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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1819 Copland, John Accounts of the carnelian mines in the neighbourhood of Baroach Transactions of the Bombay Literary Society [Copland, 1819 #29819]
Journal Article 1842 Hendricks, A. Iets over de Wapenfabrikatie op Borneo Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap [Hendricks, 1842 #29552]
Journal Article 1847 Logan, J. R. The Orang Binua of Johore Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia [Logan, 1847 #33974]
Journal Article 1848 Noggerath, Herrn Die kunst, onyx, carneole, chalcedone, und andere verwandte steinarten zu farben, zur erlauterung einer stelle des Plinius Secundus Archiv für Mineralogie, Geognosie, Bergbau und Hüttenkunde [Noggerath, 1848 #29060]
Journal Article 1849 Burns, R. The Kayans of north-west Borneo Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia [Burns, 1849 #28539]
Journal Article 1850 MacGowan, D. J. Note on maritime Malays Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia [MacGowan, 1850 #31607]
Journal Article 1851 Summers, A. An account of the agate and carnelian trade of Cambay Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society [Summers, 1851 #29367]
Journal Article 1862 Mitra, Rajendralala, Raja On some Bactro-Buddhist relics from Ráwal Pindi Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal [Mitra, 1862 #29204]
Journal Article 1863 Earl, G. W. On the shell-mounds of Province Wellesley in the Malay Peninsula Transactions of the Ethnological Society, New Series [Earl, 1863 #35913]
Journal Article 1865 Ball, Valentine Stone implements found in Bengal Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal [Ball, 1865 #31956]
Journal Article 1867 Ball, Valentine Note on stone implements found in Bengal Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal [Ball, 1867 #31955]
Journal Article 1869 Ball, Valentine Stone implements discovered in Singbhum Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal [Ball, 1869 #31953]
Journal Article 1869 Ball, Valentine On the ancient copper miners of Singbhum Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal [Ball, 1869 #31954]
Journal Article 1870 Evans, J. Stone Implements from Burma Nature [Evans, 1870 #37251]
Journal Article 1872 Barron Note on stone implements from the Naga Hills Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland [Barron 1872 #34076]
Journal Article 1874 Ball, Valentine On an ancient perforated stone found in Satpura hills Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal [Ball, 1874 #31952]
Journal Article 1875 Ball, Valentine On some stone implements of the Barmese type, found in Pargana Dalbhum, District of Singbhum, Chota-Nagpur Division Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal [Ball, 1875 #34116]
Journal Article 1876 Harmand, Jules-François Voyage au Cambodge Bulletin de la Société de Géographie [Harmand, 1876 #29210]
Journal Article 1877 Cartailhac, Émile L'âge de la pierre dans l'Indochine Matériaux pour l'Histoire Primitive et Naturelle de l'Homme [Cartailhac, 1877 #30487]
Journal Article 1879 Kern, H. Inscriptions cambodgiennes: inscription de Prea-Khan (Campong Soai) Annales de l'Extrême Orient et de l'Afrique [Kern, 1879 #28236]
Journal Article 1879 Corre, A. Rapport sur de nouvelles recherches relatives à l'âge de la pierre polie et du bronze en Indochine Cochinchine française excursions et reconnaissances [Corre, 1879 #30506]
Journal Article 1879 Corre, A. Rapport sur les objets de l'âge de la pierre polie et du bronze recueillis à Som-Ron-Sen (Cambodge) Cochinchine française excursions et reconnaissances [Corre, 1879 #30507]
Journal Article 1882 Moura, J. Fabrication du fer chez les Cuois du Compong-Soai Revue d'Ethnographie [Moura, 1882 #28235]
Journal Article 1882 Wake, C. Staniland Notes on the origin of the Malagasy Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland [Wake, 1882 #28530]
Journal Article 1882 Lesserteur, L'Abbé E. C. Inscriptions Qhiames de l'ancien Ciampa Bulletin de la Société académique indo-chinoise de la France [Lesserteur, 1882 #29382]
Journal Article 1882 Fuchs, Edmond Station préhistorique de Son-Ron-Sen, au Cambodge, son âge Matériaux pour l'Histoire Primitive et Naturelle de l'Homme [Fuchs, 1882 #29682]
Journal Article 1882 Maxwell, W. E. The history of Perak from native sources Journal of the Straits Branch Royal Asiatic Society [Maxwell, 1882 #33971]
Journal Article 1885 Forbes, H. O. On the Kubrus of Sumatra Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland [Forbes, 1885 #29728]
Journal Article 1886 Anonymous Metal-work of the Burmese Science [Anonymous 1886 #28540]
Journal Article 1889 Aymonier, Étienne Grammaire de la langue chame Excursions et Reconnaissances [Aymonier, 1889 #29982]