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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2004 Aggarwal, Pradeep K. Stable isotope evidence for moisture sources in the Asian summer monsoon under present and past climate regimes Geophysical Research Letters [Aggarwal, 2004 #28599]
Journal Article 1989 Ambrose, Stanley H. Climate and habitat reconstruction using stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios of collagen in prehistoric herbivore teeth from Kenya Quaternary Research [Ambrose, 1989 #34805]
Journal Article 2000 An, Zhisheng Asynchronous Holocene optimum of the East Asian monsoon Quaternary Science Reviews [An, 2000 #28598]
Journal Article 2007 Balouet, Jean-Christophe Applied dendroecology and environmental forensics. Characterizing and age dating environmental releases: fundamentals and case studies Environmental Forensics [Balouet, 2007 #28965]
Journal Article 2007 Barbour, Margaret M. Stable oxygen isotope composition of plant tissue: a review Functional Plant Biology [Barbour, 2007 #26617]
Book 1966 Blumenstock, David L. Pleistocene and post-pleistocene climatic variation in the Pacific area, a symposium [Blumenstock, 1966 #21088]
Journal Article 1995 Bocherens, Hervé Trophic structure and climate information from isotopic signatures in Pleistocene cave fauna of southern England Journal of Archaeological Science [Bocherens, 1995 #34782]
Journal Article 2008 Boyd, W. E. Social change in late Holocene mainland SE Asia: A response to gradual climate change or a critical climatic event? Quaternary International [Boyd, 2008 #29053]
Journal Article 2007 Buckley, Brendan M. Decadal scale droughts over northwestern Thailand over the past 448 years: links to the tropical Pacific and Indian Ocean sectors Climate dynamics [Buckley, 2007 #28959]
Journal Article 2007 Buckley, Brendan M. Analyses of growth rings of Pinus merkusii from Lao PDR Forest Ecology and Management [Buckley, 2007 #28960]
Journal Article 2018 Cai, Qiufang Tree-ring δ18O, a tool to crack the paleo-hydroclimatic code in subtropical China Quaternary International [Cai, 2018 #26682]
Journal Article 2018 Castillo, Cristina C. Social responses to climate change in Iron Age north-east Thailand: new archaeobotanical evidence Antiquity [Castillo, 2018 #36829]
Journal Article 2018 Chabangborn, Akkaneewut Climate in Sundaland and Asian monsoon variability during the last deglaciation Quaternary International [Chabangborn, 2018 #26683]
Book Section 1984 Chang, Jen-Hu The monsoon circulation of Asia Climate and agricultural land use in monsoon Asia [Chang, 1984 #25054]
Journal Article 1969 Chang, Jen-Hu Some aspects of climatic fluctuations since the Pleistocene Geographical Review [Chang, 1969 #35251]
Journal Article 1959 Chang, Jen-Hu Zonal indices as related to the winter climate in East Asia Annals of the Association of American Geographers [Chang, 1959 #35252]
Book Section 1976 Chang, T. T. Genetic variousness in the climatic adaptation of rice cultivars Climate and Rice: Proceedings of the Symposium [Chang, 1976 #37182]
Book in a Series 2014 Chase, Arlen F. The Resilience and Vulnerability of Ancient Landscapes: Transforming Maya Archaeology through IHOPE [Chase, 2014 #21636]
Book Section in a Series 2014 Chase, Arlen F. Tropical Landscapes and the Ancient Maya: Diversity in Time and Space The Resilience and Vulnerability of Ancient Landscapes: Transforming Maya Archaeology through IHOPE [Chase, 2014 #25205]
Book Section in a Series 2014 Chase, Arlen F. Diversity, Resiliencey, and IHOPE-Maya: Using the Past to Inform the Present The Resilience and Vulnerability of Ancient Landscapes: Transforming Maya Archaeology through IHOPE [Chase, 2014 #25206]
Book Section in a Series 2014 Chase, Diane Z. Path Dependency in the Rise and Denouement of a Classic Maya City: The Case of Caracol, Belize The Resilience and Vulnerability of Ancient Landscapes: Transforming Maya Archaeology through IHOPE [Chase, 2014 #25197]
Book Section in a Series 2014 Cobos, Rafael Ancient Climate and Archaeology The Resilience and Vulnerability of Ancient Landscapes: Transforming Maya Archaeology through IHOPE [Cobos, 2014 #25202]
Journal Article 2012 Cook, Charlotte G. Palaeoclimate dynamics in continental Southeast Asia over the last ~ 30,000 Cal yrs BP Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Cook, 2012 #28352]
Journal Article 2000 Cranbrook, Earl of Northern Borneo environments of the past 40,000 years: archaeozoological evidence Sarawak Museum Journal [Cranbrook, 2000 #28527]
Journal Article 2014 d'Alpoim Guedes, Jade Modeling constraints on the spread of agriculture to southwest China with thermal niche models Quaternary International [d'Alpoim 2014 #28077]
Book 1967 Dobby, Earnest Henry George Southeast Asia [Dobby, 1967 #21119]
Book Section 2015 Eusebio, Michelle S. Temporality of the people in Island Southeast Asia as reflected in rice agriculture Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2013: selected papers from the First SEAMEO SPAFA International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology [Eusebio, 2015 #22503]
Book Section in a Series 2014 Fedick, Scott L. A Reassessment of Water and Soil Resources in the Flatlands of the Northern Maya Lowlands The Resilience and Vulnerability of Ancient Landscapes: Transforming Maya Archaeology through IHOPE [Fedick, 2014 #25201]
Journal Article 2010 Field, Julie S. Paleoclimates and the emergence of fortifications in the tropical Pacific islands Journal of Anthropological Archaeology [Field, 2010 #28184]
Book in a Series (Edited) 1971 Flenley, John R. The water relations of Malesian forests. Transactions of the First Aberdeen-Hull symposium on Malesian Ecology, Hull, 1970 [Flenley, 1971 #22118]