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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2019 Teixeira, João C. Using hominin introgression to trace modern human dispersals PNAS [Teixeira, 2019 #18942]
Book 1995 Storm, P. The evolutionary significance of the Wajak skulls [Storm, 1995 #19800]
Book 1955 Clark, Wilfrid E. Le Gros The fossil evidence for human evolution: an introduction to the study of paleoanthropology The Scientist's Library. Biology and Medicine [Clark, 1955 #19841]
Book 1996 Lahr, Marta Mirazon The evolution of modern human diversity: a study of cranial variation [Lahr, 1996 #20057]
Book 2006 Wells, R. Spencer Deep ancestry: inside the Genographic Project [Wells, 2006 #20076]
Book 1999 Fix, Alan Migration and colonization in human microevolution [Fix, 1999 #20077]
Book 2000 Cavalli-Sforza, L. L. Genes, peoples, and languages [Cavalli-Sforza, 2000 #20078]
Book 1961 Greene, John Darwin and the modern world view [Greene, 1961 #20549]
Book 1976 Iskandar, C. Orang Asli: the Aboriginal tribes of Malaysia [Iskandar, 1976 #21123]
Book (Edited) 1997 Barton, C. Michael Rediscovering Darwin: evolutionary theory and archeological explanation Archeological papers of the American Anthropological Association [Barton, 1997 #21323]
Book (Edited) 1996 Mellars, Paul Modelling the early human mind McDonald Institute Monographs [Mellars, 1996 #21414]
Book (Edited) 1989 Mellars, Paul The human revolution: behavioural and biological perspectives on the origins of modern humans [Mellars, 1989 #21415]
Book in a Series 2012 Bacon, Anne-Marie Les sites de Tam Hang, Nam Lot et Tam Pà Ling au nord du Laos: des gisements à vertébrés du Pléistocène aux origines des Hommes modernes [Bacon, 2012 #21657]
Book Section 1997 Wiessner, Polly Seeking guidelines through an evolutionary approach: style revisited Rediscovering Darwin: evolutionary theory and archeological explanation [Wiessner, 1997 #22148]
Book Section 1997 Barton, C. Michael Stone tools, style, and social identity: an evolutionary perspective on the archeological record Rediscovering Darwin: evolutionary theory and archeological explanation [Barton, 1997 #22149]
Book Section 1997 Bamforth, Douglas B. Technology, flaked stone technology, and risk Rediscovering Darwin: evolutionary theory and archeological explanation [Bamforth, 1997 #22150]
Book Section 1997 Neff, Hector Methodology of comparison in evolutionary archeology Rediscovering Darwin: evolutionary theory and archeological explanation [Neff, 1997 #22152]
Book Section 1997 Gowlett, John Why the muddle in the middle matters: the language of comparative and direct in hominid evolution Rediscovering Darwin: evolutionary theory and archeological explanation [Gowlett, 1997 #22154]
Book Section 1997 Lyman, R. Lee The concept of evolution in early twentieth century Americanist archeology Rediscovering Darwin: evolutionary theory and archeological explanation [Lyman, 1997 #22155]
Book Section 1997 Barton, C. Michael Evolutionary theory in archaeology explained Rediscovering Darwin: evolutionary theory and archeological explanation [Barton, 1997 #22162]
Book Section 2015 Reynolds, Tim Reconstructing late Pleistocene climates, landscapes, and human activities in northern Borneo from excavations in the Niah Caves Emergence and diversity of modern human behavior in paleolithic Asia [Reynolds, 2015 #22614]
Book Section 2011 Bulbeck, David Biological and cultural evolution in the population and culture history of <i>Homo sapiens</i> in Malaya Dynamics of human diversity [Bulbeck, 2011 #22991]
Book Section 1989 Wolpoff, Milford H. Multiregional evolution: the fossil alternative to Eden The human revolution: behavioural and biological perspectives on the origins of modern humans [Wolpoff, 1989 #23581]
Book Section 1984 Wolpoff, M. H. Modern <i>Homo sapiens</i> origins: a general theory of human evolution involving the fossil evidence from east Asia The origins of modern humans: a world survey of the fossil evidence [Wolpoff, 1984 #23582]
Book Section 2007 Lingxia Zhao, Earliest human evidence in China Recent Advances on Southeast Asian Paleoanthropology and Archaeology: Proceedings International Seminar on Southeast Asian Paleoanthropology [Lingxia 2007 #23739]
Book Section 1989 Groves, C. P. A regional approach to the problem of the origin of modern humans in Australasia The human revolution: behavioural and biological perspectives on the origins of modern humans [Groves, 1989 #23786]
Book Section 1984 Dennell, Robin The importance of the Potwar Plateau, Pakistan, to studies of early man South Asian Archaeology 1981. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe Held in Cambridge University 5-10 July 1981 [Dennell, 1984 #23860]
Book Section 1992 Brown, Peter Recent human evolution in East Asia and Australasia Origin of modern humans and the impact of chronometric dating: a discussion [Brown, 1992 #23903]
Book Section 1989 Braüer, G. The evolution of modern humans: a comparison of the African and non-African evidence The human revolution: behavioural and biological perspectives on the origins of modern humans [Braüer, 1989 #23924]
Book Section 1968 Robinson, John T. The origin and adaptive radiation of the Australopithecines Evolution und Hominisation [Robinson, 1968 #24146]