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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book (Edited) 1993 Sandford, Mary K. Investigations of ancient human tissue: chemical analyses in anthropology [Sandford, 1993 #21594]
Book Section 1994 Ezzo, Joseph A. Paleonutrition at Grasshopper Pueblo, Arizona Paleonutrition: the diet and health of prehistoric Americans Paleonutrition: the diet and health of prehistoric Americans [Ezzo, 1994 #24597]
Book Section 1993 Herrmann, Bernd Indicators for seasonality in trace element patterns Prehistoric human bone: archaeology at the molecular level [Herrmann, 1993 #24606]
Book Section 1988 Grupe, Giseka Trace elements and stable istopes in prehistoric human skeletons Geochemistry and Health [Grupe, 1988 #24610]
Book Section 1985 Gilbert, Robert I. Stress, paleonutrition, and trace elements The analysis of prehistoric diets [Gilbert, 1985 #24652]
Book Section 1998 Cook, Della Collins Sex differences in trace elements: status or self-selection Sex and gender in paleopathological perspective [Cook, 1998 #24654]
Book Section 1993 Sandford, Mary K. Understanding the biogenic-diagenetic continuum: interpreting elemental concentrations of archaeological bone Investigations of ancient human tissue: chemical analyses in anthropology [Sandford, 1993 #24678]
Book Section 1993 Lambert, Joseph B. Dietary inferences from element analyses of bone Prehistoric human bone: archaeology at the molecular level [Lambert, 1993 #24703]
Book Section 1993 Williams, John A. Benefits and obstacles of routine elemental and isotopic analysis in bioarchaeological research contracts Investigations of ancient human tissue: chemical analyses in anthropology [Williams, 1993 #24712]
Book Section in a Series 2000 Burton, James H. The use and abuse of trace elements for paleodietary research Biogeochemical approaches to paleodietary analysis [Burton, 2000 #26092]
Book Section in a Series 2000 Katzenberg, M. Anne Bone chemistry, food and history: a case study from 19th century upper Canada Biogeochemical approaches to paleodietary analysis [Katzenberg, 2000 #26095]
Journal Article 2017 Burger, Marcel Novel sampling techniques for trace element quantification in ancient copper artifacts using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry Journal of Archaeological Science [Burger, 2017 #26829]
Journal Article 2017 Wood, Jonathan R. Iridium to provenance ancient silver Journal of Archaeological Science [Wood, 2017 #26831]
Journal Article 2012 Carò, Federico Khmer sandstone quarries of Kulen Mountain and Koh Ker: a petrographic and geochemical study Journal of Archaeological Science [Carò, 2012 #27562]
Journal Article 2016 Dussubieux, Laure Myanmar's role in iron age interaction networks linking Southeast Asia and India: recent glass and copper-base metal exchange research from the <i>Mission Archéologique Française au Myanmar</i> Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports [Dussubieux, 2016 #27826]
Journal Article 2011 Zuliskandar Ramil X-ray fluorescent analysis on Indo-Pacific glass beads from Sungai Mas archaeological sites, Kedah, Malaysia Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry [Zuliskandar 2011 #28111]
Journal Article 2012 Schlosser, Sandra Cambodian gold and silver from Prohear: composition, trace elements and gilding Journal of Archaeological Science [Schlosser, 2012 #28313]
Journal Article 2000 Wells, E. Christian Chemical analyses of ancient anthrosols in residential areas at Piedras Negras, Guatemala Journal of Archaeological Science [Wells, 2000 #34316]
Journal Article 1999 Schutkowski, Holger Diet, status and decomposition at Weingarten: trace element and isotope analysis on early mediaeval skeletal material Journal of Archaeological Science [Schutkowski, 1999 #34332]
Journal Article 2000 Schlezinger, David R. Organic phosphorus and elemental ratios as indicators of prehistoric human occupation Journal of Archaeological Science [Schlezinger, 2000 #34336]
Journal Article 2000 Price, T. Douglas Immigration and the ancient city of Teotihuacan in Mexico: a study using strontium isotope ratios in human bone and teeth Journal of Archaeological Science [Price, 2000 #34341]
Journal Article 1999 Hobson, Keith A. Tracing origins and migration of wildlife using stable isotopes: a review Oecologia [Hobson, 1999 #34367]
Journal Article 1999 Burton, James H. Correlation of bone Ba/Ca and Sr/Ca due to biological purification of calcium Journal of Archaeological Science [Burton, 1999 #34390]
Journal Article 1999 Burton, James H. Evaluation of bone strontium as a measure of seafood consumption International Journal of Osteoarchaeology [Burton, 1999 #34391]
Journal Article 1999 Baraybar, José Pablo Diet and death in a fog oasis site in central coastal Peru: a trace element study of Tomb 1 Malanche 22 Journal of Archaeological Science [Baraybar, 1999 #34396]
Journal Article 1985 Price, T. Douglas Bone composition and the reconstruction of diet, I: strontium discrimination in white-tailed deer Journal of Archaeological Science [Price, 1985 #34405]
Journal Article 1997 Ziegler, J. L. Geophagy: a vestige of palaeonutrition? [editorial Tropical Medicine and International Health [Ziegler, 1997 #34416]
Journal Article 1994 Yusof, A. M. The accumulation and distribution of trace metals in some localized marine species Biological Trace Element Research [Yusof, 1994 #34418]
Journal Article 1991 Yoshinaga, J. Trace elements in human transitory milk. Variation caused by biological attributes of mother and infant Biological Trace Element Research [Yoshinaga, 1991 #34420]
Journal Article 1996 Yamada, M. An improved method for estimating original mineral contents in excavated bone using sulfur Biological Trace Element Research [Yamada, 1996 #34424]