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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1982 Rhoads, James W. 'Through a glass darkly': thesis summary Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Rhoads, 1982 #35778]
Journal Article 1998 Pietrusewsky, Michael A skeleton from the Lapita site at Koné, Foué Peninsula, New Caledonia New Zealand Journal of Archaeology [Pietrusewsky, 1998 #31258]
Journal Article 2002 Lum, J. Koji Affinities among Melanesians, Micronesians, and Polynesians: A neutral, biparental genetic perspective Human Biology [Lum, 2002 #33724]
Book in a Series 2016 Flexner, James L. An Archaeology of Early Christianity in Vanuatu: <i>Kastom</i> and Religious Change on Tanna and Erromango, 1839–1920 [Flexner, 2016 #21638]
Journal Article 1997 Bellwood, Peter Ancient seafarers Archaeology [Bellwood, 1997 #30222]
Book Section 2001 Spriggs, Matthew Arapus: a Lapita site at Mangaasi in Central Vanuatu? The Archaeology of Lapita Dispersal in Oceania: Papers from the Fourth Lapita Conference, June 2000, Canberra, Australia [Spriggs, 2001 #23597]
Journal Article 1967 Heider, Karl G. Archaeological assumptions and ethnographical facts: a cautionary tale from New Guinea Southwestern Journal of Anthropology [Heider, 1967 #35974]
Journal Article 2015 Berrocal, María Cruz Archaeological history of a Fijian island: Moturiki, Lomaiviti group Asian Perspectives (2014) [Berrocal, 2015 #26851]
Report 2004 Spriggs, M. Archaeological investigation of the Lapita site of Teouma Final report to the Pacific Biological Foundation [Spriggs, 2004 #36191]
Journal Article 1987 Lilley, Ian Archaeological investigations in the Vitiaz Strait region, Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Lilley, 1987 #35733]
Journal Article 1973 Egloff, B. J. Archaeological research in the Collingwood Bay area of Papua Asian Perspectives (1971) [Egloff, 1973 #26867]
Journal Article 1973 Egloff, B. J. Archaeological research in the territory of Papua and New Guinea Asian Perspectives (1971) [Egloff, 1973 #33292]
Journal Article 1989 Spriggs, Matthew Archaeological research on Erromango: recent data on southern Melanesian prehistory Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Spriggs, 1989 #35719]
Journal Article 1991 Gorecki, Paul Archaeology and geomorphology of the Vanimo coast, Papua New Guinea: preliminary results Archaeology in Oceania [Gorecki, 1991 #32370]
Journal Article 1982 Kennedy, Jean Archaeology in the Admiralty Islands: some excursions Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Kennedy, 1982 #29185]
Book (Edited) 1998 Newton, Douglas Arts des mers du Sud : Insulinde, Mélanésie, Polynésie, Micronésie : Collections du musée Barbier-Muelle [Newton, 1998 #21545]
Book (Edited) 1991 Godelier, Maurice Big men and great men: personification of power in Melanesia [Godelier, 1991 #21381]
Book 1991 Pyne, Stephen J. Burning bush: a fire history of Australia [Pyne, 1991 #21217]
Book Section 2000 Spriggs, Matthew Can hunter-gatherers live in tropical rain forests?: the Pleistocene Island Melanesian evidence Hunters and gatherers in the modern world: conflict, resistance, and self-determination [Spriggs, 2000 #23600]
Journal Article 1985 Lilley, Ian Chiefs without chiefdoms. Comments on prehistoric sociopolitical organization in western Melanesia Archaeology in Oceania [Lilley, 1985 #32374]
Book Section 1983 Jackson, Richard Conflicts and coincidences of interest in the exploitation of natural resources: the Ok Tedi mining project, Papua New Guinea Natural resources in tropical countries [Jackson, 1983 #24983]
Book Section 2001 Ross, Malcolm Contact-induced change in Oceanic languages in Northwest Melanesia Areal diffusion and genetic inheritance: Problems in comparative linguistics [Ross, 2001 #24105]
Book Section in a Series 1993 Groube, L. M. Contradictions and malaria in Melanesian and Australian prehistory A community of culture: the people and prehistory of the Pacific [Groube, 1993 #25923]
Journal Article 1993 Hanihara, Tsunehiko Cranial morphological contrasts between Negritos, Australians, and neighboring populations Anthropological Science [Hanihara, 1993 #35411]
Journal Article 2001 Wilson, Meredith Dating the rock art of Vanuatu: AMS radiocarbon determinations from abandoned mud-wasp nests and charcoal pigment found in superimposition Rock Art Research [Wilson, 2001 #29296]
Journal Article 2013 Kinaston, Rebecca L. Diet and social status on Taumako, a Polynesian outlier in the southeastern Solomon Islands American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Kinaston, 2013 #26979]
Journal Article 1988 Ballard, Chris Dudumahan: a rock art site on Kai Kecil, Southeast Moluccas Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Ballard, 1988 #29158]
Book Section 1996 Spriggs, Matthew Early agriculture and what went before in Island Melanesia: continuity or intrusion? The origins and spread of agriculture and pastoralism in Eurasia [Spriggs, 1996 #23615]
Journal Article 1997 Bickler, Simon H. Early pottery exchange along the south coast of Papua New Guinea Archaeology in Oceania [Bickler, 1997 #32359]
Journal Article 1983 Gillieson, D. S. Environmental history of Nombe rockshelter, Papua New Guinea highlands Archaeology in Oceania [Gillieson, 1983 #32378]