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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2019 Samper Carro, Sofía C. Somewhere beyond the sea: human cranial remains from the Lesser Sunda Islands (Alor Island, Indonesia) provide insights on Late Pleistocene peopling of Island Southeast Asia Journal of Human Evolution [Samper 2019 #18913]
Journal Article 2019 Ruan, Yanming Differential hydro-climatic evolution of East Javanese ecosystems over the past 22,000 years Quaternary Science Reviews [Ruan, 2019 #18918]
Journal Article 2019 Bulbeck, David Patterned and plain baked clay from pre-pottery contexts in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia Antiquity [Bulbeck, 2019 #18935]
Journal Article 2019 Daly, Patrick Archaeological evidence that a late 14th-century tsunami devastated the coast of northern Sumatra and redirected history PNAS [Daly, 2019 #18953]
Journal Article 2019 Setyaningsih, Christina A. First palaeoecological evidence of buffalo husbandry and rice cultivation in the Kerinci Seblat National Park in Sumatra, Indonesia Vegetation History and Archaeobotany [Setyaningsih, 2019 #18963]
Journal Article 2019 Ellen, Roy Ritual, landscapes of change, and the domestication of Canarium: a Seram case study Asian Perspectives [Ellen, 2019 #18964]
Journal Article 2019 Adams, Ron L. Household ethnoarchaeology and social action in a megalith-building society in West Sumba, Indonesia Asian Perspectives [Adams, 2019 #18967]
Journal Article 2019 Aubert, Maxime Earliest hunting scene in prehistoric art Nature [Aubert, 2019 #19009]
Journal Article 2020 Rizal, Yan Last appearance of Homo erectus at Ngandong, Java, 117,000-108,000 years ago Nature [Rizal, 2020 #19021]
Journal Article 2020 Yew Seng Tai The impact of Ming and Qing dynasty maritime bans on trade ceramics recovered from coastal settlements in northern Sumatra, Indonesia Archaeological Research in Asia [Yew 2020 #19044]
Book 1990 Adhyatman, Sumarah Antique ceramics found in Indonesia, various uses and origins [Adhyatman, 1990 #19740]
Book 1927 Krom, Nicolaas Johannes Barabudur, archaeological description [Krom, 1927 #19752]
Book 1925 Stutterheim, Willem Frederik Rāma-legenden und Rāma-reliefs in Indonesien Indische kulturkreis in einzeldarstellungen [Stutterheim, 1925 #19755]
Book 1966 Groslier, B. P. Archaeologica Mundi: Indochine [Groslier, 1966 #19796]
Book 2002 Simanjuntak, T. Gunung Sewu in prehistoric times [Simanjuntak, 2002 #19797]
Book 1985 Bellwood, Peter Prehistory of the Indo-Malaysian Archipelago [Bellwood, 1985 #19802]
Book 1927 Coomaraswamy, Ananda K. History of Indian and Indonesian art [Coomaraswamy, 1927 #19833]
Book 1986 Nordholt, Henk Schulte Bali: colonial conceptions and political change, 1700-1940: from shifting hierarchies to "fixed order" CASP [Nordholt, 1986 #19883]
Book 1991 Niessen, Sandra A. Batak clothing at the turn of the 19th century [Niessen, 1991 #19884]
Book 1992 Koesasi, B. Lenong and Si Pitung Working Papers (Monash University, Centre of Southeast Asian Studies) [Koesasi, 1992 #19885]
Book 1989 Leigh, Barbara Hands of time: the crafts of Aceh (Tangan-tangan trampil: seni kerajinan Aceh) [Leigh, 1989 #19886]
Book 1990 Teljeur, Dirk The symbolic system of the Giman of South Halmahera Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde [Teljeur, 1990 #19887]
Book 1991 Forth, Gregory L. Space and place in Eastern Indonesia Occasional Paper (University of Kent at Canterbury. Centre of South-East Asian Studies) [Forth, 1991 #19889]
Book 1990 Hefner, Robert W. The political economy of mountain Java: an interpretive history [Hefner, 1990 #19892]
Book 1990 Reading Southeast Asia: translation of contemporary Japanese scholarship on Southeast Asia Translation Series (Cornell University, Southeast Asia Program) [ 1990 #19897]
Book 1989 Barnes, Ruth The Ikat textiles of Lamalera: a study of an Eastern Indonesian weaving tradition Studies in South Asian Culture [Barnes, 1989 #19902]
Book 2001 Just, Peter Dou Donggo justice: conflict and morality in an Indonesia society [Just, 2001 #19905]
Book 1996 Maloney, Bernard K. New perspectives on possible early dry land and wet land rice cultivation in highland North Sumatra University of Hull, Centre for South-East Asian Studies Occasional Paper [Maloney, 1996 #19924]
Book 1993 Pétrequin, Pierre Écologie d'un outil: la hache de pierre en Irian Jaya (Indonésie) Monographie du CRA [Pétrequin, 1993 #19925]
Book 1991 Taylor, Paul Michael Beyond the Java Sea: art of Indonesia's outer islands [Taylor, 1991 #19936]