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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2014 Buckley, Hallie R. Scurvy in a tropical paradise? Evaluating the possibility of infant and adult vitamin C deficiency in the Lapita skeletal sample of Teouma, Vanuatu, Pacific islands International Journal of Paleopathology [Buckley, 2014 #37154]
Journal Article 2021 Ono, Rintaro Technological and social interactions between hunter-
gatherers and new migrants in the prehistoric (Neolithic)
islands of Southeast Asia and Oceania
Senri Ethnological Studies [Ono, 2021 #37137]
Journal Article 2018 Lipson, Mark Population turnover in Remote Oceania shortly after initial settlement Current Biology [Lipson, 2018 #26621]
Journal Article 2002 Torrence, Robin Cultural landscapes on Garua Island, Papua New Guinea Antiquity [Torrence, 2002 #26781]
Journal Article 1974 Specht, Jim Lapita pottery at Talasea, West New Britain, Papua New Guinea Antiquity [Specht, 1974 #26777]
Journal Article 2014 Skelly, Robert Tracking ancient beach-lines inland: 2600-year-old dentate-stamped ceramics at Hopo, Vailala River region, Papua New Guinea Antiquity [Skelly, 2014 #26775]
Journal Article 2006 Bedford, Stuart The Pacific's earliest painted pottery: an added layer of intrigue to the Lapita debate and beyond Antiquity [Bedford, 2006 #26792]
Journal Article 2018 Posth, Cosimo Language continuity despite population replacement in Remote Oceania Nature Ecology & Evolution [Posth, 2018 #26848]
Book Section 2017 Summerhayes, Glenn R. Island Southeast Asia and Oceania interactions Handbook of East and Southeast Asian Archaeology [Summerhayes, 2017 #22292]
Book Section 2017 Sand, Christophe Disentangling the Lapita interaction spheres: the global, the provincial and the local The Routledge Handbook of Archaeology and Globalization [Sand, 2017 #22320]
Journal Article 2016 Petchey, Peter The 2008-2009 excavations at the SAC locality, Reber-Rakival Lapita site, Watom island, Papua New Guinea Journal of Indo-Pacific Archaeology [Petchey, 2016 #27637]
Journal Article 2010 Valentin, F. Lapita burial practices: evidence for complex body and bone treatment at the Teouma Cemetery, Vanuatu, southwest Pacific Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology [Valentin, 2010 #27657]
Journal Article 2010 Scott, R. M. Identification of the first reported Lapita cremation in the Pacific islands using archaeological forensic and contemporary burning evidence Journal of Archaeological Science [Scott, 2010 #27666]
Journal Article 2013 Carson, M. T. The pottery trail from Southeast Asia to remote Oceania Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology [Carson, 2013 #27723]
Journal Article 2011 Bedford, S. Lapita burials, a new Lapita cemetery and post-Lapita burials from Malakula, Northern Vanuatu, Southwest Pacific Journal of Pacific Archaeology [Bedford, 2011 #27727]
Journal Article 2008 Buckley, H. R. A preliminary report on health and disease in early Lapita skeletons, Vanuatu: possible biological costs of island colonization Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology [Buckley, 2008 #27725]
Book 2010 Sand, C. Lapita: Oceanic ancestors [Sand, 2010 #19804]
Book Section 2015 Matisoo-Smith, Elizabeth A. Human biology and population histories in the Pacific - is there such a thing as a Lapita people? The Routledge handbook of bioarchaeology in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands [Matisoo-Smith, 2015 #22451]
Book Section 2015 Kinaston, Rebecca L. Is there a 'Lapita diet'? A comparison of Lapita and post-Lapita skeletal samples from four Pacific Island archaeological sites The Routledge handbook of bioarchaeology in Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands [Kinaston, 2015 #22449]
Book Section in a Series 2008 Lilley, Ian Flights of fancy: fractal geometry, the Lapita dispersal and punctuated colonisation in the Pacific Islands of inquiry: colonisation, seafaring and the archaeology of maritime landscapes [Lilley, 2008 #25411]
Book Section in a Series 2008 Clark, Geoffrey Friction zones in Lapita colonisation Islands of inquiry: colonisation, seafaring and the archaeology of maritime landscapes [Clark, 2008 #25410]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Pawley, Andrew The origins of early Lapita culture: the testimony of historical linguistics Oceanic explorations: Lapita and western Pacific settlement [Pawley, 2007 #25408]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Specht, Jim Small islands in the big picture: the formative period of Lapita in the Bismarck Archipelago Oceanic explorations: Lapita and western Pacific settlement [Specht, 2007 #25407]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Specht, Jim Lapita all over: land-use on the Willaumez Peninsula, Papua New Guinea Oceanic explorations: Lapita and western Pacific settlement [Specht, 2007 #25406]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Calipaud, Jean-Christophe Makué (Aore Island, Santo, Vanuatu): a new Lapita site in the ambit of New Britain obsidian distribution Oceanic explorations: Lapita and western Pacific settlement [Calipaud, 2007 #25405]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Ambrose, Wal The implements of Lapita ceramic stamped ornamentaion Oceanic explorations: Lapita and western Pacific settlement [Ambrose, 2007 #25404]
Book Section in a Series 2007 Bedford, Stuart The excavation, conservation and reconstruction of Lapita burial pots from the Teouma site, Efate, Central Vanuatu Oceanic explorations: Lapita and western Pacific settlement [Bedford, 2007 #25403]
Journal Article 2014 Pietrusewsky, Michael Polynesian origins: a biodistance study of mandibles from the late Lapita site of Reberrakival (SAC), Watom Island, Bismarck Archipelago Journal of Pacific Archaeology [Pietrusewsky, 2014 #28148]
Book Section 2013 Kinaston, R. The stable isotope analysis of prehistoric human diet in the Pacific Islands with an emphasis on Lapita Pacific archaeology: documenting the past 50,000 years [Kinaston, 2013 #22702]
Book Section 2013 Foster, A. Gender, labour division and the skeleton: a case study from the Teouma Lapita cemetery Pacific archaeology: documenting the past 50,000 years [Foster, 2013 #22705]