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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book 2011 Fjelstad, Karen Spirits without borders: Vietnamese spirit mediums in a transnational age [Fjelstad, 2011 #20061]
Book 2000 Morris, Rosalind C. In the place of origins: modernity and its mediums in northern Thailand [Morris, 2000 #20104]
Book 1957 Quaritch-Wales, H. G. Prehistory and religion in South-east Asia [Quaritch-Wales, 1957 #20920]
Book 1986 T'ien, Ju-k'ang Religious cults of the Pai-i along the Burma-Yunnan border Southeast Asia Program Series [T'ien, 1986 #21058]
Book 1970 Tambiah, S. J. Buddhism and the spirit cults of northeast Thailand [Tambiah, 1970 #21262]
Book (Edited) 2003 Tannenbaum, Nicola Founders' cults in Southeast Asia: ancestors, polity, and identity [Tannenbaum, 2003 #21421]
Book (Edited) 1996 Kammerer, Cornelia Ann Merit and blessing in mainland Southeast Asia in comparative perspective [Kammerer, 1996 #21429]
Book Section 2003 O'Connor, Richard A. Founders' cults in regional and historical perspective Founders' cults in Southeast Asia: ancestors, polity, and identity [O'Connor, 2003 #23233]
Book Section 2003 Hayashi, Yukio Reconfiguration of village guardian spirits among the Thai-Lao in northeast Thailand Founders' cults in Southeast Asia: ancestors, polity, and identity [Hayashi, 2003 #23237]
Book Section 2003 Sakai, Minako Publicizing rituals and privatizing meanings: negotiating an identity of the Gumai in Sumatra Founders' cults in Southeast Asia: ancestors, polity, and identity [Sakai, 2003 #23238]
Book Section 2003 Kammerer, Cornelia Ann Spirit cults among Akha highlanders of northern Thailand Founders' cults in Southeast Asia: ancestors, polity, and identity [Kammerer, 2003 #23243]
Book Section 2003 Kammerer, Cornelia Ann Introduction Founders' cults in Southeast Asia: ancestors, polity, and identity [Kammerer, 2003 #23245]
Book Section 2000 Tanabe, Shigeharu Autochthony and the Inthakhin cult of Chiang Mai Civility and Savagery [Tanabe, 2000 #23249]
Book Section 2002 Kitiarsa, Pattana You may not believe, but never offend the spirits: spirit-medium cults and popular media in modern Thailand Global goes local: popular culture in Asia [Kitiarsa, 2002 #23262]
Book Section in a Series 2008 Bouté, Vanina Cultes aux esprits et bouddhisme chez les Phounoy du Nord-Laos Recherches nouvelles sur le Laos [Bouté, 2008 #25642]
Book Section in a Series 1989 Beavitt, P. The ethnoarchaeology of sacrifice: some comments on the visible and invisible with respect to human contact with the spirit world in Borneo Animal et Pratiques Religieuses: Les Manifestations Matérielles [Beavitt, 1989 #26103]
Journal Article 1909 Przyluski, J. Note sur le culte des arbres au Tonkin Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Przyluski, 1909 #27327]
Journal Article 1992 Muecke, Marjorie A. Monks and mediums: religious syncretism in northern Thailand Journal of the Siam Society [Muecke, 1992 #28689]
Journal Article 1984 Irvine, Walter Decline of village spirit cults and growth of urban spirit mediumship: the persistence of spirit beliefs, the position of women and modernization Mankind [Irvine, 1984 #28692]
Journal Article 1962 Bareau, André La construction et le culte des stupa d'après le Vinayapitaka Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Bareau, 1962 #32147]
Journal Article 1952 Rajadhon, Phya Anuman The ceremony of Tham Khwan of a month old child Journal of the Siam Society [Rajadhon, 1952 #34083]
Journal Article 1962 Rajadhon, Phya Anuman The Khwan and its ceremonies Journal of the Siam Society [Rajadhon, 1962 #34119]
Journal Article 1960 Rajadhon, Phya Anuman Fertility rites in Thailand Journal of the Siam Society [Rajadhon, 1960 #34132]
Journal Article 1963 Velder, Christian Chao Luang Muak Kham (the royal master with the golden crown): report on the forest-spirit of Ban Saliem Journal of the Siam Society [Velder, 1963 #34137]
Journal Article 1969 Terwiel, B. J. Review of "Burmese supernaturalism" by Melford E. Spiro Journal of the Siam Society [Terwiel, 1969 #34190]
Journal Article 1980 Pitiphat, Sumitr The religion and beliefs of the Black Tai, and a note on the study of cultural origins Journal of the Siam Society [Pitiphat, 1980 #34206]
Journal Article 1973 Foster, Brian L. Ethnic identity of the Mons in Thailand Journal of the Siam Society [Foster, 1973 #34216]
Journal Article 1972 Walker, Anthony R. Blessing feasts and ancestor propitiation among the Lahu Nyi (Red Lahu) Journal of the Siam Society [Walker, 1972 #34221]
Journal Article 1972 Kauffmann, H. E. Some social and religious institutions of the Lawa (N.W.-Thailand) Part I Journal of the Siam Society [Kauffmann, 1972 #34223]
Journal Article 1971 Chotisukharat, Sanguan Supernatural beliefs and practices in Chiengmai Journal of the Siam Society [Chotisukharat, 1971 #34229]