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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book Section in a Series 1978 Evans, Robert K. Early craft specialization: an example from the Balkan Chalcolithic Social archaeology: beyond subsistence and dating [Evans, 1978 #25793]
Book Section in a Series 1984 Tosi, Maurizio The notion of craft specialization and its representation in the archaeological record of early states in the Turanian Basin Marxist perspectives in archaeology [Tosi, 1984 #25759]
Journal Article 1984 Burton, John Quarrying in a tribal society World Archaeology [Burton, 1984 #35552]
Journal Article 1984 Burton, John Field research at the stone axe quarries of Western Highlands and Simbu Provinces, Papua New Guinea Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association [Burton, 1984 #35748]
Book (Edited) 1987 Brumfiel, Elizabeth M. Specialization, exchange and complex societies New Directions in Archaeology [Brumfiel, 1987 #21391]
Book Section 1987 Brumfiel, Elizabeth M. Specialization, exchange, and complex societies: an introduction Specialization, exchange, and complex societies [Brumfiel, 1987 #25072]
Journal Article 1989 Roux, V. Knapping technique and craft specialization: an ethnoarchaeological investigation in Gujarat Puratattva [Roux, 1989 #28885]
Book Section 1990 Roux, V. Study on craft specialization based on data related to apprenticeship South Asian Archaeology 1987. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference of the Association of South Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe, held in the Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice [Roux, 1990 #23282]
Book Section in a Series 1990 Clark, John E. Craft specialization and cultural complexity Research in Economic Anthropology [Clark, 1990 #25802]
Journal Article 1990 Knapp, A. Bernard Review of "Paradise gained and paradise lost: intensification, specialization, complexity, collapse" Asian Perspectives (1988-1989) [Knapp, 1990 #32971]
Book Section 1991 London, G. A. Standardization and variation in the work of craft specialists Ceramic ethnoarchaeology [London, 1991 #24406]
Book Section 1991 London, Gloria Anne Standardization and variation in the work of craft specialists Ceramic ethnoarchaeology [London, 1991 #25149]
Book Section in a Series 1991 Costin, Cathy Lynne Craft specialization: issues in defining, documenting, and explaining the organization of production Archaeological method and theory [Costin, 1991 #25800]
Book Section in a Series - NST 1991 Costin, Lynne Craft specialization: issues in defining, documenting, and explaining the organization of production Archaeological Method and Theory [Costin, 1991 #26397]
Journal Article 1991 Stark, Miriam Ceramic production and community specialization: a Kalinga ethnoarchaeological study World Archaeology [Stark, 1991 #31784]
Journal Article 1991 Kenoyer, Jonathan Mark Contemporary stone beadmaking in Khambhat, India: patterns of craft specialization and organization of production as reflected in the archaeological record World Archaeology [Kenoyer, 1991 #31786]
Journal Article 1991 Charlton, Thomas H. Aztec craft production and specialization: archaeological evidence from the city-state of Otumba, Mexico World Archaeology [Charlton, 1991 #31789]
Journal Article 1991 Peregrine, Peter Some political aspects of craft specialization World Archaeology [Peregrine, 1991 #36008]
Journal Article 1992 Bowie, Katherine A. Unravelling the myth of the subsistence economy: textile production in nineteenth-century northern Thailand Journal of Asian Studies [Bowie, 1992 #35553]
Book Section in a Series 1993 Cross, John R. Craft specialization in nonstratified societies Research in Economic Anthropology [Cross, 1993 #25797]
Journal Article 1993 Junker, Laura Lee Craft goods specialization and prestige goods exchange in Philippine chiefdoms of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries Asian Perspectives (1993) [Junker, 1993 #32912]
Book Section in a Series 1995 Stark, Miriam T. Economic intensification and ceramic specialization in the Philippines: a view from Kalinga Research in Economic Anthropology [Stark, 1995 #26104]
Book in a Series (Edited) 1996 Wailes, Bernard Craft specialization and social evolution: in memory of V. Gordon Childe [Wailes, 1996 #22111]
Book Section in a Series 1996 Wells, Peter S. Location, organization, and specialization of craft production in late prehistoric central Europe Craft specialization and social evolution: in memory of V. Gordon Childe [Wells, 1996 #25752]
Book Section in a Series 1996 Zettler, Richard L. Gordon Childe and the socioeconomic position of craft specialists in early Mesopotamia Craft specialization and social evolution: in memory of V. Gordon Childe [Zettler, 1996 #25778]
Book Section in a Series 1996 Kohl, Philip L. Childe and "the barbarians": a reconsideration Craft specialization and social evolution: in memory of V. Gordon Childe [Kohl, 1996 #25788]
Book Section in a Series 1996 Anthony, David W. V. G. Childe's world system and the daggers of the early bronze age Craft specialization and social evolution: in memory of V. Gordon Childe [Anthony, 1996 #25814]
Book Section in a Series 1996 Wright, Rita P. Contexts of specialization: V. Gordon Childe and social evolution Craft specialization and social evolution: in memory of V. Gordon Childe [Wright, 1996 #26180]
Book Section in a Series 1996 White, Joyce C. From community craft to regional specialization: intensification of copper production in prestate Thailand Craft specialization and social evolution: in memory of V. Gordon Childe [White, 1996 #26181]
Book Section in a Series 1996 Underhill, Anne P. Craft production and social evolution during the Longshan Period of northern China Craft specialization and social evolution: in memory of V. Gordon Childe [Underhill, 1996 #26184]