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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1976 Smitinand, T. A preliminary study of the vegetation of Surin Islands Natural History Bulletin of the Siam Society [Smitinand, 1976 #33873]
Book Section 1988 Ashton, Peter S. A question of sustainable use People of the tropical rain forest [Ashton, 1988 #24993]
Book Section in a Series 1990 Richards, John F. Agricultural impacts in tropical wetlands: rice paddies for mangroves in South and Southeast Asia Wetlands: a threatened landscape [Richards, 1990 #25590]
Journal Article 1986 Sponsel, Leslie E. Amazon ecology and adaptation Annual Review of Anthropology [Sponsel, 1986 #30070]
Journal Article 2020 Amano, Noel Archaeological and historical insights into the ecological impacts of pre-colonial and colonial introductions into the Philippine Archipelago The Holocene [Amano, 2020 #36814]
Journal Article 2018 Biggs, David Clearing, "wasting," and regreening: an environmental history of bare hills in Central Vietnam Journal of Asian Studies [Biggs, 2018 #26679]
Journal Article 1965 Ogawa, H. Comparative ecological study on three main types of forest vegetation in Thailand. I: structure and floristic composition Nature and Life in Southeast Asia [Ogawa, 1965 #33874]
Journal Article 2005 Baker, Patrick J. Disturbance history and historical stand dynamics of a seasonal tropical forest in western Thailand Ecological Monographs [Baker, 2005 #28277]
Journal Article 1986 Bunyavejchewin, Sarayudh Ecological studies of the tropical semi-evergreen rain forest at Sakaerat, Nakhon Ratchasima, northeast Thailand, I Natural History Bulletin of the Siam Society [Bunyavejchewin, 1986 #35862]
Journal Article 2014 Bolotov, Ivan Ecology and conservation of the endangered Indochinese freshwater pearl mussel, <i>Margaritifera Laosensis</i> (Lea, 1863) in the Nam Pe and Nam Long rivers, Northern Laos Tropical Conservation Science [Bolotov, 2014 #26616]
Book in a Series 1975 Janzen, Daniel H. Ecology of plants in the tropics [Janzen, 1975 #21994]
Journal Article 1988 Headland, Thomas N. Ecosystemic change in a Philippine tropical rainforest and its effect on a Negrito foraging society Tropical Ecology [Headland, 1988 #34674]
Journal Article 1975 McClure, H. Elliott Effect of cool weather upon a rain forest and its inhabitants Natural History Bulletin of the Siam Society [McClure, 1975 #36012]
Book Section 1978 Sabhasri, Sanga Effects of forest fallow cultivation on forest production and soil Farmers in the forest: economic development and marginal agriculture in northern Thailand [Sabhasri, 1978 #24958]
Journal Article 2004 Anshari, Gusti Environmental change and peatland forest dynamics in the Lake Sentarum area, West Kalimantan, Indonesia Journal of Quaternary Science [Anshari, 2004 #28536]
Journal Article 2001 Hope, Geoffrey Environmental change in the late Pleistocene and later Holocene at Wanda site, Soroako, south Sulawesi, Indonesia Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Hope, 2001 #32476]
Book Section 2001 Karim, Wazir Jahan Environmental economics and the Ma' Bəetise' in mangrove rainforests Minority cultures of peninsular Malaysia: survivals of indigenous heritage [Karim, 2001 #23964]
Book Section 2009 Baker, Patrick J. Fire behavior and fire effects across the forest landscape of continental Southeast Asia Tropical fire ecology: climate change, land use, and ecosystem dynamics [Baker, 2009 #22781]
Book (Edited) 1989 Campbell, David G. Floristic inventory of tropical forests: the status of plant systematics, collection, and vegetation [Campbell, 1989 #21386]
Book Section 1988 Ellen, Roy Foraging, starch extraction and the sedentary lifestyle in the lowland rainforest of central Seram Hunters and gatherers [Ellen, 1988 #24661]
Journal Article 1996 Lowman, Margaret D. Forest canopies: methods, hypotheses, and future directions Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics [Lowman, 1996 #30099]
Journal Article 2010 Wurster, Christopher M. Forest contraction in north equatorial Southeast Asia during the Last Glacial Period PNAS [Wurster, 2010 #28841]
Book 1971 Holdridge, L. R. Forest environments in tropical zones: a pilot study [Holdridge, 1971 #21004]
Book 2008 Forsyth, Tim Forest guardians, forest destroyers: the politics of environmental knowledge in northern Thailand [Forsyth, 2008 #20098]
Book 1978 Mungkorndin, Sompetch Forestry in Thailand [Mungkorndin, 1978 #21242]
Book Section 1989 Ramitanondh, Shalardchai Forests and deforestation in Thailand: a pandisciplinary approach Culture and environment in Thailand [Ramitanondh, 1989 #25030]
Thesis 2001 Krigbaum, John S. Human paleodiet in tropical Southeast Asia: Isotopic evidence from Niah Cave and Gua Cha Department of Anthropology [Krigbaum, 2001 #36409]
Journal Article 1995 Reid, Anthony Humans and forests in pre-colonial Southeast Asia Environment and History [Reid, 1995 #28891]
Journal Article 1989 Bailey, Robert C. Hunting and gathering in tropical rain forest? Is it possible? American Anthropologist [Bailey, 1989 #34800]
Book (Edited) 2000 Robinson, John G. Hunting for sustainability in tropical rainforests Biology and Resource Management Series [Robinson, 2000 #21417]