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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2020 Berretto-Tesoro, Grace A local discourse on the early belief system from the Philippines using evidence from the Guthe Collection SPAFA Journal [Berretto-Tesoro, 2020 #36888]
Journal Article 1917 Kemlin, J. E. Alliances chez les Reungao Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Kemlin, 1917 #27239]
Journal Article 2000 Li, Liu Ancestor worship: an archaeological investigation of ritual activities in neolithic north China Journal of East Asian Archaeology [Li, 2000 #31811]
Conference Proceeding 1968 Anthropology at the Eighth Pacific Science Congress of the Pacific Science Association and the Fourth Far Eastern Pre-history Congress, Quezon City, Philippines, 1953 Eighth Pacific Science Congress of the Pacific Science Association and the Fourth Far Eastern Prehistory Congress, Quezon City, Philippines, 1953 [ 1968 #26565]
Journal Article 2005 Lape, Peter Archaeological approaches to the study of Islam in Island Southeast Asia Antiquity [Lape, 2005 #30172]
Journal Article 2003 Lavy, Paul A. As in heaven, so on earth: the politics of Visnu, Ðiva and Harihara images in preangkorian Khmer civilisation Journal of Southeast Asian Studies [Lavy, 2003 #30696]
Book 1932 Baudesson, Henry Au pays des superstitions et des rites chez les Moïs et les Chams [Baudesson, 1932 #20757]
Book Section 2007 Chandra, Lokesh Avalokitesvara as continuing theogany of interiorisation Sacred landscapes in Asia: shared traditions, multiple histories [Chandra, 2007 #23915]
Book Section in a Series 2002 Gillespie, Susan D. Body and soul among the Maya: keeping the spirits in place The space and place of death [Gillespie, 2002 #26005]
Journal Article 1995 Byrne, Denis Buddhist stupa and Thai social practice World Archaeology [Byrne, 1995 #29921]
Book Section in a Series 2020 Suebsantiwongse, Saran Cakrasamvara or Trailokyavijaya: ascertaining the identity of a tantric deity at Phimai through Sanskrit manuscripts Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2019: selected papers from the Third SEAMEO SPAFA International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology, Bangkok, Thailand 2019 [Suebsantiwongse, 2020 #36938]
Book (Edited) 1991 Earle, Timothy Chiefdoms: power, economy, and ideology [Earle, 1991 #21552]
Book Section 2001 Karim, Wazir Jahan Constructing emotions and world of the Orang Asli Minority cultures of peninsular Malaysia: survivals of indigenous heritage [Karim, 2001 #23972]
Journal Article 1901 Cadière, R. P. Croyances et dictons populaires: de la vallée du Nguón Son Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Cadière, 1901 #27559]
Journal Article 1901 Cadière, R. P. Croyances et dictons populaires: de la vallée du Nguón-Son (Suite et fin) Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Cadière, 1901 #27558]
Book 1958 Cadière, Léopold Croyances et pratiques réligieuses des Vietnâmiens [Cadière, 1958 #20718]
Journal Article 1933 Mus, Paul Cultes indiens et indigènes au Champa Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Mus, 1933 #30379]
Journal Article 1930 Nguyễn-văn-Khoan, Essai sur le Đình et le culte du génie tutélaire des villages au Tonkin Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Nguyễn-văn-Khoan, 1930 #27133]
Journal Article 1960 Rajadhon, Phya Anuman Fertility rites in Thailand Journal of the Siam Society [Rajadhon, 1960 #34132]
Journal Article 1922 Evans, Ivor H. N. Further notes on negrito beliefs and customs Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums [Evans, 1922 #31343]
Journal Article 1984 Bielenstein, H. Han portents and prognostications Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities [Bielenstein, 1984 #32572]
Report 1992 Goodnow, Kimberly L. Health belief systems of Khmer refugees in the United States [Goodnow, 1992 #36253]
Journal Article 1979 Matics, K. I. Hell scenes in Thai murals Journal of the Siam Society [Matics, 1979 #36801]
Book 1998 Becker, Jasper Hungry ghosts: Mao's secret famine [Becker, 1998 #20754]
Journal Article 1983 Powers, M. J. Hybrid omens and public issues in early Imperial China Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities [Powers, 1983 #32573]
Journal Article 1966 Berthe, L. La terre, l'au-delà et les thèmes maritimes chez le Buna (Timor Centrale) Anthropos [Berthe, 1966 #29944]
Journal Article 1953 Nguyên, Khoa Toàn Le Nam Giao: ses origines - son rite - sa signification Journal of the Siam Society [Nguyên, 1953 #34108]
Journal Article 1946 Karlgren, Bernhard Legends and cults in ancient China Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities [Karlgren, 1946 #32653]
Journal Article 1912 Chochod, Louis Les philtres et les talismans d'amour à Hué Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Chochod, 1912 #27282]
Journal Article 1891 Aymonier, Étienne Les Tchames et leur religions Revue de l'Histoire des Religions [Aymonier, 1891 #29981]