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Type Year Authors Title Source ID
Book 1957 Skinner, G. William Chinese society in Thailand: an analytical history [Skinner, 1957 #20818]
Journal Article 1960 Skinner, G. William Change and persistence in Chinese culture overseas: a comparison of Thailand and Java Journal of the South Seas Society [Skinner, 1960 #30304]
Book Section 1983 Anderson, J. N. Diversity and interdependence in the trade hinterlands of Melaka Melaka [Anderson, 1983 #24555]
Book 1986 Forman, Richard T. T. Landscape Ecology [Forman, 1986 #21234]
Journal Article 1992 Stark, Miriam T. From sibling to suki: social relations and spatial proximity in Kalinga pottery exchange Journal of Anthropological Archaeology [Stark, 1992 #34818]
Book Section 1994 Stark, Miriam T. Pottery exchange and the regional system: a Dalupa case study Kalinga Ethnoarchaeology: Expanding Archaeological Method and Theory [Stark, 1994 #24810]
Journal Article 1995 Chen, Kwang-tzu The late prehistory of Xinjiang in relation to its neighbors Journal of World Prehistory [Chen, 1995 #29890]
Thesis 1995 Grave, Peter Roper The shift to Commodity: A Study of Ceramic Production and Upland-Lowland Interaction in Northwestern Thailand 1000-1650 AD [Grave, 1995 #36340]
Book Section 2000 Renard, Ronald D. The differential integration of hill people into the Thai state Civility and Savagery [Renard, 2000 #23259]
Journal Article 2008 Bedford, Stuart Northern Vanuatu as a Pacific crossroads: the archaeology of discovery, interaction, and the emergence of the "ethnographic present" Asian Perspectives (2008) [Bedford, 2008 #29525]
Journal Article 2012 Yao, Alice Sarmatian mirrors and Han ingots (100 BC-AD 100): how the foreign became local and vice versa Cambridge Archaeological Journal [Yao, 2012 #28017]
Journal Article 2015 Allard, Francis China's early impact on eastern Yunnan: incorporation, acculturation, and the convergence of evidence Journal of Indo-Pacific Archaeology [Allard, 2015 #28039]