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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Journal Article 1901 Leclère, Adhémard Le Cûlâ-Kantana-Mangala ou la fête de la coupe de la Houppe d'un prince royal à Phnôm-Pénh, le 16 mai 1901 Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Leclère, 1901 #27557]
Journal Article 1901 Lunet de Lajonquière, Étienne Edmond Vieng-Chan Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Lunet 1901 #27560]
Journal Article 1903 Chavannes, Edouard Les Saintes instructions de l'empereur Hong-Wou (1368-1398) publiées en 1587 et illustrées par Tchong Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Chavannes, 1903 #27502]
Journal Article 1903 Pelliot, Paul La secte du Lotus Blanc et la secte du Nuage Blanc Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Pelliot, 1903 #27511]
Journal Article 1909 Peri, Nöel Le monastère de la Kouan-yin qui ne veut pas s'en aller Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Peri, 1909 #27325]
Book 1931 Wales, Quaritch H. G. Siamese state ceremonies: their history and function [Wales, 1931 #19767]
Book 1935 Dumarest, André La formation de classes sociales en pays annamite [Dumarest, 1935 #19820]
Book 1949 White, Leslie A. The science of culture: a study of man and civilization [White, 1949 #20569]
Journal Article 1952 Coughlin, Richard J. The status of the Chinese minority in Thailand Pacific Affairs [Coughlin, 1952 #27899]
Book in a Series 1953 T'ien, Ju-k'ang The Chinese of Sarawak [T'ien, 1953 #21771]
Journal Article 1955 Moréchand, Guy Caractères économiques et sociaux d'une région de pêche maritime du Centre Viêtnam (Nha-trang) Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Moréchand, 1955 #32162]
Journal Article 1957 Bitard, Pierre Études khmères: Les membres de la famille royale du Cambodge et leurs titres d'après l'ordonnance de S. M. An Duoin Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Bitard, 1957 #32157]
Book 1958 Sharma, Ram Sharan Sudras in ancient India: a survey of the position of the lower orders down to circa A.D. 500 [Sharma, 1958 #20181]
Journal Article 1958 Phillips, Herbert P. The Election Ritual in a Thai Village Journal of Social Issues [Phillips, 1958 #30388]
Journal Article 1958 Chang, Kwang-chih Some aspects of social structure and settlement patterns in Southeast Asia Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnology Academia Sinica [Chang, 1958 #35309]
Book 1959 Djamour, Judith Malay kinship and marriage in Singapore Monographs on Social Anthropology [Djamour, 1959 #19864]
Book in a Series 1959 Steinberg, David J. Cambodia: its people, its society, its culture [Steinberg, 1959 #21780]
Journal Article 1959 Leach, E. R. Hydraylic society in Ceylon Past and Present [Leach, 1959 #28050]
Book in a Series (Edited) 1960 Murdock, George Peter Social structure in Southeast Asia [Murdock, 1960 #22090]
Book 1962 Dewey, Alice G. Peasant marketing in Java Series on Contemporary Javanese Life [Dewey, 1962 #19824]
Book in a Series 1962 Service, Elman R. Primitive social organization: an evolutionary perspective [Service, 1962 #21753]
Book in a Series 1963 Lehman, F. K. The structure of Chin society [Lehman, 1963 #21977]
Journal Article 1963 Sahlins, Marshall D. Poor man, rich man, big-man, chief: political types in Melanesia and Polynesia Comparative Studies in Society and History [Sahlins, 1963 #28203]
Book 1964 Vergouwen, J. C. The social organisation and customary law of the Toba-Batak of Northern Sumatra Translation series / Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde [Vergouwen, 1964 #19853]
Journal Article 1964 Lafont, P. -B. Contribution à l'étude des structures sociales des Cham du Viêt-Nam Bulletin de l'École française d'Extrême-Orient [Lafont, 1964 #32131]
Book in a Series (Edited) 1966 Banton, Michael The social anthropology of complex societies [Banton, 1966 #22073]
Book Section in a Series 1966 Benedict, Burton Sociological characteristics of small territories and their implications for economic development The social anthropology of complex societies [Benedict, 1966 #25826]
Book Section 1967 Lehman, F. K. Ethnic categories in Burma and the theory of social systems Southeast Asian tribes, minorities, and nations [Lehman, 1967 #24893]
Journal Article 1967 Ricklefs, M. C. Land and the law in the epigraphy of tenth-century Cambodia Journal of Asian Studies [Ricklefs, 1967 #28047]
Journal Article 1968 Sugiono, M. Village social development organization in Indonesia Paediatrica Indonesiana [Sugiono, 1968 #30257]