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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1926 Dalton, H. Goring Some Malay boats and their uses Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society [Dalton, 1926 #31238]
Journal Article 1927 Evans, Ivor H. N. Notes on the remains of an old boat from Pontian, Pahang Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums [Evans, 1927 #31658]
Journal Article 1930 Heine-Geldern, Robert Weltbild und Bauform in Südostasien Wiener Beiträge zur Kunst- und Kulturgeschickte Asiens [Heine-Geldern, 1930 #31643]
Journal Article 1941 Paris, P. Les bateaux des bas-reliefs khmèrs Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Paris, 1941 #32192]
Book 1946 Hornell, James Water transport: origins and early evolution [Hornell, 1946 #20512]
Journal Article 1946 Hornell, James Primitive types of water transport in Asia: distribution and origins Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland [Hornell, 1946 #32554]
Journal Article 1949 Gibson-Hill, C. A. Cargo boats of the East Coast of Malaya Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society [Gibson-Hill, 1949 #30315]
Journal Article 1952 Gibson-Hill, C. A. Further notes on the old boat found at Pontian, in southern Pahang Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society [Gibson-Hill, 1952 #31652]
Journal Article 1952 Paris, P. Quelques dates pour une hisotire de la jonque chinoise Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Paris, 1952 #32168]
Journal Article 1954 Paris, Pierre Quelques dates pour une histoire de la jonque chinoise (note complémentaire) Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Paris, 1954 #32164]
Book 1971 Greenhill, Basil Boats and boatmen in Pakistan [Greenhill, 1971 #20550]
Book 1971 Casson, Lionel Ships and seamanship in the ancient world [Casson, 1971 #20706]
Book 1976 Greenhill, Basil Archaeology of the boat: a new introductory study [Greenhill, 1976 #20547]
Report 1979 Spriggs, Matthew Col de la Pirogue, New Caledonia: preliminary report on taro irrigation [Spriggs, 1979 #36214]
Report 1979 Spriggs, Matthew Their patrimonial soil they rudely till'd: taro irrigation in Oceania, Year One report [Spriggs, 1979 #36215]
Journal Article 1980 Spriggs, Matthew Taro irrigation in the Pacific: a call for more research South Pacific Bulletin [Spriggs, 1980 #29264]
Journal Article 1980 Manguin, Pierre-Yves The Southeast Asian ship: an historical approach Journal of Southeast Asian Studies [Manguin, 1980 #32303]
Book in a Series 1981 Spriggs, Matthew Bombs and butter: the revival of ancient irrigation techniques for a market economy: a Pacific example [Spriggs, 1981 #21731]
Journal Article 1981 Spriggs, Matthew Water under the bridge: comments on Farrington and Bellwood's prehistoric irrigation hydrology of pondfield Taro Archaeology in Oceania [Spriggs, 1981 #29340]
Book 1982 Horridge, G. A. The lashed-lug boat of the eastern archipelagoes Maritime Monographs and Reports [Horridge, 1982 #20511]
Book Section 1982 Spriggs, Matthew Taro (<i>Colocasia esculenta</i>) irrigation techniques in the Pacific: labour inputs, yields and cropping cycles IFS Regional Meeting on Edible Aroids, Suva, Fiji, November 1981 [Spriggs, 1982 #23623]
Book Section in a Series 1982 Spriggs, Matthew Irrigation in Melanesia: formative adaptation and intensification Melanesia: beyond diversity [Spriggs, 1982 #25630]
Book Section in a Series 1982 Spriggs, Matthew Traditional uses of fresh water in Papua New Guinea: past neglect and future possibilities Traditional conservation in Papua New Guinea: implications for today. Proceedings of a conference organized by the Office of Environment and Conservation and the Institute of Applied Social and Economic Research in Port Moresby, 27-31 October, 1980 [Spriggs, 1982 #25631]
Book in a Series (Edited) 1983 Sheppard, Mubin Papers relating to Trengganu [Sheppard, 1983 #22084]
Journal Article 1983 Deloche, Jean Études sur la circulation en Inde. III. Le bateau de Tirupputaimarutur (Sud de l'Inde) Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Deloche, 1983 #32053]
Book Section in a Series 1984 Spriggs, Matthew Taro irrigation techniques in the Pacific Edible aroids [Spriggs, 1984 #25629]
Journal Article 1985 Deloche, Jean Études sur la circulation en Inde: IV. Notes sur les sites du quelques ports anciens du pays Tamoul Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Deloche, 1985 #32045]
Book 1986 Horridge, Adrian Sailing craft of Indonesia [Horridge, 1986 #20510]
Book in a Series 1989 Spriggs, Matthew The past, present and future of traditional taro irrigation in the Pacific: an example of traditional ecological knowledge [Spriggs, 1989 #21729]
Journal Article 1989 Whitley, Glenn R. The evolution of outrigger canoes from fish traps Asian Perspectives (1986-1987) [Whitley, 1989 #33013]