspectives on 'trends towards social complexity in prehistoric Australia and Papua New Guinea' Archaeology in Oceania [Yoffee, 1985 #32375]
Book (Edited) 1987 Brumfiel, Elizabeth M. Specialization, exchange and complex societies New Directions in Archaeology [Brumfiel, 1987 #21391]
Book Section 1987 Brumfiel, Elizabeth M. Specialization, exchange, and complex societies: an introduction Specialization, exchange, and complex societies [Brumfiel, 1987 #25072]
Book Section 1987 Crumley, Carole L. A dialectical critique of hierarchy Power relations and state formation [Crumley, 1987 #25088]
Book Section in a Series 1987 Kristiansen, Kristian From stone to bronze--the evolution of social complexity in northern Europe, 2300-1200 B.C. Specialization, exchange, and complex societies [Kristiansen, 1987 #25787]
BAR Book 1988 Moore, Elizabeth H. Moated sites in early north east Thailand [Moore, 1988 #19648]