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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section 1871 Anderson, John The stone implements of Yunnan, with a notice of a bronze axe-like weapon, from the Sandra valley A report on the expedition to western Yunnan viâ Bhamô [Anderson, 1871 #24412]
Journal Article 1940 Colbert, Edwin H. Pleistocene mammals from the Ma Kai Valley of northern Yunnan, China American Museum Novitates [Colbert, 1940 #35190]
Journal Article 2002 Wu, Liu The diet of the Yuanmou hominoid, Yunnan Province, China: an analysis from tooth size and morphology Anthropological Science [Wu, 2002 #31978]
Journal Article 2012 Yao, Alice Rediscovering the settlement system of the 'Dian' kingdom, in bronze age southern China Antiquity [Yao, 2012 #28301]
Journal Article 2017 Cheung, Christina Examining social and cultural differentiation in early Bronze Age China using stable isotope analysis and mortuary patterning of human remains at Xin'anzhuang, <i> Yinxu </i> Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences [Cheung, 2017 #26805]
Journal Article 2020 Yun, Yali Characteristic features of metal artifacts excavated in western Yunnan in the Bronze Age Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences [Yun, 2020 #36659]
Journal Article 2022 Wang, Tingting Microfossil analysis of dental calculus and isotopic measurements reveal the complexity of human-plant dietary relationships in Late Bronze Age Yunnan Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences [Wang, 2022 #37068]
Journal Article 2020 Yao, Alice Bridging the time gap in the Bronze Age of Southeast Asia and Southwest China Archaeological Research in Asia [Yao, 2020 #19612]
Journal Article 2016 Liu, Hanggao Human settlements and plant utilization since the late prehistoric period in the Nujiang River valley, Southeast Tibetan Plateau Archaeological Research in Asia [Liu, 2016 #27013]
Journal Article 2022 Xue, Yining Post-Neolithic broadening of agriculture in Yunnan, China: Archaeobotanical evidence from Haimenkou Archaeological Research in Asia [Xue, 2022 #37079]
Journal Article 2022 Dal Martello, Rita The origins of multi-cropping agriculture in Southwestern China: Archaeobotanical insights from third to first millennium B.C. Yunnan Asian Archaeology [Dal 2022 #37005]
Journal Article 2017 Hein, Anke Early cultural developments on the eastern rim of the Tibetan Plateau: establishing a new chronological scheme for the Liangshan region Asian Perspectives [Hein, 2017 #26977]
Journal Article 1928 Cordier, Georges Folklore du Yunnan: jeux d'enfants et chansons diverses Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Cordier, 1928 #27146]
Journal Article 1908 Soulié, G. Les barbares soumis du Yunnan (Chapitre du Tien Yi) Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Soulié, 1908 #27397]
Journal Article 1904 Pelliot, P. Notes additionnelles sur la secte du Lotus Blanc et la secte du Nuage Blanc Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Pelliot, 1904 #27480]
Journal Article 1938 Bian, M. N. Cave and rock-shelter deposits in Yunnan Bulletin of the Geological Society of China [Bian, 1938 #34070]
Journal Article 2011 Lustig, Terry Varying levels of the Dian lakes and the Dian lakes culture Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Lustig, 2011 #28307]
Journal Article 2010 Moore, Elizabeth Myanmar bronzes and the Dian cultures of Yunnan Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Moore, 2010 #28677]
Journal Article 2010 Cremin, Aedeen Seeing Dian through barbarian eyes Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Cremin, 2010 #28678]
Journal Article 2010 Chiang, Po-yi The ge of the Shizhaishan cultural complex Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Chiang, 2010 #28679]
Journal Article 2008 Yao, Alice Precipitating change or sustaining traditions: social patterns of a Bronze Age community from the Upper Pearl River drainage in Yunnan before the Han imperial period Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Yao, 2008 #29489]
Journal Article 2024 Elias, Hajni The Southwest Silk Road: artistic exchange and transmission in early China Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies [Elias, 2024 #37290]
Book Section 2012 Lefferts, Leedom Tai potters across borders: tracking ceramic technology in southern Yunnan and northern Thailand Connecting empires and states: selected papers from the 13th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Lefferts, 2012 #22809]
Book Section 2012 Lustig, Terry Linking downstream to upstream in landscape archaeology — two Southeast Asian examples Connecting empires and states: selected papers from the 13th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Lustig, 2012 #22821]
Book Section 2012 Yong, Yang New archaeological discoveries of the bronze and the early iron age in the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau and some related problems Crossing borders: selected papers from the 13th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists [Yong, 2012 #22878]
Journal Article 2022 Zhang, Xiaoming A Late Pleistocene human genome from Southwest China Current Biology [Zhang, 2022 #36995]
Book Section 1979 Pirazzoli-t'Serstevens, Michèle The bronze drums of Shizhai Shan, their social and ritual significance Early South East Asia: essays in archaeology, history, and historical geography [Pirazzoli-t'Serstevens, 1979 #25123]
Book Section 1988 Pei Sheng-ji Plant products and ethnicity in the markets of Xishuangbanna, Yunnan province, China Ethnic diversity and the control of natural resources in Southeast Asia [Pei 1988 #22573]
Book Section 2008 Moore, Elizabeth Myanmar archaeology: Tagaung and the Pyu From <i>Homo erectus</i> to the living traditions [Moore, 2008 #23681]
Journal Article 2021 Liu, Ruiliang Two sides of the same coin: a combination of archaeometallurgy and environmental archaeology to re-examine the hypothesis of Yunnan as the source of highly radiogenic lead in early dynastic China Frontiers in Earth Science [Liu, 2021 #37124]