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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2019 Bulbeck, David Patterned and plain baked clay from pre-pottery contexts in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia Antiquity [Bulbeck, 2019 #18935]
Journal Article 2019 Aubert, Maxime Earliest hunting scene in prehistoric art Nature [Aubert, 2019 #19009]
Journal Article 2020 Fuentes, Riczar Stuck within notches: direct evidence of plant processing during the last glacial maximum to Holocene in North Sulawesi Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports [Fuentes, 2020 #19618]
Book 1989 Errington, Shelly Meaning and power in a Southeast Asian realm [Errington, 1989 #19952]
Book 1920 Kruyt, Albertus Christiaan Het ijzer in Midden-Celebes Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch-Indië [Kruyt, 1920 #20073]
Book 1915 Abendanon, E. C. Midden Celebes expeditie: geologische en geographische doorkruisingen van Midden-Celebes (1909-1910) [Abendanon, 1915 #20074]
Book 1927 Kaudern, W. Ethnographic studies in Celebes: results of the author's expedition to Celebes 1917-1920's [Kaudern, 1927 #20470]
Book 2000 Bulbeck, David Land of iron: the historical archaeology of Luwu and the Cenrana Valley. Results of the Origin of Complex Society in South Sulawesi Project (OXIS) [Bulbeck, 2000 #20720]
Book 1905 Sarasin, Paul Versuch einer Anthropologie der Insel Celebes. I: Die Toala-Hohlen von Lamontjong [Sarasin, 1905 #21220]
Book (Edited) 1998 Newton, Douglas Arts des mers du Sud : Insulinde, Mélanésie, Polynésie, Micronésie : Collections du musée Barbier-Muelle [Newton, 1998 #21545]
Book in a Series (Edited) 2018 O'Connor, Sue The Archaeology of Sulawesi: Current Research on the Pleistocene to the Historic Period [O'Connor, 2018 #22025]
Book in a Series (Edited) 1975 Reid, Anthony Pre-colonial state systems in Southeast Asia [Reid, 1975 #22054]
Book Section 2004 Olsen, S. L. The bone industry of Ulu Leang 1 and Leang Burung 1 rockshelters, Sulawesi, Indonesia, in its regional context Modern Quaternary Research in Southeast Asia [Olsen, 2004 #22371]
Book Section 2015 Anggraeni The lifestyle of the Karama valley Neolithic-Paleometallic inhabitants Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2013: selected papers from the First SEAMEO SPAFA International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology [Anggraeni 2015 #22519]
Book Section 2006 Bulbeck, F. D. Analysis of glass from Luwu, South Sulawesi, Indonesia Archaeology: Indonesian perspective [Bulbeck, 2006 #22654]
Book Section 2012 Kirleis, Wiebke The megalithic landscape of central Sulawesi, Indonesia: combining archaeological and palynological investigations Crossing borders: selected papers from the 13th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Kirleis, 2012 #22880]
Book Section 1996 Baker, S. Dating of Neogene igneous rocks in the Halmahera region: arc initiation and development Tectonic evolution of Southeast Asia [Baker, 1996 #23114]
Book Section 1996 Bergman, S. C. Tertiary tectonic and magmatic evolution of western Sulawesi and the Makassar Strait, Indonesia: evidence for a Miocene continent-continent collision Tectonic evolution of Southeast Asia [Bergman, 1996 #23120]
Book Section 1996 Wilson, M. E. J. The Tertiary evolution of South Sulawesi: a record in redeposited carbonates of the Tonasa Limestone Formation Tectonic evolution of Southeast Asia [Wilson, 1996 #23121]
Book Section 1996 Wakita, K. Tectonic evolution of the Bantimala Complex, South Sulawesi, Indonesia Tectonic evolution of Southeast Asia [Wakita, 1996 #23122]
Book Section 2000 Clayton, Lynn The trade in wildlife in north Sulawesi, Indonesia Hunting for sustainability in tropical rainforests [Clayton, 2000 #23144]
Book Section 2000 Lee, Rob J. Impact of subsistence hunting in north Sulawesi, Indonesia, and conservation options Hunting for sustainability in tropical rainforests [Lee, 2000 #23145]
Book Section 2000 Alvard, Michael The impact of traditional subsistence hunting and trapping on prey populations: data from Wana horticulturalists of upland central Sulawesi, Indonesia Hunting for sustainability in tropical rainforests [Alvard, 2000 #23148]
Book Section 2000 O'Brien, Timothy G. Differential vulnerability of large birds and mammals to hunting in north Sulawesi, Indonesia, and the outlook for the future Hunting for sustainability in tropical rainforests [O'Brien, 2000 #23149]
Book Section 1994 Prentice, Jack Manado Malay: product and agent of language change Language contact and change in the Austronesian world [Prentice, 1994 #23197]
Book Section 1994 Nothofer, Bernd The relationship between the languages of the Barrier Islands and the Sulawesi-Philippine languages Language contact and change in the Austronesian world [Nothofer, 1994 #23198]
Book Section 2003 Aragon, Lorraine V. Expanding spiritual territories: owners of the land, missionization, and migration in Central Sulawesi Founders' cults in Southeast Asia: ancestors, polity, and identity [Aragon, 2003 #23240]
Book Section 2003 Coville, Elizabeth Mothers of the land: vitality and order in the Toraja highlands Founders' cults in Southeast Asia: ancestors, polity, and identity [Coville, 2003 #23241]
Book Section 2000 Waterson, Roxana House, place, and memory in Tana Toraja (Indonesia) Beyond kinship: social and material reproduction in house societies [Waterson, 2000 #23656]
Book Section 2008 Handini, Retno Menhir in the exoticism of Toraja, South Sulawesi: a living megalithic tradition From <i>Homo erectus</i> to the living traditions [Handini, 2008 #23669]