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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section 2000 Blundell, David A century of research, 1897-1997, Austronesian Taiwan Austronesian Taiwan: linguistics, history, ethnology, and prehistory [Blundell, 2000 #24102]
Book (Edited) 2010 Bowden, John A journey through Austronesian and Papuan linguistic and cultural space: papers in honour of Andrew K. Pawley [Bowden, 2010 #21450]
Book Section 1995 Bhatia, Kuldeep A study of genetic distance and the Austronesian/non-Austronesian dichotomy The Austronesians: historical and comparative perspectives [Bhatia, 1995 #24079]
Journal Article 1993 Bellwood, Peter S. An archaeologist's view of language macrofamily relationships Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Bellwood, 1993 #35521]
Journal Article 2011 Kirch, Patrick Anything but a backwater Antiquity [Kirch, 2011 #28469]
Journal Article 1996 Higham, Charles F. W. Archaeology and linguistics in Southeast Asia: implications of the Austric hypothesis Journal of Indo-Pacific Archaeology [Higham, 1996 #35542]
Journal Article 1996 Chang, Kwang-chih Archaeology in southeastern coastal China and the origin of Austronesians American Philosophical Society [Chang, 1996 #31937]
Book Section 2005 Bellwood, Peter Australia and the Austronesians The human past: world prehistory and the development of human societies [Bellwood, 2005 #24030]
Book 1975 Benedict, Paul K. Austro-Thai language and culture: with a glossary of roots [Benedict, 1975 #21095]
Journal Article 1967 Benedict, Paul K. Austro-Thai studies: 2. Behavior Science Research [Benedict, 1967 #34085]
Journal Article 2017 Sagart, Laurent Austronesian and Chinese words for the millets Language Dynamics and Change [Sagart, 2017 #26896]
Book Section 2008 Bellwood, Peter Austronesian cultural origins: out of Taiwan, via the Batanes Island, and onwards to western Polynesia Past human migrations in East Asia: matching archaeology, linguistics and genetics [Bellwood, 2008 #36848]
Journal Article 1976 Blust, R. Austronesian culture history: some linguistic inferences and their relations to the archaeological record World Archaeology [Blust, 1976 #29940]
Journal Article 1976 Blust, Robert Austronesian culture history: some linguistic references and their relations to the archaeological record World Archaeology [Blust, 1976 #34066]
Journal Article 2017 Robbeets, Martine Austronesian influence and Transeurasian ancestry in Japanese: a case of farming/language dispersal Language Dynamics and Change [Robbeets, 2017 #26895]
Journal Article 1961 Grace, George William Austronesian linguistics and culture history American Anthropologist [Grace, 1961 #31649]
Book Section 1995 Fox, James J. Austronesian societies and their transformations The Austronesians: historical and comparative perspectives [Fox, 1995 #24077]
Book (Edited) 2000 Blundell, David Austronesian Taiwan : Linguistics, history, ethnology, and prehistory [Blundell, 2000 #21547]
Journal Article 1988 Reid, Lawrence A. Benedict's Austro-Tai hypothesis - an evaluation Asian Perspectives (1984-1985) [Reid, 1988 #33035]
Book Section in a Series 1996 Blust, Robert Beyond the Austronesian homeland: the Austric hypothesis and its implications for archaeology Prehistoric settlement of the Pacific [Blust, 1996 #26209]
Journal Article 1996 Blust, R. Beyond the Austronesian homeland: the Austric Hypothesis and its implications for archaeology Transactions of the American Philosophical Society [Blust, 1996 #29938]
Book Section 1995 Adelaar, K. Alexander Borneo as a cross-roads for comparative Austronesian linguistics The Austronesians: historical and comparative perspectives [Adelaar, 1995 #24083]
Book Section 2005 Bellwood, Peter Coastal South China, Taiwan, and the prehistory of the Austronesians The archaeology of the southeast coastal islands of China [Bellwood, 2005 #24112]
Journal Article 2010 Oppenheimer, Stephen Comment on 'Farming and Language in Island Southeast Asia Reframing Austronesian History'  Current Anthropology

[Oppenheimer, 2010 #37157]
Journal Article 1991 Spriggs, Matthew Considering Meacham's considerations on Southeast Asia Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Spriggs, 1991 #35571]
Journal Article 2005 Anderson, A. Crossing the Luzon Strait Journal of Austronesian Studies [Anderson, 2005 #30186]
Journal Article 1991 Nothofer, Bernd Current interpretations of western Malayo-Polynesian linguistic prehistory Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Nothofer, 1991 #35576]
Journal Article 1973 Pawley, Andrew Dating the dispersal of the Oceanic languages Oceanic Linguistics [Pawley, 1973 #33894]
Journal Article 2001 Wilson, Meredith Dating the rock art of Vanuatu: AMS radiocarbon determinations from abandoned mud-wasp nests and charcoal pigment found in superimposition Rock Art Research [Wilson, 2001 #29296]
Book 1906 Schmidt, Wilhelm Die Mon-Khmer Völker: ein Bindeglied Zwischen Völkern Zentralasiens und Austronesians [Schmidt, 1906 #20917]