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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1999 Schwarcrz, Henry P. <sup>15</sup>N enrichment in the Sahara: in search of a global relationship Journal of Archaeological Science [Schwarcrz, 1999 #34331]
Thesis-PhD 2003 Rose, Fionnuala R. A fresh perspective: isotopic evidence for prehistoric human subsistence in the Upper Mississippi River Valley of west-central Illinois [Rose, 2003 #36545]
Journal Article 1985 Farnsworth, Paul A re-evaluation of the isotopic and archaeological reconstructions of diet in the Tehuacan Valley American Antiquity [Farnsworth, 1985 #34713]
Journal Article 1993 Katzenberg, M. Anne Age differences in stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios in a population of prehistoric maize horticulturists [published erratum appears in American Journal of Physical Anthropology 1993 Sep American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Katzenberg, 1993 #34643]
Journal Article 1996 Iacumin, P. An isotopic palaeoenvironmental study of human skeletal remains from the Nile Valley Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Iacumin, 1996 #34653]
Book Section 1994 Reed, D. M. Ancient Maya diet at Copán, Honduras, as detemrined through the analysis of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes Paleonutrition: the diet and health of prehistoric Americans [Reed, 1994 #24604]
Journal Article 1968 Race, G. J. Ancient Nubian human bone: a chemical and ultrastructural characterization including collagen American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Race, 1968 #34546]
Journal Article 1999 Szepanski, M. M. Assessmentof anadromous salmon resources in the diet of the Alexander Archipelago wolf using stable isotope analysis Oecologia [Szepanski, 1999 #34320]
Journal Article 2000 Papathanasiou, Anastasia Bioarchaeological inferences from a Neolithic ossuary from Alepotrypa Cave, Diros, Greece International Journal of Osteoarchaeology [Papathanasiou, 2000 #34343]
Book in a Series (Edited) 2000 Ambrose, Stanley H. Biogeochemical approaches to paleodietary analysis [Ambrose, 2000 #22098]
Journal Article 1997 Fogel, Marilyn Tuross, Noreen Biogeochemical record of ancient humans Organic Geochemistry [Fogel, 1997 #34374]
Journal Article 1997 Pate, F. Donald Bone chemistry and paleodiet: reconstructing prehistoric subsistence-settlement systems in Australia Journal of Anthropological Archaeology [Pate, 1997 #34342]
Journal Article 1999 van Klinken, G. J. Bone collagen quality indicators for palaeodietary and radiocarbon measurements Journal of Archaeological Science [van 1999 #34307]
Journal Article 2000 Iacumin, P. C and N stable isotope measurements on Eurasian fossil mammals, 40 000 to 10 000 years BP: Herbivore physiologies and palaeoenvironmental reconstruction Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Iacumin, 2000 #34362]
Journal Article 1994 Chisholm, Brian S. Carbon and nitrogen isotopic evidence of Basketmaker II diet at Cedar Mesa, Utah Kiva [Chisholm, 1994 #34757]
Journal Article 1992 Larsen, C. S. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotopic signatures of human dietary change in the Georgia Bight American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Larsen, 1992 #34614]
Book Section 1992 Chisholm, Brian S. Carbon isotopic determination of paleodiet in Japan: marine versus terrestrial sources Pacific Northeast Asia in prehistory: hunter-fisher-gatherers, farmers, and sociopolitical elites [Chisholm, 1992 #24631]
Journal Article 1998 Gröcke, Darren R. Carbon-isotope analysis of fossil plants as a chemostratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental tool Lethaia [Gröcke, 1998 #34687]
Journal Article 1999 Stott, A. W. Cholesterol as a new source of palaeodietary information: experimental approaches and archaeological applications Journal of Archaeological Science [Stott, 1999 #34323]
Journal Article 2002 Coltrain, Joan Brenner Climate and diet in Fremont prehistory: Economic variability and abandonment of maize agriculture in the Great Salt Lake Basin American Antiquity [Coltrain, 2002 #33736]
Journal Article 1989 Ambrose, Stanley H. Climate and habitat reconstruction using stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios of collagen in prehistoric herbivore teeth from Kenya Quaternary Research [Ambrose, 1989 #34805]
Journal Article 1991 Dorozynski, A. Collagen: a new probe into prehistoric diet [news] Science [Dorozynski, 1991 #34728]
Journal Article 1998 Gröcke, Darren R. Collagenic and carbonate hydroxylapatite spacing in prehistoric humans: possible relationship with dietary protein Lethaia [Gröcke, 1998 #34685]
Journal Article 1997 Bocherens, Hervé Comments on: diet, physiology and ecology of fossil mammals as inferred from stable carbon and nitrogen isotope biogeochemistry: implications for Pleistocene bear by Bocherens et al Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [Bocherens, 1997 #34780]
Journal Article 1996 Cabana, G. Comparison of aquatic food chains using nitrogen isotopes PNAS [Cabana, 1996 #34767]
Journal Article 2006 Lee-Thorp, Julia Contributions of biogeochemistry to understanding hominin dietary ecology American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Lee-Thorp, 2006 #30104]
Journal Article 1983 Uezu, N. Contributions of individual body tissues to nitrogen excretion in adult rats fed protein-deficient diets Journal of Nutrition [Uezu, 1983 #34461]
Book Section in a Series 2000 Ambrose, Stanley H. Controlled diet and climate experiments on nitrogen isotope ratios of rats Biogeochemical approaches to paleodietary analysis [Ambrose, 2000 #26096]
Journal Article 1999 Wright, Lori E. Correspondence between stable carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen isotopes in human tooth enamel and dentine: infant diet at Kaminaljuyú Journal of Archaeological Science [Wright, 1999 #34310]
Journal Article 2006 Fuller, B. T. Detection of breastfeeding and weaning in modern human infants with carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Fuller, 2006 #30134]