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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 2007 Bentley, R. Alexander Lapita migrants in the Pacific’s oldest cemetery: isotopic analysis at Teouma, Vanuatu American Antiquity [Bentley, 2007 #29277]
Journal Article 1998 Spriggs, M. Review of "The Lapita peoples" by P. V. Kirch Anthropos [Spriggs, 1998 #29035]
Journal Article 2014 Skelly, Robert Tracking ancient beach-lines inland: 2600-year-old dentate-stamped ceramics at Hopo, Vailala River region, Papua New Guinea Antiquity [Skelly, 2014 #26775]
Journal Article 1974 Specht, Jim Lapita pottery at Talasea, West New Britain, Papua New Guinea Antiquity [Specht, 1974 #26777]
Journal Article 2002 Torrence, Robin Cultural landscapes on Garua Island, Papua New Guinea Antiquity [Torrence, 2002 #26781]
Journal Article 2006 Bedford, Stuart The Pacific's earliest painted pottery: an added layer of intrigue to the Lapita debate and beyond Antiquity [Bedford, 2006 #26792]
Journal Article 2011 Spriggs, Matthew Archaeology and the Austronesian expansion: where are we now? Antiquity [Spriggs, 2011 #28472]
Journal Article 2006 Bedford, Stuart The Teouma Lapita site and the early human settlement of the Pacific Islands Antiquity [Bedford, 2006 #29280]
Journal Article 1989 Gosden, C Lapita sites of the Bismarck Archipelago Antiquity [Gosden, 1989 #29324]
Journal Article 1989 Bellwood, Peter Lapita colonists leave boats unburned! The question of Lapita links with Island Southeast Asia Antiquity [Bellwood, 1989 #30217]
Journal Article 1986 Spriggs, Matthew How long have people lived in the North Solomons? New archaeological finds in the New Guinea islands region Arawa Bulletin [Spriggs, 1986 #29254]
Book Section in a Series 1998 Spriggs, Matthew From Taiwan to the Tuamotus: Absolute dating of Austronesian language spread and major sub-groups Archaeology and language II: correlating archaeological and linguistic hypotheses [Spriggs, 1998 #25942]
Journal Article 2007 Bedford, Stuart Birds on the rim: a unique Lapita carinated vessel in its wider context Archaeology in Oceania [Bedford, 2007 #29279]
Book Section 2002 Jones, Rhys Theatrum Oceani: themes and arguments concerning the prehistory of Australia and the Pacific Archaeology: the widening debate [Jones, 2002 #24106]
Book Section 1993 Spriggs, Matthew How much of the Lapita design system represents the human face? Artistic heritage in a changing Pacific [Spriggs, 1993 #23619]
Book Section 1998 Newton, Douglas Les Papous et les Mélanésiens primitifs Arts des mers du Sud : Insulinde, Mélanésie, Polynésie, Micronésie : Collections du musée Barbier-Muelle [Newton, 1998 #24089]
Book Section 1996 Spriggs, Matthew The archaeology of Vanuatu in Pacific perspective Arts of Vanuatu [Spriggs, 1996 #23608]
Journal Article 1990 Pietrusewsky, Michael Lapita-associated skeletons from Watom Island, Papua New Guinea, and the origins of the Polynesians Asian Perspectives (1988-1989) [Pietrusewsky, 1990 #32982]
Journal Article 1991 Kirch, Patrick V. Specialization and exchange in the Lapita complex of Oceania (1600-500 B.C.) Asian Perspectives (1990) [Kirch, 1991 #32961]
Journal Article 1993 Shutler, Richard, Jr. Review of "Lapita, design, form and composition, proceedings of the Lapita design workshop, Canberra, Australia, December 1988," Matthew Spriggs, editor Asian Perspectives (1993) [Shutler, 1993 #32904]
Journal Article 1994 Intoh, Michiko Review of "Archaeology of the Lapita cultural complex: a critical review" edited by Patrick V. Kirch and Terry L. Hunt Asian Perspectives (1994) [Intoh, 1994 #32887]
Journal Article 1994 Gosden, Chris Lolmo Cave: a mid- to late Holocene site, the Arawe Islands, west New Britain province, Papua New Guinea Asian Perspectives (1994) [Gosden, 1994 #32890]
Journal Article 1995 Wickler, Stephen Review of "Report of the Lapita Homeland Project" by Jim Allen and Chris Gosden Asian Perspectives (1995) [Wickler, 1995 #32854]
Journal Article 1997 Specht, Jim Dating Lapita pottery in the Bismarck Archipelago, Papua New Guinea Asian Perspectives (1997) [Specht, 1997 #32811]
Journal Article 1998 Bedford, Stuart The Australian National University - National Museum of Vanuatu Archaeology Project: a preliminary report on the establishment of cultural sequences and rock art research Asian Perspectives (1998) [Bedford, 1998 #32783]
Journal Article 1998 Dickinson, William R. Geomorphic and archaeological landscapes of the Sigatoka dune site, Viti Levu, Fiji: interdisciplinary investigations Asian Perspectives (1998) [Dickinson, 1998 #32792]
Journal Article 1998 Sand, Christophe Recent archaeological research in the Loyalty islands of New Caledonia Asian Perspectives (1998) [Sand, 1998 #32794]
Journal Article 2001 Summerhayes, Glenn R. Far Western, Western, and Eastern Lapita: a re-evaluation Asian Perspectives (2000) [Summerhayes, 2001 #32750]
Journal Article 2001 White, Peter Review of "On the road of the winds: an archaeological history of the Pacific Islands before European contact" by Kirch, Patrick Vinton Asian Perspectives (2000) [White, 2001 #32752]
Journal Article 2002 Sand, Christophe Site LPO023 of Kurin: characteristics of a Lapita settlement in the Loyalty Islands (New Caledonia) Asian Perspectives (2002) [Sand, 2002 #32710]