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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2020 Fan, Jianan A study on the departure port of the Sinan shipwreck - a perspective based on the Chinese ceramic cargo Archaeological Research in Asia [Fan, 2020 #36689]
Journal Article 2019 Glover, Lauren Overlooked Imports: Carnelian Beads in the Korean Peninsula Asian Perspectives: The Journal of Archaeology for Asia and the Pacific [Glover, 2019 #18985]
Journal Article 2019 Walsh, Rory Ceramics and Society in Mahan and Paekche: A Comparison of Pottery Geochemistry and Craft Production Patterns at the Sites of P'ungnap T'osŏng and Kwangju Palsan Asian Perspectives: The Journal of Archaeology for Asia and the Pacific [Walsh, 2019 #18984]
Journal Article 2019 Davey, Jack Culture Contact and Cultural Boundaries in Iron Age Southern Korea Asian Perspectives: The Journal of Archaeology for Asia and the Pacific [Davey, 2019 #18983]
Journal Article 2019 Blackmore, Hari A Critical Examination of Models Regarding a Han 韓 – Ye 濊 Ethnic Division in Proto-Historic Central Korea, and Further Implications Asian Perspectives: The Journal of Archaeology for Asia and the Pacific [Blackmore, 2019 #18982]
Journal Article 2019 Lee, Rachel J. Gendered Spaces of Prehistoric Households: A Geospatial Analysis of Mumun Period Pithouses from South Korea Asian Perspectives: The Journal of Archaeology for Asia and the Pacific [Lee, 2019 #18981]
Journal Article 2019 Burge, Marjorie Wooden Inscriptions and the Culture of Writing in Sabi Paekche Asian Perspectives: The Journal of Archaeology for Asia and the Pacific [Burge, 2019 #18980]
Journal Article 2019 Lee, Dennis Paekche King Kŭnch'ogo's Twisted Journey to the South: A Textual and Archaeological Perspective Asian Perspectives: The Journal of Archaeology for Asia and the Pacific [Lee, 2019 #18979]
Journal Article 2019 Byington, Mark E. Identification and Chronology of some Koguryŏ Royal Tombs Asian Perspectives: The Journal of Archaeology for Asia and the Pacific [Byington, 2019 #18978]
Journal Article 2019 Davey, Jack Early Korea: Re-thinking Boundaries and Identities Asian Perspectives: The Journal of Archaeology for Asia and the Pacific [Davey, 2019 #18977]
Journal Article 2019 Glover, Lauren Overlooked imports: carnelian beads in the Korean Peninsula Asian Perspectives [Glover, 2019 #26655]
Journal Article 2019 Walsh, Rory Ceramics and society in Mahan and Paekche: a comparison of pottery geochemistry and craft production patterns at the sites of P'ungnap T'osŏng and Kwangju Palsan Asian Perspectives [Walsh, 2019 #26653]
Book Section 2017 Crawford, Gary W. Plant domestication in East Asia Handbook of East and Southeast Asian Archaeology [Crawford, 2017 #22298]
Journal Article 2015 Kwak, Seungki What did they cook?: A preliminary investigation into culinary practices and pottery use in the central part of the Korean peninsula during the mid to late Holocene Journal of Indo-Pacific Archaeology [Kwak, 2015 #26955]
Journal Article 2016 Seung-Og Kim, Recent developments and debates in Korean prehistoric archaeology Asian Perspectives (2015) [Seung-Og 2016 #27836]
Journal Article 2016 Bae, Christopher J. Potential contributions of Korean Pleistocene hominin fossils to palaeoanthropology: a view from Ryonggok Cave Asian Perspectives (2015) [Bae, 2016 #27835]
Journal Article 2016 Hyeong Woo Lee, The Korean early palaeolithic: patterns and identities Asian Perspectives (2015) [Hyeong 2016 #27834]
Journal Article 2016 Chuntaek Seong, Diversity of lithic assemblages and evolution of late palaeolithic culture in Korea Asian Perspectives (2015) [Chuntaek 2016 #27833]
Journal Article 2016 Sung-Mo Ahn, Sedentism, settlements, and radiocarbon dates of neolithic Korea Asian Perspectives (2015) [Sung-Mo 2016 #27832]
Journal Article 2016 Bumcheol Kim, Socioeconomic development in the bronze age: archaeological understanding of the transition from the early to middle bronze age, South Korea Asian Perspectives (2015) [Bumcheol 2016 #27831]
Journal Article 2016 Kisung Yi, Transition from the prehistoric age to the historic age: the early iron age on the Korean Peninsula Asian Perspectives (2015) [Kisung 2016 #27830]
Journal Article 2016 Bae, Christopher J. Korean prehistory: current perspectives Asian Perspectives (2015) [Bae, 2016 #27838]
Journal Article 2015 Hyung Il Pai Gateway to Korea: colonialism, nationalism, and reconstructing ruins as tourist landmarks Journal of Indo-Pacific Archaeology [Hyung 2015 #28040]
Book Section 2013 Pietrusewsky, M. Biological connections across the Sea of Japan: a multivariate comparison of ancient and more modern crania from Japan, China, Korea, and Southeast Asia Bioarchaeology of East Asia: movement, contact, health [Pietrusewsky, 2013 #22701]
Journal Article 2007 Seyock, Barbara Trade ceramics from the Gotō Islands (Japan), circa sixteenth to early seventeenth century: the Yamami underwater site (Ojika) and related issues Asian Perspectives (2007) [Seyock, 2007 #28159]
Journal Article 2007 Rhee, Song-Nai Korean contributions to agriculture, technology, and state formation in Japan: archaeology and history of an epochal thousand years, 400 B.C.-A.D. 600 Asian Perspectives (2007) [Rhee, 2007 #28158]
Thesis 2001 Gyu Ho Kim A study of archaeological chemistry on ancient glasses found in Korea Chemistry [Gyu 2001 #36321]
Book Section 1995 Brill, Robert H. Chemical analyses of some Asian glasses Proceeding of the XVIIth International Congress on Glass [Brill, 1995 #22742]
Book Section 1993 Lee, In-Sook Chemical analyses of some ancient glasses from Korea Annales de l’Association Internationale pour l’Histoire du Verre [Lee, 1993 #22744]
Journal Article 2013 Shin, Sook-Chung Chulman neolithic intensification, complexity, and emerging agriculture in Korea Asian Perspectives (2012) [Shin, 2013 #28244]