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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2016 Langley, Michelle C. 42,000-year-old worked and pigment-stained nautilus shell from Jerimalai (Timor-Leste): evidence for an early coastal adaptation in ISEA Journal of Human Evolution [Langley, 2016 #27518]
Book Section 1967 de Almeida, A. A contribution to the study of rock paintings in Portuguese Timor Archaeology at the 11th Pacific Science Congress: papers presented at the XI Pacific Science Congress, Tokyo, August-September 1966 [de 1967 #23951]
Book Section 1967 de Almeida, A. A contribution to the study of the prehistory of Portuguese Timor Archaeology at the 11th Pacific Science Congress: papers presented at the XI Pacific Science Congress, Tokyo, August-September 1966 [de 1967 #23950]
Book Section 2013 Forestier, Hubert A limestone outcrop as a landmark of prehistoric settlement in the Manatuto region (East Timor) Unearthing Southeast Asia's past: selected papers from the 12th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Forestier, 2013 #22855]
Journal Article 2017 Galipaud, Jean-Christophe Aleti Tunu Bibi: Contextualizing a new rock art site in East Timor and the wider Asia-Pacific region Asian Perspectives (2016) [Galipaud, 2017 #27391]
Journal Article 2016 Galipaud, Jean-Christophe Aleti Tunu Bibi: contextualizing a new rock art site in East Timor and the wider Asia-Pacific region Asian Perspectives [Galipaud, 2016 #27473]
Journal Article 1972 Glover, I. Alfred Bühler’s excavations in Timor: a re-evaluation. Art and Archaeology Research Papers [Glover, 1972 #29664]
Book 1986 Glover, Ian C. Archaeology in Eastern Timor, 1966-67 [Glover, 1986 #20559]
Journal Article 2014 O'Connor, S. Are osseous artefacts a window to perishable material culture? Implications of an unusually complex bone tool from the late Pleistocene of East Timor Journal of Human Evolution [O'Connor, 2014 #27694]
Book (Edited) 1998 Newton, Douglas Arts des mers du Sud : Insulinde, Mélanésie, Polynésie, Micronésie : Collections du musée Barbier-Muelle [Newton, 1998 #21545]
Journal Article 1936 Sarasin, Fritz Beiträge zur Prähistorie der Inseln Timor und Roti Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel [Sarasin, 1936 #28867]
Journal Article 2017 O'Connor, Sue Cave stratigraphies and cave breccias: implications for sediment acculumation and removal models and interpreting the record of human occupation Journal of Archaeological Science [O'Connor, 2017 #26905]
Book Section 2005 Veth, Peter Changing research perspectives from Australia’s doorstep: the Joint Australian-Indonesian Aru Islands Initiative and the Archaeology of East Timor Project Archaeology from Australia [Veth, 2005 #23590]
Journal Article 2006 Lape, Peter V. Chronology of fortified settlements in East Timor Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology [Lape, 2006 #28181]
Book Section 2010 O'Connor, Sue Continuity in shell artefact production in Holocene East Timor 50 years of archaeology in Southeast Asia: essays in honour of Ian Glover [O'Connor, 2010 #23448]
Journal Article 2005 Veth, Peter Continuity in tropical cave use: examples from East Timor and the Aru Islands, Maluku Asian Perspectives (2005) [Veth, 2005 #30558]
Journal Article 1960 de Almeida, A. Contribuçao para o estudo do Neolitica de Timor Portugês Memórias da junta de investigações do ultramar [de 1960 #30005]
Book 1986 Traube, Elizabeth G. Cosmology and social life: ritual exchange among the Mambai of East Timor [Traube, 1986 #19877]
Book Section 2015 O'Connor, Sue Crossing the Wallace Line: the maritime skills of the earliest colonists in the Wallacean archipelago Emergence and diversity of modern human behavior in paleolithic Asia [O'Connor, 2015 #22542]
Book Section in a Series 2013 McWilliam, Andrew Cultural heritage and its performative modalities: imagining the Nino Konis Santana National Park in East Timor Transcending the culture-nature divide in cultural heritage: views from the Asia-Pacific region [McWilliam, 2013 #25386]
Book Section 1996 Hughes, B. D. Detailed processing of seismic reflection data from the frontal part of the Timor trough accretionary wedge, eastern Indonesia Tectonic evolution of Southeast Asia [Hughes, 1996 #23138]
Journal Article 2003 O’Connor, Sue Direct dating of shell beads from Lene Hara Cave, East Timor Australian Archaeology [O’Connor, 2003 #29282]
Journal Article 2005 O'Connor, Sue Early Holocene shell fish hooks from Lene Hara Cave, East Timor establish complex fishing technology was in use in island Southeast Asia five thousand years before Austronesian settlement Antiquity [O'Connor, 2005 #26787]
Journal Article 2016 Marwick, Ben Early modern human lithic technology from Jerimalai, East Timor Journal of Human Evolution [Marwick, 2016 #27533]
Book (Edited) 1995 Carey, P. B. R. East Timor at the crossroads: the forging of a nation [Carey, 1995 #21515]
Book Section in a Series 1977 Forman, Shepard East Timor: exchange and political hierarchy at the time of the European discoveries Economic exchange and social interaction in Southeast Asia: perspectives from prehistory, history and ethnography [Forman, 1977 #26168]
Journal Article 1980 Ramos, M. Espólios sepulcrais Timorenses Leba. Estudos de Pré-historia e Arquelogia Lisboa [Ramos, 1980 #28893]
Journal Article 2002 O'Connor, S. Excavations at Lene Hara Cave establishes occupation in East Timor at least 30,000 to 35,000 years ago Antiquity [O'Connor, 2002 #29295]
Thesis-PhD 1972 Glover, I. Excavations in Timor: a study of economic change and cultural continuity in prehistory [Glover, 1972 #36495]
Book Section 1996 Milsom, J. Extension, collision and curvature in the eatern Banda arc Tectonic evolution of Southeast Asia [Milsom, 1996 #23137]