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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2009 Roberts, R. G. Geochronology of cave deposits at Liang Bua and of adjacent river terraces in the Wae Racang valley, western Flores, Indonesia: a synthesis of age estimates for the type locality of <i>Homo floresiensis</i> Journal of Human Evolution [Roberts, 2009 #26644]
Journal Article 2009 Westaway, K. E. Reconstructing the geomorphic history of Liang Bua, Flores, Indonesia: a stratigraphic interpretation of the occupational environment Journal of Human Evolution [Westaway, 2009 #26645]
Journal Article 2009 Westaway, K. E. The evolving landscape and climate of western Flores: an environmental context for the archaeological site of Liang Bua Journal of Human Evolution [Westaway, 2009 #26646]
Journal Article 2014 Salam, Abhisit Geochemistry and geochronology of the Chatree epithermal gold-silver deposit: implications for the tectonic setting of the Loei Fold Belt, central Thailand Gondwana Research [Salam, 2014 #28056]
Journal Article 2008 Tran Trong Hoa, Permo-Triassic magmatism and metallogeny of Northern Vietnam in relation to the Emeishan plume Russian Geology and Geophysics [Tran 2008 #28060]
Book Section 2024 Louys, Julien Geochronology and palaeoenvironments of Sibrambang and Djambu caves,
western Sumatra
Quaternary Palaeontology and Archaeology of Sumatra [Louys, 2024 #37329]