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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section 2018 Tin Maung Nyunt, Ancient iron furnaces of the Mount Popa region, central Myanmar Advancing Southeast Asian archaeology 2016 [Tin 2018 #22245]
Book Section Barnard, Noel The entry of cire-perdue investment casting, and certain other techniques (mainly metalworking) into south China and their progress northwards Ancient Chinese and Southeast Asian bronze age cultures [Barnard, #24411]
Book Section Vernon, William W. The crucible in copper-bronze production at prehistoric Phu Lon, northeast Thailand: analyses and interpretation Ancient Chinese and Southeast Asian bronze age cultures [Vernon, #24841]
Journal Article 2012 Killick, David Archaeometallurgy: the study of preindustrial mining and metallurgy Annual Review of Anthropology [Killick, 2012 #28237]
Journal Article 1985 Godoy, Ricardo Mining: anthropological perspectives Annual Review of Anthropology [Godoy, 1985 #30133]
Journal Article 2020 Higham, Thomas F. G. A prehistoric copper-production centre in central Thailand: its dating and wider implications Antiquity [Higham, 2020 #36772]
Journal Article 2020 Yao, Alice Bridging the time gap in the Bronze Age of Southeast Asia and Southwest China Archaeological Research in Asia [Yao, 2020 #19612]
Book Section 2014 Hoffman, Brett C. Production and consumption of copper-base metals in the Indus civilization Archaeometallurgy in global perspective: methods and syntheses [Hoffman, 2014 #22755]
Book Section 2014 Golden, Jonathan Who dunnit? New clues concerning the development of Chalcolithic metal technology in the southern Levant Archaeometallurgy in global perspective: methods and syntheses [Golden, 2014 #22758]
Book Section 2014 Lehner, Joseph W. Organization and specialization of early mining and metal technologies in Anatolia Archaeometallurgy in global perspective: methods and syntheses [Lehner, 2014 #22759]
Book Section 2014 Roberts, Benjamin W. Production networks and consumer choice in the earliest metal of western Europe Archaeometallurgy in global perspective: methods and syntheses [Roberts, 2014 #22763]
Book Section 1991 Glumac, Petar D. Neolithic copper smelting slags from the Middle Danube Basin Archaeometry '90 [Glumac, 1991 #23843]
Journal Article 2003 Liu, Li The products of minds as well as of hands: production of prestige goods in the Neolithic and early state periods of China Asian Perspectives (2003) [Liu, 2003 #31876]
Journal Article 2010 Pryce, T. O. Smelting iron from laterite: technical possiblility or ethnographic aberration? Asian Perspectives (2009) [Pryce, 2010 #28463]
Book Section in a Series 2018 White, Joyce C. Debunking the conventional paradigm: metals and prehistoric society Ban Chiang, Northeast Thailand, Volume 2A: Background to the Study of the Metal Remains [White, 2018 #25336]
Book Section in a Series 2019 Vernon, William W. Metal product manufacturing evidence: crucibles, molds, and slag Ban Chiang, Northeast Thailand, Volume 2B: Metals and Related Evidence from Ban Chiang, Ban Tong, Ban Phak Top, and Don Klang [Vernon, 2019 #25295]
Journal Article 2000 Hawixbrock, Christine L'art du métal au Laos Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Hawixbrock, 2000 #32007]
Journal Article 1991 Natapintu, Surapol Archaeometallurgical studies in the Khao Wong Prachan Valley, central Thailand Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Natapintu, 1991 #35595]
Journal Article 1963 Karlgren, Bernhard Some pre-Han mirrors Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities [Karlgren, 1963 #32600]
Book Section in a Series 1996 White, Joyce C. From community craft to regional specialization: intensification of copper production in prestate Thailand Craft specialization and social evolution: in memory of V. Gordon Childe [White, 1996 #26181]
Book Section in a Series 1996 Bronson, Bennet Metals, specialization, and development in early eastern and southern Asia Craft specialization and social evolution: in memory of V. Gordon Childe [Bronson, 1996 #26207]
Book Section in a Series 2020 Allison, Jane P. A tale of two Khmer bronzecasting families, the Chhem and the Khat: how traditional bronzemaking revived in the area around Phnom Penh after the Khmer Rouge (1975-1979), and the expansion and modernization of that tradition in the 1990s: a preliminary report EurASEAA14: papers from the Fourteenth International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists. Volume 1: ancient and living traditions [Allison, 2020 #36734]
Book Section 2003 Mudar, Karen M. Subsistence changes and community-based craft production in prehistoric central Thailand Fishbones and glittering emblems: Southeast Asian archaeology 2002 [Mudar, 2003 #24341]
Thesis 2009 Pryce, T. O. Prehistoric copper production and technological reproduction in the Khao Wong Prachan Valley of central Thailand Institute of Archaeology [Pryce, 2009 #36371]
Journal Article 2019 Cadet, Mélissa Laos' central role in Southeast Asian copper exchange networks: A multi-method study of bronzes from the Vilabouly Complex Journal of Archaeological Science [Cadet, 2019 #19608]
Journal Article 2019 Liu, Siran Coal-fuelled crucible lead-silver smelting in 12th-13th century China: a technological innovation in the age of deforestation Journal of Archaeological Science [Liu, 2019 #19623]
Journal Article 2017 Chen, Kunlong Evidence of arsenical copper smelting in Bronze Age China: a study of metallurgical slag from the Laoniupo site, central Shaanxi Journal of Archaeological Science [Chen, 2017 #26830]
Journal Article 2014 Pryce, Thomas Oliver The iron kuay of cambodia: tracing the role of peripheral populations in Angkorian to colonial Cambodia via a 1200 year old industrial landscape Journal of Archaeological Science [Pryce, 2014 #28140]
Journal Article 2002 Pike, Alistair W. G. Diagenetic arsenic uptake in archaeological bone. Can we really identify copper smelters? Journal of Archaeological Science [Pike, 2002 #31832]
Journal Article 2001 Murowchick, Robert E. The political and ritual significance of bronze production and use in Ancient Yunnan Journal of East Asian Archaeology [Murowchick, 2001 #28229]