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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book (Edited) 1921 Dames, Mansel Longworth The book of Duarte Barbosa: an account of the countries bordering on the Indian Ocean and their inhabitants [Dames, 1921 #21526]
Book (Edited) 1934 Dupont, Pierre Catalogue des collections indochinoises [Dupont, 1934 #21342]
Book (Edited) 1934 Foster, W. The voyages of Thomas Best to the East Indies, 1612-1614 [Foster, 1934 #21497]
Book (Edited) 1945 Honig, Pieter Science and scientists in the Netherlands Indies [Honig, 1945 #21484]
Book (Edited) 1949 Mills, Lennox Algernon The new world of southeast Asia [Mills, 1949 #21555]
Book (Edited) 1955 van Leur, J. C. Indonesian trade and society: essays in Asian social and economic history [van 1955 #21469]
Book (Edited) 1960 LeBar, Frank M. Laos: its people, its society, its culture [LeBar, 1960 #21558]
Book (Edited) 1960 Bowie, Theodore The arts of Thailand: a handbook of the architecture, sculpture, and painting of Thailand (Siam), and a catalogue of the exhibition in the United States in 1960-61-62 [Bowie, 1960 #21575]
Book (Edited) 1963 Jewell, P. A. The experimental earthwork on Overton Down, Wiltshire, 1960: An account of the construction of an earthwork to investigate by experiment the way in which archaeological structures are denuded and buried [Jewell, 1963 #21479]
Book (Edited) 1963 Barrau, Jacques Plants and the migrations of Pacific peoples [Barrau, 1963 #21589]
Book (Edited) 1964 LeBar, Frank M. Ethnic groups of mainland Southeast Asia [LeBar, 1964 #21559]
Book (Edited) 1965 Ehrich, Robert W. Chronologies in Old World archaeology [Ehrich, 1965 #21446]
Book (Edited) 1966 Fraser, D. The many faces of primitive art: a crtitical anthology [Fraser, 1966 #21493]
Book (Edited) 1967 Frasier, Douglas Early Chinese art and the Pacific basin: a photographic exhibition [Frasier, 1967 #21528]
Book (Edited) 1967 Drake, F. S. Symposium on historical, archaeological and linguistic studies on southern China, south-east Asia and the Hong Kong region: Papers presented at meetings held in September 1961 as part of the Golden Jubilee Congress of the University of Hong Kong [Drake, 1967 #21574]
Book (Edited) 1967 Koentjaraningrat Villages in Indonesia [Koentjaraningrat 1967 #21576]
Book (Edited) 1967 Hinton, Peter Tribesmen and peasants in north Thailand [Hinton, 1967 #21578]
Book (Edited) 1967 Brothwell, Don R. Diseases in antiquity, a survey of the diseases, injuries, and surgery of early populations [Brothwell, 1967 #21588]
Book (Edited) 1967 Kunstadter, Peter Southeast Asian tribes, minorities and nations. Vols. 1 and 2. [Kunstadter, 1967 #21610]
Book (Edited) 1969 Trager, Helen G. We the Burmese, voices from Burma [Trager, 1969 #21347]
Book (Edited) 1969 Barkataki, S. Tribes of Assam India—the land and people [Barkataki, 1969 #21349]
Book (Edited) 1971 Soepadmo, E. A guide to Batu caves [Soepadmo, 1971 #21586]
Book (Edited) 1972 Binford, Lewis R. An archaeological perspective [Binford, 1972 #21452]
Book (Edited) 1972 Barnard, Noel Early Chinese art and its possible influence in the Pacific basin. Volume 2: Asia [Barnard, 1972 #21583]
Book (Edited) 1972 Barnard, Noel Early Chinese art and its possible influence in the Pacific basin. Volume 1: Ch'u and the silk manuscript [Barnard, 1972 #21584]
Book (Edited) 1972 Barnard, Noel Early Chinese art and its possible influence in the Pacific basin. Volume 3: Oceania and the Americas [Barnard, 1972 #21585]
Book (Edited) 1974 UNESCO Natural resources of humid tropical Asia Natural Resources Research [UNESCO 1974 #21348]
Book (Edited) 1974 Hutchinson, Sir Joseph Evolutionary studies in world crops [Hutchinson, 1974 #21437]
Book (Edited) 1975 Chittick, N. East Africa and the Orient: cultural syntheses in pre-colonial times [Chittick, 1975 #21513]
Book (Edited) 1975 Asmar, Teguh Laporan penelitian Rembang [Asmar, 1975 #21556]