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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1981 Thorne, Alan G. Regional continuity in Australasian Pleistocene hominid evolution American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Thorne, 1981 #28737]
Journal Article 1973 Aigner, Jean S. The dating of Lantian Man and his significance for analyzing trends in human evolution American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Aigner, 1973 #30015]
Journal Article 2006 Norton, Heather L. Skin and hair pigmentation variation in island Melanesia American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Norton, 2006 #30090]
Journal Article 2004 Kunimatsu, Yutaka Earliest Miocene hominoid from Southeast Asia American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Kunimatsu, 2004 #30706]
Journal Article 1978 Turner, Christy G., II The dentition of New Britain West Nakanai Melanesians, VIII. Peopling of the Pacific American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Turner, 1978 #34464]
Journal Article 1991 Li, Yongyi Dimensions of face in Asia in the perspective of geography and prehistory American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Li, 1991 #34604]
Journal Article 2005 Trinkaus, Erik Early modern humans Annual Review of Anthropology [Trinkaus, 2005 #28483]
Journal Article 2005 Trinkhaus, Erik Early modern humans Annual Review of Anthropology [Trinkhaus, 2005 #30064]
Journal Article 2002 Ruff, Christopher Variation in human body size and shape Annual Review of Anthropology [Ruff, 2002 #30075]
Journal Article 2004 Antón, Susan C. Early dispersal of {\i Homo} from Africa Annual Review of Anthropology [Antón, 2004 #30168]
Journal Article 2002 Aiello, Leslie C. Energetics and the evolution of the genus {\i Homo} Annual Review of Anthropology [Aiello, 2002 #30169]
Journal Article 1999 Wiens, Jonh J. Polymorphism in systematics and comparative biology Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics [Wiens, 1999 #30055]
Journal Article 1999 Templeton, Alan R. Uses of evolutionary theory in the human genome project Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics [Templeton, 1999 #30065]
Journal Article 1999 Mitchell, Melanie Evolutionary computation: an overview Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics [Mitchell, 1999 #30092]
Journal Article 1998 McShea, Daniel W. Possible largest-scale trends in organismal evolution: eight "live hypotheses" Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics [McShea, 1998 #30095]
Journal Article 1951 Weidenreich, Franz Morphology of solo man Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History [Weidenreich, 1951 #27895]
Journal Article 1945 Weidenreich, Franz Giant early man from Java and South China Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History [Weidenreich, 1945 #27896]
Journal Article 1993 Hanihara, Tsunehiko Cranial morphological contrasts between Australians, Negritos, and neighboring populations Anthropological Science [Hanihara, 1993 #31983]
Journal Article 1980 Sartono, S. Homo erectus ngandongensis: the possible maker of the "Sangiran flakes" Anthropologie [Sartono, 1980 #30575]
Journal Article 2010 O'Connor, Sue Faces of the ancestors revealed: discovery and dating of a Pleistocene-age petroglyph in Lene Hara Cave, East Timor Antiquity [O'Connor, 2010 #26788]
Journal Article 2022 McAllister, Meghan S. Investigating the palaeoenvironmental context of Late Pleistocene human dispersals into Southeast Asia: a review of stable isotope applications Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences [McAllister, 2022 #37074]
Book (Edited) 1997 Barton, C. Michael Rediscovering Darwin: evolutionary theory and archeological explanation Archeological papers of the American Anthropological Association [Barton, 1997 #21323]
Journal Article 1978 Brace, C. L. Tooth reduction in the Orient Asian Perspectives (1976) [Brace, 1978 #33171]
Journal Article 1979 Kennedy, Kenneth A. R. The deep skull of Niah: an assessment of twenty years of speculation concerning its evolutionary significance Asian Perspectives (1977) [Kennedy, 1979 #33135]
Journal Article 1981 Pope, Geoffrey G. Palaeoanthropological investigations of the Thai-American expedition in Northern Thailand (1978-1980) : an interim report Asian Perspectives (1978) [Pope, 1981 #33115]
Journal Article 2004 Pietrusewsky, Michael Review of "Genetic, linguistic, and archaeological perspectives on human diversity in Southeast Asia," by Li Jin, Mark Seielstad, and Chunjie Xiao, eds. Asian Perspectives (2004) [Pietrusewsky, 2004 #31157]
Journal Article 2011 Singh, Varun South Asia - perennial backwater or object of biased assessment: a discussion based on current archaeological, anthropological, and genetic evidence Asian Perspectives (2010) [Singh, 2011 #28606]
Book Section in a Series 2006 Indriati, Etty Cranial lesions on the late Pleistocene Indonesian <i>Homo erectus</i> Ngandong 7 Bioarchaeology of Southeast Asia [Indriati, 2006 #25886]
Journal Article 2010 Gilligan, Ian Clothing and modern human behaviour in Australia Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Gilligan, 2010 #28683]
Journal Article 2010 Porr, Martin Identifying behavioural modernity: lessons from Sahul Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Porr, 2010 #28685]