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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section in a Series 1984 Feinman, Gary Too many types: an overview of sedentary prestate societies in the Americas Advances in archaeological method and theory [Feinman, 1984 #25815]
Journal Article 2008 Torres-Rouff, Christina The influence of Tiwanaku on life in the Chilean Atacama: mortuary and bodily perspectives American Anthropologist [Torres-Rouff, 2008 #29439]
Journal Article 1995 Costin, C. L. Standardization, labor investment, skills, and the organization of ceramic production in late Prehispanic Highland Peru American Antiquity [Costin, 1995 #29018]
Journal Article 1995 Ubelaker, Douglas H. Status and diet in precontact highland Ecuador American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Ubelaker, 1995 #34462]
Journal Article 1978 Benfer, R. A. Mineral analysis of ancient Peruvian hair American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Benfer, 1978 #34788]
Journal Article 1989 Hill, Kim Hunter-gatherers of the New World American Scientist [Hill, 1989 #29546]
Journal Article 1996 Fox, C. L. Analysis of ancient mitochondrial DNA from extinct aborigines from Tierra del Fuego-Patagonia Ancient Biomolecules [Fox, 1996 #32389]
Journal Article 2004 Schurr, Theodore G. The peopling of the New World: perspectives from molecular anthropology Annual Review of Anthropology [Schurr, 2004 #30072]
Book Section 2014 Lechtman, Heather Andean metallurgy in prehistory Archaeometallurgy in global perspective: methods and syntheses [Lechtman, 2014 #22764]
Journal Article 2004 Knudson, K. J. The use of strontium isotope analysis to investigate Tiwanaku migration and mortuary ritual in Bolivia and Peru Archaeometry [Knudson, 2004 #30708]
Book Section 1998 Morris, Craig Inka strategies of incorporation and governance Archaic states [Morris, 1998 #23876]
Book Section 1991 Drennan, Robert D. Pre-Hispanic chiefdom trajectories in Mesoamerica, Central America, and northern South America Chiefdoms: power, economy, and ideology [Drennan, 1991 #23871]
Book Section in a Series 1999 Redmond, Elsa M. A Macroregional View of Cycling Chiefdoms in the Western Venezuelan Llanos Complex Polities in the Ancient Tropical World [Redmond, 1999 #18923]
Journal Article 2002 Tykot, Robert H. The importance of early maize agriculture in coastal Ecuador: new data from La Emerenciana Current Anthropology [Tykot, 2002 #32529]
Book Section 1974 Heine-Geldern, Robert American metallurgy and the Old World Early Chinese art and its possible influence in the Pacific basin : a symposium arranged by the Department of Art History and Archaeology, Columbia University, New York City, August 21-25, 1967 [Heine-Geldern, 1974 #23768]
Journal Article 2004 Conlee, Christina The Foundations of Power in the Prehispanic Andes: An Introduction Foundations of Power in the Prehispanic Andes [Conlee, 2004 #19038]
Journal Article 2004 Aldenderfer, Mark Preludes to Power in the Highland Late Preceramic Period Foundations of Power in the Prehispanic Andes [Aldenderfer, 2004 #19039]
Journal Article 2004 Haas, Jonathan Power and the Emergence of Complex Polities in the Peruvian Preceramic Foundations of Power in the Prehispanic Andes [Haas, 2004 #19040]
Journal Article 2004 Rick, John W. The Evolution of Authority and Power at Chavín de Huántar, Peru Foundations of Power in the Prehispanic Andes [Rick, 2004 #19042]
Journal Article 1993 Wolfsperger, M. Trace elements in ancient Peruvian mummy hair: a preliminary report International Journal of Anthropology [Wolfsperger, 1993 #34431]
Journal Article 2000 Bowser, Barbara J. From pottery to politics: an ethnoarchaeological study of political factionalism, ethnicity, and domestic pottery style in the Ecuadorian Amazon Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory [Bowser, 2000 #29020]
Journal Article 1977 Perkons, A. K. Forensic aspects of trace element variation in the hair of isolated Amazonas Indian tribes Journal of Forensic Sciences [Perkons, 1977 #34557]
Journal Article 1954 Heine-Geldern, Robert Die Asiatiche Herkunft der Sudamerikanischen Metalltechnik Paideuma [Heine-Geldern, 1954 #32541]
Book Section 2010 Pereira, J. A. History of rice in Latin America Rice: origin, antiquity and history [Pereira, 2010 #23219]
Journal Article 1982 Shimada, Izumi Batán Grande: a prehistoric metallurgical center in Peru Science [Shimada, 1982 #29709]
Book Section 1970 Alexander, John The domestication of yams: a multi-disciplinary approach Science in Archeology: A Survey of Progress and Research [Alexander, 1970 #37138]
Book Section in a Series 2013 Mantha, Alexis Shifting Territorialities under the Inka Empire: The Case of the Rapayán Valley in the Central Andean Highlands Territoriality in Archaeology [Mantha, 2013 #18940]
Book Section in a Series 2013 Mantha, Alexis Shifting Territorialities under the Inka Empire: The Case of the Rapayán Valley in the Central Andean Highlands Territoriality in Archaeology [Mantha, 2013 #25182]
Book Section 1980 Lechtman, Heather The central Andes: metallurgy without iron The coming of the age of iron [Lechtman, 1980 #23834]
Book in a Series (Edited) 2004 Vaughn, Kevin J. Foundations of Power in the Prehispanic Andes [Vaughn, 2004 #19037]