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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Conference Paper 2013 Westaway, Kira OSL dating: an essential tool for building a geoarchaeological framework-evidence from sites in Asia and Australia 125th Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America [Westaway, 2013 #26410]
Journal Article 1987 Wagner, Donald B. The dating of the Chu graves of Changsa Acta Orientalia [Wagner, 1987 #28710]
Journal Article 1973 Aigner, Jean S. The dating of Lantian Man and his significance for analyzing trends in human evolution American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Aigner, 1973 #30015]
Journal Article 2011 Higham, C. F. W. The Iron Age of the Mun Valley, Thailand Antiquaries Journal [Higham, 2011 #28374]
Journal Article 2017 Thomas, Nicholas The provenance, date and significance of a Cook-voyage Polynesian sculpture Antiquity [Thomas, 2017 #26731]
Journal Article 2009 Acabado, Stephen A Bayesian approach to dating agricultural terraces: a case from the Philippines Antiquity [Acabado, 2009 #26796]
Journal Article 2017 Stone, Jessica H. Disproving claims for small-bodied humans in the Palauan archipelago Antiquity [Stone, 2017 #26809]
Journal Article 2015 Pawlik, A. The direct dating and analysis of an early middle Holocene shell adze from Ilin Island, Mindoro, Philippines, and its implications for understanding shell tool technology in island Southeast Asia Antiquity [Pawlik, 2015 #27693]
Journal Article 2007 Hanks, B. K. Towards a refined chronology for the Bronze Age of the southern Urals, Russia Antiquity [Hanks, 2007 #29513]
Journal Article 1982 Allchin, F. R. How old is the city of Taxila? Antiquity [Allchin, 1982 #30007]
Journal Article 2020 Higham, Thomas F. G. A prehistoric copper-production centre in central Thailand: its dating and wider implications Antiquity [Higham, 2020 #36772]
Journal Article 2020 Lam, Thi My Dzung Ru Diep and the Quynh Van culture of central Vietnam Archaeological Research in Asia [Lam, 2020 #19613]
Journal Article 2020 Conrad, Cyler New radiocarbon dates from prehistoric Non Nok Tha, Don Kok Pho and Don Pa Daeng, upper Nam Phong watershed, Khon Kaen Province, northeast Thailand Archaeological Research in Asia [Conrad, 2020 #36844]
Journal Article December 2022 Newman, Kim The missing deposits of South Sulawesi: New sources of evidence for the Pleistocene/Holocene archaeological transition Archaeological Research in Asia [Newman, December 2022 #37053]
Book Section in a Series 1998 Ross, Malcolm Sequencing and dating linguistic events in Oceania: the linguistics/archaeology interface Archaeology and language II: correlating archaeological and linguistic hypotheses [Ross, 1998 #25941]
Book Section in a Series 1998 Spriggs, Matthew From Taiwan to the Tuamotus: Absolute dating of Austronesian language spread and major sub-groups Archaeology and language II: correlating archaeological and linguistic hypotheses [Spriggs, 1998 #25942]
Book Section 1990 Loy, T. H. Prehistoric organic residues: recent advances in identification, dating, and their antiquity Archaeometry '90 [Loy, 1990 #23636]
Journal Article 1956 Boisselier, Jean Arts du Champa et du Cambodge préangkorien. La Date de Mi-so'n E-1 Artibus Asiae [Boisselier, 1956 #28373]
Thesis 1973 Brown, Roxanna M. The dating and identification of Southeast Asian ceramics Arts and Social Sciences [Brown, 1973 #36384]
Journal Article 2018 Wang, Qian The dates of the discovery of the first Peking Man fossil teeth Asian Perspectives [Wang, 2018 #26713]
Journal Article 1962 Smiley, Terah L. General aspects of dating in the field of archaeology Asian Perspectives (1961) [Smiley, 1962 #33527]
Journal Article 1962 Shutler, Richard, Jr. Peopling of the Pacific Islands in the light of radiocarbon dating Asian Perspectives (1961) [Shutler, 1962 #33528]
Journal Article 1962 Kaizuka, Sohei Geochronology based on volcanic ejecta and its contributions to archaeology in Japan Asian Perspectives (1961) [Kaizuka, 1962 #33531]
Journal Article 1962 Watanabe, Naotune A review of dating methods now used in Japan Asian Perspectives (1961) [Watanabe, 1962 #33554]
Journal Article 1962 Watanabe, Naotune Magnetic dating in Japan Asian Perspectives (1961) [Watanabe, 1962 #33561]
Journal Article 1962 Harrisson, Tom Dating methods and related deductions in the Niah Great Caves Asian Perspectives (1961) [Harrisson, 1962 #33571]
Journal Article 1963 Oba, Toshio New dates for early pottery in Japan Asian Perspectives (1962) [Oba, 1963 #33504]
Journal Article 1975 Morgenstein, Maury Hydration-rind dating for Basaltic glass: a new method for archaeological chronologies Asian Perspectives (1974) [Morgenstein, 1975 #33191]
Journal Article 1974 Morgenstein, Maury Review of "Dating techniques for the archaeologist," Henry N. Michael and Elizabeth K. Ralph, editors Asian Perspectives (1974) [Morgenstein, 1974 #33226]
Journal Article 1975 Harrisson, Tom Tektites as "date markers" in Borneo and elsewhere Asian Perspectives (1975) [Harrisson, 1975 #33186]