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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2019 Daly, Patrick Archaeological evidence that a late 14th-century tsunami devastated the coast of northern Sumatra and redirected history PNAS [Daly, 2019 #18953]
Journal Article 2019 Setyaningsih, Christina A. First palaeoecological evidence of buffalo husbandry and rice cultivation in the Kerinci Seblat National Park in Sumatra, Indonesia Vegetation History and Archaeobotany [Setyaningsih, 2019 #18963]
Journal Article 2020 Yew Seng Tai The impact of Ming and Qing dynasty maritime bans on trade ceramics recovered from coastal settlements in northern Sumatra, Indonesia Archaeological Research in Asia [Yew 2020 #19044]
Book 1976 McKinnon, Edmund Edwards Oriental ceramics excavated in North Sumatra Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic Society [McKinnon, 1976 #19738]
Book 1964 Vergouwen, J. C. The social organisation and customary law of the Toba-Batak of Northern Sumatra Translation series / Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde [Vergouwen, 1964 #19853]
Book 1989 Leigh, Barbara Hands of time: the crafts of Aceh (Tangan-tangan trampil: seni kerajinan Aceh) [Leigh, 1989 #19886]
Book 1996 Maloney, Bernard K. New perspectives on possible early dry land and wet land rice cultivation in highland North Sumatra University of Hull, Centre for South-East Asian Studies Occasional Paper [Maloney, 1996 #19924]
Book 1993 Niessen, Sandra A. Batak cloth and clothing: a dynamic Indonesian tradition Asia Collection [Niessen, 1993 #19937]
Book 1991 Bowen, John R. Sumatran politics and poetics: Gayo history, 1900-1989 [Bowen, 1991 #19949]
Book 1976 LeBar, Frank M. Insular Southeast Asia: ethnographic studies HRAFlex Books. Ethnography series. [LeBar, 1976 #19965]
Book 1964 Schnitger, F. M. Forgotten kingdoms in Sumatra [Schnitger, 1964 #20187]
Book 1937 Schnitger, F. M. Archaeology of Hindoo Sumatra [Schnitger, 1937 #20195]
Book 1935 Loeb, Edwin Meyer Sumatra: its history and its people [Loeb, 1935 #20436]
Book 1932 van der Hoop, A. N. J. Megalithic remains in South Sumatra [van 1932 #20514]
Book 1942 Cockrell, R. A. An anatomical structure of eighty Sumatran woods [Cockrell, 1942 #20677]
Book 1826 Anderson, John A mission to the east coast of Sumatra [Anderson, 1826 #20776]
Book 1991 Sibeth, Achim The Batak: peoples of the islands of Sumatra [Sibeth, 1991 #21243]
Book (Edited) 1998 Guillot, C. Histoire de Barus, Sumatra: le site de Lobu Tua [Guillot, 1998 #21488]
Book in a Series 1979 Sukendar, Haris Laporan penelitian kepurbakalaan daerah Lampung [Sukendar, 1979 #21733]
Book in a Series (Edited) 2009 Perret, Daniel Histoire de Barus III: regards sur une place marchande de l'océan Indien (XIIe-milieu du XVIIes) [Perret, 2009 #22027]
Book in a Series (Edited) 1975 Reid, Anthony Pre-colonial state systems in Southeast Asia [Reid, 1975 #22054]
Book Section 2018 Tjoa-Bonatz, Mai Lin Sea routes in Sumatran waters, Indonesia: surveys of historic shipwrecks in the straits of Bangka, Gaspar, and Karimata Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2016 [Tjoa-Bonatz, 2018 #22255]
Book Section 2017 McKinnon, Edmund Edwards Burmese wares in Aceh and North Sumatra Peninsular Siam and its neighborhoods: essays in memory of Dr. Preecha Noonsuk [McKinnon, 2017 #22281]
Book Section 2015 Ridwan, Nia Naelul Hasanah The wreckage of ships and aircrafts from the World War II period in west Sumatra and north Moluccas Waters, Indonesia and the development possibility as a sustainable Marine-Heritage tourism destination Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2013: selected papers from the First SEAMEO SPAFA International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology [Ridwan, 2015 #22516]
Book Section 2015 McKinnon, E. Edwards The rape of the Green Princess (Benteng Puteri Hijau) Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2013: selected papers from the First SEAMEO SPAFA International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology [McKinnon, 2015 #22517]
Book Section 2015 Eka Asih Putrina Taim Ancient settlement of Muaro Jambi and its related sites Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2013: selected papers from the First SEAMEO SPAFA International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology [Eka 2015 #22518]
Book Section 2007 Davis, Carol Food, fertility and kinship in Minangkabau Kinship and food in South East Asia [Davis, 2007 #22587]
Book Section 2009 Manguin, Pierre-Yves Southeast Sumatra in protohistoric and Srivijaya times: upstream-downstream relations and the settlement of the Peneplain From distant tales: archaeology and ethnohistory in the highlands of Sumatra [Manguin, 2009 #22609]
Book Section 2012 McKinnon, E. Edwards The Kota Rentang excavations Connecting empires and states: selected papers from the 13th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [McKinnon, 2012 #22831]
Book Section 2012 Damanik, Erond L. Traces of early Chinese and Southeast Asian trade at <i>Benteng Puteri Hijau</i>, Namu Rambe, northeast Sumatra Connecting empires and states: selected papers from the 13th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Damanik, 2012 #22833]