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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1994 Tuross, Noreen Subsistence in the Florida archaic: the stable-isotope and archaeobotanical evidence from the Windover site American Antiquity [Tuross, 1994 #33729]
Journal Article 1995 Little, Elizabeth A. The Late Woodland diet on Nantucket Island and the problem of maize in coastal New England American Antiquity [Little, 1995 #33733]
Journal Article 1998 Hutchinson, Dale L. Regional variation in the pattern of maize adoption and use in Florida and Georgia American Antiquity [Hutchinson, 1998 #33734]
Journal Article 2002 Coltrain, Joan Brenner Climate and diet in Fremont prehistory: Economic variability and abandonment of maize agriculture in the Great Salt Lake Basin American Antiquity [Coltrain, 2002 #33736]
Journal Article 1977 Vogel, J. C. Isotopic evidence for early maize cultivation in New York State American Antiquity [Vogel, 1977 #34451]
Journal Article 1991 Matson, R. G. Basketmaker II subsistence: carbon isotopes and other dietary indicators from Cedar Mesa, Utah American Antiquity [Matson, 1991 #34594]
Journal Article 1986 Lynott, Mark J. Stable carbon isotopic evidence for maize agriculture in Southeast Missouri and Northeast Arkansas American Antiquity [Lynott, 1986 #34597]
Journal Article 1995 Katzenberg, M. Anne Stable isotope evidence for maize horticulture and paleodiet in southern Ontario, Canada American Antiquity [Katzenberg, 1995 #34642]
Journal Article 1985 Farnsworth, Paul A re-evaluation of the isotopic and archaeological reconstructions of diet in the Tehuacan Valley American Antiquity [Farnsworth, 1985 #34713]
Journal Article 1981 Bender, Margaret M. Further light on stable carbon isotopes and Hopewell agriculture American Antiquity [Bender, 1981 #34789]
Journal Article 2006 Lösch, Sandra Stable isotopes and dietary adaptations in humans and animals at pre-pottery Neolithic Nevali Çori, Southeast Anatolia American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Lösch, 2006 #30098]
Journal Article 2006 Lee-Thorp, Julia Contributions of biogeochemistry to understanding hominin dietary ecology American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Lee-Thorp, 2006 #30104]
Journal Article 2006 Hutchinson, Dale L. Nutrition and health at contact in late prehistoric central Gulf Coast Florida American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Hutchinson, 2006 #30125]
Journal Article 2006 Fuller, B. T. Detection of breastfeeding and weaning in modern human infants with carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Fuller, 2006 #30134]
Journal Article 2006 Codron, Daryl Inter- and intrahabitat dietary variability of Chacma baboons ({\i Papio ursinus}) in South African Savannas based on fecal delta{\super 13}C, delta{\super 15}N, and %N American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Codron, 2006 #30154]
Journal Article 2006 Clayton, F. Weaning age among foragers at Matjes River Rock Shelter, South Africa, from stable nitrogen and carbon isotope analyses American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Clayton, 2006 #30155]
Journal Article 1998 Wright, Lori E. Stable carbon and oxygen isotopes in human tooth enamel: identifying breastfeeding and weaning in prehistory American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Wright, 1998 #34309]
Journal Article 2000 Krigbaum, John S. Human paleodiet, carbon isotopes, and the canopy effect: documenting the Neolithic in tropical Southeast Asia using tooth enamel apatite American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Krigbaum, 2000 #34355]
Journal Article 2001 Dupras, Tosha L. Infant feeding and weaning practices in Roman Egypt American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Dupras, 2001 #34380]
Journal Article 1996 Yoshinaga, Jun Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic composition of diet and hair of Gidra-speaking Papuans [published erratum appears in American Journal of Physical Anthropology 1996 Aug American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Yoshinaga, 1996 #34419]
Journal Article 1994 White, Christine D. Temporal trends in stable isotopes for Nubian mummy tissues American Journal of Physical Anthropology [White, 1994 #34439]
Journal Article 1997 Schoeninger, Margaret J. Stable isotope ratios indicate diet and habitat use in New World monkeys American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Schoeninger, 1997 #34522]
Journal Article 1968 Race, G. J. Ancient Nubian human bone: a chemical and ultrastructural characterization including collagen American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Race, 1968 #34546]
Journal Article 1999 O'Connell, T. C. Investigations into the effect of diet on modern human hair isotopic values American Journal of Physical Anthropology [O'Connell, 1999 #34575]
Journal Article 1992 Larsen, C. S. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotopic signatures of human dietary change in the Georgia Bight American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Larsen, 1992 #34614]
Journal Article 1993 Katzenberg, M. Anne Age differences in stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios in a population of prehistoric maize horticulturists [published erratum appears in American Journal of Physical Anthropology 1993 Sep American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Katzenberg, 1993 #34643]
Journal Article 1997 Ambrose, Stanley H. Stable isotopic analysis of human diet in the Marianas Archipelago, western Pacific American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Ambrose, 1997 #34808]
Journal Article 1999 Schoeninger, Margaret J. Subsistence strategies of two "savanna" chimpanzee populations: the stable isotope evidence American Journal of Primatology [Schoeninger, 1999 #34333]
Journal Article 1982 van der Merwe, Nikolaas J. Carbon isotopes, photosynthesis, and archaeology American Scientist [van 1982 #34414]
Journal Article 1996 Stott, Andrew W. delta<sup>13</sup>C analysis of cholesterol preserved in archaeological bones and teeth Analytical Chemistry [Stott, 1996 #34322]