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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1994 Hotchkis, M. A. C. 14C analyses at the ANTARES AMS Centre: dating the log coffins of northwest Thailand Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms [Hotchkis, 1994 #28961]
Book 1982 Metcalf, Peter A Borneo journey into death: Berawan eschatology from its rituals [Metcalf, 1982 #21287]
Journal Article 1964 Tenazas, Rosa C. P. A brief report on protohistoric trade potteries from burial sites in Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro Philippine Sociological Review [Tenazas, 1964 #34842]
Thesis 1999 O'Reilly, Dougald J. W. A diachronic analysis of social organization in the Mun River Valley Department of Anthropology [O'Reilly, 1999 #36411]
Thesis-MA 1983 Kingscott, Anne Underhill A mortuary analysis of the Dawenkou cemetery site, Shandong, China [Kingscott, 1983 #36448]
Journal Article 1966 Dani, A. H. A new grave complex in west Pakistan Asian Perspectives (1964) [Dani, 1966 #33450]
Book Section in a Series 1998 Debreceny, J. A statistical analysis of the burials The excavation of Nong Nor: a prehistoric site in central Thailand [Debreceny, 1998 #26139]
Journal Article 2005 Bui Van Liem, A study of boat-shaped coffins from Dongson sites in Vietnam Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Bui 2005 #30443]
Journal Article 2000 Underhill, Anne P. An analysis of mortuary ritual at the Dawenkou site, Shandong, China Journal of East Asian Archaeology [Underhill, 2000 #33687]
Journal Article 2011 Kang, Bong Won An examination of chronology, ethnic group, and social ranking based on mortuary data from central Korea Asian Perspectives (2010) [Kang, 2011 #28603]
Book (Edited) 1991 Kuwayama, George Ancient mortuary traditions of China: papers on Chinese ceramic funerary sculptures [Kuwayama, 1991 #21621]
Book in a Series 1967 Sørensen, Per Archaeological excavations in Thailand. Vol. II: Ban-Kao, neolithic settlements with cemeteries in the Kanchanaburi Province. Part one: the archaeological material from the burials [Sørensen, 1967 #22012]
Journal Article 2006 O'Reilly, Dougald J. W. Archaeology and archaeozoology of Phum Snay: a late prehistoric cemetery in northwestern Cambodia Asian Perspectives (2006) [O'Reilly, 2006 #30206]
Book Section 2003 Nguyen Viet, Archaeology of death in Vietnam: from Hoabinhian to Dongsonian Fishbones and glittering emblems: Southeast Asian archaeology 2002 [Nguyen 2003 #24345]
Book Section 2006 Duday, Henri Archaeothanatology or the archaeology of death Social archaeology of funerary remains [Duday, 2006 #22952]
Journal Article 1968 Brooks, Sheilagh T. Arm position as correlated with sex determination in the Niah Cave extended burial series, Sarawak, Malaysia Sarawak Museum Journal [Brooks, 1968 #35944]
Book Section in a Series 2002 Gillespie, Susan D. Body and soul among the Maya: keeping the spirits in place The space and place of death [Gillespie, 2002 #25637]
Book Section Bayard, Donn T. Bones of contention: the Non Nok Tha burials and the chronology and context of early Southeast Asian bronze Ancient Chinese and Southeast Asian bronze age cultures [Bayard, #24873]
Journal Article 2003 Moore, Elizabeth Bronze and iron age sites in Upper Myanmar: Chindwin, Samon and Pyu School of Oriental and African Studies Bulletin of Burma Research [Moore, 2003 #30212]
Book Section in a Series 2001 Joyce, Rosemary A. Burying the dead at Tlatilco: social memory and social identities Social memory, identity, and death: anthropological perspectives on mortuary rituals [Joyce, 2001 #25636]
Book Section in a Series 2004 Chugunov, K. V. Chronology and cultural affinity of the Kurgan Arzhan-2 complex according to archaeological data Impact of the environment on human migration in Eurasia [Chugunov, 2004 #25713]
BAR Section 1989 Richards, J. D. Computers and burial archaeology Burial Archaeology [Richards, 1989 #19689]
Journal Article 2004 Hodder, Ian Daily practice and social memory at Çatalhöyük American Antiquity [Hodder, 2004 #31197]
Book Section in a Series 2001 Hollimon, Sandra E. Death, gender, and the Chumash peoples: mourning ceremonialism as an integrative mechanism Social memory, identity, and death: anthropological perspectives on mortuary rituals [Hollimon, 2001 #25635]
Journal Article 1995 Spennemann, Dirk H. R. Decomposition of human bodies and the interpretation of burials in the tropical Pacific Archaeology in Oceania [Spennemann, 1995 #32363]
Journal Article 1979 Von Dewall, Magdalene Die Tien-Kultur und ihre Totenausstattung: Grabsitten einer randchinesischen Stammesgruppe der Frühen Han-Zeit in Zentral-Yünnan Beiträge zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Archäologie [Von 1979 #35567]
Journal Article 1945 Childe, Vere Gordon Directional changes in funerary practices during 50,000 years Man [Childe, 1945 #29879]
Journal Article 2019 Zeitoun, Valéry Discovery of an outstanding Hoabinhian site from the Late Pleistocene at Doi Pha Kan (Lampang province, northern Thailand) Archaeological Research in Asia [Zeitoun, 2019 #26667]
Book Section in a Series 1932 Colani, Madeleine Divers modes de sépultures néolithiques et protohistoriques en Indochine Premier congrès des préhistoriens d'Extrême-Orient, Hanoi (1932) [Colani, 1932 #26007]
Journal Article 2019 Higham, C. F. W. Environmental and social change in Northeast Thailand during the Iron Age Cambridge Archaeological Journal [Higham, 2019 #37270]