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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
BAR Section 1990 Bellwood, Peter S. The Tingkayu industry of late Pleistocene Sabah Southeast Asian Archaeology 1986: Proceedings of the 1st Conference of the Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe [Bellwood, 1990 #19717]
Book in a Series (Edited) 1988 Bellwood, Peter S. Archaeological research in south-eastern Sabah [Bellwood, 1988 #22119]
Book Section 2017 Chia, Stephen A history of archaeology in Malaysia Handbook of East and Southeast Asian Archaeology [Chia, 2017 #22304]
Book Section 2015 Abdullah, Jeffrey Recent development of Palaeolithic studies in Sabah Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2013: selected papers from the First SEAMEO SPAFA International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology [Abdullah, 2015 #22513]
Book Section 2011 Sather, Clifford Mending nets of relatedness: words and gifts as sources of solidarity in a Sama Dilaut fishing community Anarchic solidarity: autonomy, equality, and fellowship in Southeast Asia [Sather, 2011 #22552]
Book Section 1996 Clennell, B. Far-field and gravity tectonics in Miocene basins of Sabah, Malaysia Tectonic evolution of Southeast Asia [Clennell, 1996 #23125]
Book Section 1996 Omang, S. A. K. Origin and tectonic significance of the metamorphic rocks associated with the Darvel Bay Ophiolite, Sabah, Malaysia Tectonic evolution of Southeast Asia [Omang, 1996 #23128]
Book Section 2000 Bennett, Elizabeth L. Saving Borneo's bacon: the sustainability of hunting in Sarawak and Sabah Hunting for sustainability in tropical rainforests [Bennett, 2000 #23147]
Book Section in a Series 1998 Tuboh, Lusiah A case study of the Kadazandusun communities in the Crocker Range National Park, Sabah, Malaysia Indigenous peoples and protected areas in South and Southeast Asia: from principles to practice [Tuboh, 1998 #25552]
Book Section in a Series 1986 Bellwood, Peter Recent archaeological research in Sabah, and its implications for Indo-Malaysian prehistory Evolusi Manusia, Lingkungan Hidup dan Teknologi [Bellwood, 1986 #25956]
Book Section in a Series 1976 Harrison, Robert Hamlet organization and its relationship to productivity in the swidden-rice communities of Ranau, Sabah, Malaysia The societies of Borneo: explorations in the theory of cognatic social structure [Harrison, 1976 #26117]
Journal Article 2006 Dierenfeld, Ellen S. Intake, utilization, and composition of browses consumed by the Sumatran rhinoceros (<i>Dicerorhinus sumatrensis harissoni</i>) in captivity in Sabah, Malaysia Zoo Biology [Dierenfeld, 2006 #26608]
Journal Article 2018 Hashom Mohd Hakim A new analysis of population history in Sabah and Sarawak Global Journal of Business and Social Science Review [Hashom 2018 #26658]
Journal Article 1998 Majid, Z. Some interesting late Pleistoce-early Holocene finds from excavations in Balambangan island, Sabah, Malaysia Sabah Society Journal [Majid, 1998 #27696]
Journal Article 1964 Wilford, G.E. The geology of Sarawak and Sabah Caves Geological Survey Borneo Region, Malaysia [Wilford, 1964 #29258]
Journal Article 1966 Harrisson, Tom A stone and bronze tool cave in Sabah Asian Perspectives (1964) [Harrisson, 1966 #29583]
Journal Article 1966 Harrisson, Tom A stone and bronze tool cave in Sabah Asian Perspectives (1964) [Harrisson, 1966 #33465]
Journal Article 1987 Sutlive, Vinson H., Jr. Archaeology and anthropology in East Malaysia and Brunei Journal of Southeast Asian Studies [Sutlive, 1987 #35792]
Journal Article 1984 Bellwood, Peter S. Archaeological research in the Madai-Baturong region, Sabah Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Bellwood, 1984 #35907]