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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book 1939 Marchal, Henri La collection khmère [Marchal, 1939 #19751]
Book 1925 Stutterheim, Willem Frederik Rāma-legenden und Rāma-reliefs in Indonesien Indische kulturkreis in einzeldarstellungen [Stutterheim, 1925 #19755]
Book 1907 Marchal, Henri Sculptures Khmères [Marchal, 1907 #19770]
Book 2004 Stratton, Carol Buddhist sculpture of northern Thailand [Stratton, 2004 #19994]
Book 1919 Parmentier, Henri Catalogue de Musée Cam de Tourane [Parmentier, 1919 #20287]
Book 1963 Boisselier, Jean La statuaire du Champa: recherches sur les cultes et l'iconographie [Boisselier, 1963 #20740]
Book (Edited) 2014 Guy, John Lost kingdoms: Hindu-Buddhist sculpture of early Southeast Asia [Guy, 2014 #21360]
Book in a Series 1928 Cœdès, George Collections archéologiques du Musée national de Bangkok [Cœdès, 1928 #21651]
Book in a Series 1969 Gettens, Rutherford J. The Freer Chinese bronzes: vol. II: technical studies [Gettens, 1969 #21760]
Book in a Series 1914 Laufer, Berthold Chinese clay figures [Laufer, 1914 #21855]
Book in a Series 1955 Dupont, Pierre La statuaire préangkorienne [Dupont, 1955 #21868]
Book in a Series 1955 Boisselier, Jean La statuaire khmère et son évolution [Boisselier, 1955 #21870]
Book Section 2008 Feneley, Marnie Reconstructing the West Mebon Vishnu: a marriage of the traditional artefectual analysis with digital 3D visualization Virtual Systems and Multimedia: 13th International Conference [Feneley, 2008 #22485]
Book Section 2014 Bellina, Bérénice Southeast Asia and the early maritime Silk Road Lost kingdoms: Hindu-Buddhist sculpture of early Southeast Asia [Bellina, 2014 #22539]
Book Section 2014 Murphy, Stephen A. <i>Sema</i> stones in lower Myanmar and northeast Thailand: a comparison Before Siam: essays in art and archaeology [Murphy, 2014 #22635]
Book Section 2014 Indorf, Pinna Dvāravatī <i>cakras</i>: questions of their significance Before Siam: essays in art and archaeology [Indorf, 2014 #22638]
Book Section 2014 Lavy, Paul A. Conch-on-hip images in peninsular Thailand and early Vaiṣṇava sculpture in Southeast Asia Before Siam: essays in art and archaeology [Lavy, 2014 #22643]
Book Section 2013 Ong, Natalie S. Y. The creative sculptural process as evidenced in the Rāmāyaṇa reliefs of Candi Loro Jonggrang, Prambanan, Central Java Materializing Southeast Asia's past: selected papers from the 12th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Ong, 2013 #22791]
Book Section 2013 Feneley, Marnie The context of the West Mebon Viṣṇu Materializing Southeast Asia's past: selected papers from the 12th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Feneley, 2013 #22795]
Book Section 2012 Tsujimoto, Mio Development of <i>devatā, apsara</i> and <i>dvārapāla</i> from the 9th-13th century AD Khmer sites Connecting empires and states: selected papers from the 13th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Tsujimoto, 2012 #22816]
Book Section 2012 Southworth, Kirsten The lintel of Vat Eng Khna, Cambodia: image, text and precedent Connecting empires and states: selected papers from the 13th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Southworth, 2012 #22817]
Book Section 2012 Gail, Adalbert J. The face towers of the Bayon period in Angkor Connecting empires and states: selected papers from the 13th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Gail, 2012 #22819]
Book Section 2012 Marwick, Ben A cladistic evaluation of ancient Thai bronze Buddha images: six tests for a phylogenetic signal in the Griswald collection Connecting empires and states: selected papers from the 13th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Marwick, 2012 #22824]
Book Section 2011 Brown, Robert L. The importance of Gupta-period sculpture in Southeast Asian art history Early interactions between South and Southeast Asia: reflections on cross-cultural exchange [Brown, 2011 #23012]
Book Section 1990 Santini, G. A preliminary note on animal figurines from Shahr-i Sokhta South Asian Archaeology 1987. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe, held in the Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice [Santini, 1990 #23275]
Book Section 1984 van Lohuizen de Leeuw, J. E. A unique piece of ivory carving - the oldest known chessman South Asian Archaeology 1981. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe Held in Cambridge University 5-10 July 1981 [van 1984 #23344]
Book Section 1984 Jarrige, C. Terracotta human figurines from Nindowari South Asian Archaeology 1981. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe Held in Cambridge University 5-10 July 1981 [Jarrige, 1984 #23358]
Book Section 1998 Taylor, Nora Sculptures of Cham deities: gods or kings? Southeast Asian Archaeology 1996: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists, Leiden, 2-6 September 1996 [Taylor, 1998 #23518]
Book Section 1998 Sukanda-Tessier, Viviane La grande statue de Sukaraja, Limbangan, Garut: une triple énigme Southeast Asian Archaeology 1996: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists, Leiden, 2-6 September 1996 [Sukanda-Tessier, 1998 #23519]
Book Section 1998 Haryono, Timbul A bimetallic statue of Śiva recently found in Central Java Southeast Asian Archaeology 1996: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists, Leiden, 2-6 September 1996 [Haryono, 1998 #23531]