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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section 1939 Steenis, C. G. G. J. van The native country of sandalwood and teak: a plant geographical study Hendelingen 8e Nederland Indische. Natuurwetenschappelijke Congres [Steenis, 1939 #24138]
Journal Article 1941 Scrivenor, J. B. A discussion on the biogeographic division of the Indo-Australian Archipelago, with criticism of the Wallace and Weber Lines and of any other dividing lines and with an attempt to obtain uniformity in the names used for the divisions Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London [Scrivenor, 1941 #30229]
Journal Article 1947 Steenis, C. G. G. J. van Tertiary fossil wood from the islands Soemba and Soembawa and its genetic plant-geographical significance Chronica Naturae [Steenis, 1947 #30236]
Book 1962 Royal Forestry Department, Thailand Types of forests of Thailand [Royal 1962 #21233]
Book Section 1965 Steenis, C. G. G. J. van Concise plant-geography of Java Flora of Java (Spermatophytes only) [Steenis, 1965 #24137]
Book 1967 Holdridge, L. R. Life zone ecology [Holdridge, 1967 #21125]
Book Section in a Series 1972 Ashton, Peter S. The Quaternary geomorphological history of western Malesia and lowland forest phytogeography Transactions of the Second Aberdeen-Hull Symposium on Malesian Ecology [Ashton, 1972 #26176]
Book 1974 Andriesse, J. P. Tropical lowland peat deposits in Southeast Asia [Andriesse, 1974 #20773]
Journal Article 1975 Whyte, Robert Orr An environmental interpretation of the origin of Asian food legumes Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding [Whyte, 1975 #35265]
Book Section 1976 Stott, P. A. Recent trends in the classification and mapping of dry deciduous dipterocarp forest in Thailand The classification and mapping of Southeast Asian ecosystems [Stott, 1976 #25113]
Journal Article 1976 Whyte, Robert Orr Bioclimatic and taxonomic consequences of tectonic movement and orogeny Annals of Arid Zone [Whyte, 1976 #35264]
Book Section 1977 Jones, Rhys Man as an element of the continental fauna: the case of the sundering of the Bassian bridge Sunda and Sahul: prehistoric studies in Southeast Asia, Melanesia and Australia [Jones, 1977 #25129]
Book Section 1977 Diamond, Jared M. Distributional strategies Sunda and Sahul: prehistoric studies in Southeast Asia, Melanesia and Australia [Diamond, 1977 #25165]
Journal Article 1977 Yellen, John E. Long term hunter-gatherer adaptation to desert environments: a biogeographical perspective World Archaeology [Yellen, 1977 #34423]
Book 1980 Conklin, Harold C. Ethnographic atlas of Ifugao: a study of environment, culture, and society in northern Luzon [Conklin, 1980 #21148]
Journal Article 1986 Stout, P. A. The spatial pattern of dry season fires in the savanna forests of Thailand Journal of Biogeography [Stout, 1986 #33634]
Conference Paper 1987 Spriggs, M. Adornment or degradation? Prehistoric human impact on the Hawaiian landscape [Spriggs, 1987 #26440]
Book Section in a Series 1989 Piperno, Dolores R. Non-affluent foragers: resource availability, seasonal shortages, and the emergence of agriculture in Panamanian tropical forests Foraging and farming: the evolution of plant exploitation [Piperno, 1989 #26279]
Book Section in a Series 1992 Tanabe, Yuichi Phylogenetic studies on the Japanese dogs, with emphasis on migration routes of the dogs International symposium on Japanese as a member of the Asian and Pacific populations: September 25-29, 1990, Shin-Miyako Hotel Kyoto, Japan [Tanabe, 1992 #26186]
Book Section 1996 Spriggs, Matthew Early agriculture and what went before in Island Melanesia: continuity or intrusion? The origins and spread of agriculture and pastoralism in Eurasia [Spriggs, 1996 #23615]
Journal Article 1996 Parry, J. T. A new perspective on Angkor - the spatial organization of an historical landscape viewed from Landsat Geocarto International [Parry, 1996 #28985]
Journal Article 1996 Brown, James H. The geographic range: size, shape, boundaries, and internal structure Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics [Brown, 1996 #30157]
Journal Article 1997 Winston, Rachel L. Mass spectronometry as a readout of protein structure and function Mass Spectrometry Reviews [Winston, 1997 #34312]
Journal Article 2000 Pyankov, Vladimir I. C<sub>4</sub> plants in the vegetation of Mongolia: their natural occurrence and geographical distribution in relation to climate Oecologia [Pyankov, 2000 #34340]
Book Section 2001 Michaux, B. Dispersal versus vicariance, artifice rather than contest Faunal and floral migrations and evolution in SE Asia-Australasia [Michaux, 2001 #24327]
Book Section 2001 Mey, Wolfram Australasian distributions in Trichoptera (Insecta) - a frequent pattern or a rare case? Faunal and floral migrations and evolution in SE Asia-Australasia [Mey, 2001 #24350]
Book Section 2001 Keast, Allen The vertebrate fauna of the Wallacean Island Interchange Zone: the basis of inbalance and impoverishment Faunal and floral migrations and evolution in SE Asia-Australasia [Keast, 2001 #24352]
Book Section 2001 Groves, Colin Mammals in Sulawesi: where did they come from and when, and what happened to them when they got there? Faunal and floral migrations and evolution in SE Asia-Australasia [Groves, 2001 #24353]
Book Section 2001 Pan, R. -L. Radiation and evolution of three Macaque species, Macaca fascicularis, M. radiata and M. sinica, as related to geographic changes in the Pleistocene of Southeast Asia Faunal and floral migrations and evolution in SE Asia-Australasia [Pan, 2001 #24354]
Book Section 2001 Brandon-Jones, Douglas Borneo as a biogeographic barrier to Asian-Australasian migration Faunal and floral migrations and evolution in SE Asia-Australasia [Brandon-Jones, 2001 #24355]